Classical Composer Reacts to MEGADETH: PEACE SELLS | The Daily Doug (Episode 752)

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#megadeth #peacesells

In this #metalmonday edition of #thedailydoug, I'm returning to the music of Megadeth and their break-out hit Peace Sells. Of the four songs by Megadeth I've heard on the channel so far, this is my favorite. The great bass line and social commentary put it over the edge for me! I hope you enjoy!

Catch up on my full album reactions at my Patreon!

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Favorite line from this song is "What do ya mean I'm not kind. Just not _your_ kind."


The intro was used as the MTV News jingle for years.


this album deserve a full listening. it's truly a metal masterpiece


Megadeath really is like:
"I hate the government" *15 minute guitar solo*


Ellefson's bass has never sounded better than this album.

Dave's voice is perfect for this, his snarl, the venom and contempt, the rage barely contained rage. I love the part with the 2 intertwined solos. This album is a pure monster!


Did I just see Doug headbang through a double kick section?! 6:18 lmao I can die happy


Happiness was cycling Peace sells, Among the Living, , Master of Puppets and Regn in Blood after school.


Chris Poland and Gar Samuelson were Jazz players before joining Megadeth, their influences helped create Megadeth's signature sound. This song even though its great, don't showcase the lineup musical abilities at all. Try Good Mourning/Black Friday or Bad Omen next.


Wake up dead was killing it on Headbangers ball, when the M in MTV stood for music.


Best song from this album to react: good morning black friday


My favorite tune of Megadeth is on this same album "Wake up Dead" a must listen. The epitome of a metal song. So good in all respects.


My life is simple. I see a fresh Daily Doug reacts to metal video, I watch it.


this is one of my favorite albums of all time. I'm a 56 year little "old" lady and I still listen to it regularly (though usually in the car, as I don't want to disturb my neighbors - I did grow up a little bit ;) I remember seeing Megadeth on several occasions at both L'Amour and the Ritz in NY. Quality of the performance was always iffy as no joke, those guys were hell bent on self destruction with booze and heroin among other things, but when they were good....omg it was just beautiful blazing raw thrashing power.

So glad you reviewed this one, and enjoyed it!


It's cool. I actually know Chris Poland. He has a fusion power trio that regularly plays at this little place near me called the Baked Potato. The place is so small it's like a living room and everyone, guests and performers hang out in the back between sets as there's no back stage. I have a CD of stuff I wrote when I was studying music theory and he actually really likes it. Every few months he tells me he was cleaning his house and he came across it and listened to it again and he still likes it. Very flattering


Chris Poland, the guitarist of the band at this time, was just a straight-up jazz-fusion guitarist in a metal band. Some really jazz-influenced licks in his solos for sure. And he'd come back for Megadeth's "The System Has Failed" album.

Vocally, Dave's snarl really works on this one. It fits the mood for sure.


My first Megadeth album and one of my favorites. Frontman Dave Mustaine recalled the writing of this song to Rolling Stone: "I was homeless at the time, and I was living in a rehearsal place in Vernon, California. I was seeing a girl, Diana - there were a lot of songs I wrote about her. I actually wrote the lyrics to that song on the wall, in that building. I didn't have any paper in the studio, but I had a Sharpie, so I just wrote on the wall. Whoever inherited our rehearsal room after I moved out, saw the original lyrics to 'Peace Sells' on the wall. They probably painted right over it and didn't even know it."
According to former Megadeth guitarist Chris Poland, Dave Mustaine originally conceived this as an 8-minute piece before drummer and close friend Gar Samuelson talked him out of it. Poland told Xtreme Metal Radio: "I think originally it was eight minutes long, and Gar said, 'You know what? This is too good a song to drag it out like this. Let's shorten the arrangement, cut it down to size and make it a single.' Dave said, 'Yeah, let's do that.' I honestly think Dave respected Gar's opinion on stuff – he was the only guy in the band Dave wouldn't mess with. He totally respected Gar, and thank God he did, If Gar hadn't talked Dave into shortening the song."
Mustaine also penned the opening bassline, which became famous for being used as the theme for MTV News.


"What is this garbage you're watching? I want to watch the news.."
"This IS the news!"


The first two Megadeth albums were really special because Chris Poland and Gar Samuelson came from a Jazz/Fusion background (They previously played together in a Fusion band) and their musical influence combined with Dave's riffs really set Megadeth apart. "Good Mourning/Black Friday" is another song from this album worth checking out (the whole album is a masterpiece), Chris Poland's guitar solos are incredible and the lyrics are really dark and gruesome.


Good vid as always.
Joe Walsh once said at a concert . .
"If I'd known I'd be playing this song for 30 years, I'd a written a different song" 😊


This song still gets me going after all of these years.
