How To Get Massive With Pullups!

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How To Get Massive With Pullups! - Old School Mass Gain
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Man I had some thickness in my lats cause I used to do rdls and bent over rows. Developed some strength and started doing pull-ups and my lats blew up. 3 sets of 15 to failure, 4 days a week for 3 months and that's all I did for back no deadlifts or nothing. Pull-ups work like magic


It took me 2 years to do pullups without being extremely uncomfortable. Its a very hard excercise. When i started doing weighted pullups it was even more uncomfortable and it was very hard to improve. Then lockdown happened and i started training every single day. My muscles started to get used to it and i could do a lot. When i started to do normal back training again my pullup strength absolutely exploded and its been way more fun ever since.


Pull-ups are the best. I started doing them nonchalantly at home when I bought a decent bar during Covid, then I flipped the script and did them at least twice a week. Started with 2 sets of max reps (between 7 and 9), then did half those numbers (3-4) for sets every minute on the minute until I reached 40-50 repetitions. I am a fairly slim guy in general but my back has developed quite a bit. The only downside is my shirts don't fit anymore lol


That assisted pull-up machine gathering dust in your gym is an absolute goldmine. I could only do 2 pull-ups on my own but with this built in spotter I did 12 reps and the pump was simply insane. IMO the most valuable underused piece of equipment out there.


I hope i can do my first pullup this year.


I've heard from multiple people that once they incorporated the weighted pull-up their backs grew like crazy. I've been doing lat pulldowns for the vertical plane, maybe it's time to swap it out


So glad this guy is emphasizing pull-ups. He knows his shit. Get big, get strong, keep up with your pull-ups as you gain mass, and boom, your back stays ahead of the game!


This is so true. 1 year ago I couldn't do a single pull up. I started going to the gym and made them my main compound back movement, working negatives and assisted pull ups until I got my first. Then I built up my strength with that 1 rep and yesterday I just did 6 reps with 10kg for 3 sets with amazing form, whilst also weighing 15kg more than I did 1 year ago. Stick to the basics!


Hey Pete, I'm 60yrs old I do 2 sets of 25 strict body weight pullups. 4 times a week with a set of a 100 pushups after every workout. My father was a old time lifter. If you can do these 2 movements after a hard workout. It will tell me how strong you are. Keep up the good work. SGT MAJOR, Chris Dupras.


I have been doing pull ups for over 20 years of training, i do 5 sets of pull ups, 20 reps per set, a total of 100 reps, this is for me the best exercise for back


Honestly I started doing pull-ups everyday last week trying to increase the number I could get because I wasn't enjoying lat pulldowns that much anymore. In just a few days I went from 1 pull-up at a time to being able to do 5 nothing feels better than being able to do a lot of pull-ups back to back


Pull ups will never leave my workout log


Youtube literally gave me a notice about this video and I didn’t even sub to this channel😧


Film student here. All this information is extremely interesting but two things really stood out for me in this video... The way you set up this shot, when you spoke about "taking a note out of Arnolds Shwarzenegger's book, literally" while having it directly next to you in the shot was a really neat detail. And that quick mask transition when you walk to the left of the screen to reveal your main wide shot also didn't go un-noticed. It's those little things man, hell yea, keep it up🤠🤝


Best gains of my life as a teenager! Once you're able to do dead hang pullups, especially weighted, your back will represent what you can do 💪


Been doing pull-ups since high school. I love to mix between pull-ups, chin ups and neutral grip in the same workout. You hit different parts of your biceps and forearms that way. They are such a good exercise...just go do them! Lol and don't have an ego; use the assisted pull up machine if you need to. That's how I started


Weighted pull-ups are golden, although I can hit 30 LB with clean form for 10 and +50 for singles.. I prefer rounds of +15, +10 then BW. Having that prime connection/ “potentiated” while still getting a pump. 3x10 Thank Me Later! 🤙


A trick I like at the end of a workout is doing negatives on pull-ups. Strict five-second eccentrics, hang at the bottom, then stand on something to get to the top again.


To anyone who is starting from 1 pull up: DON'T do 50 pull ups. You will get biceps tendonitis and couldn't do any pull ups for a month or two, also needing rehabilitation after that. Why do I know? I did similar thing: I did FIFTEEN pull ups and got it(biceps tendonitis) as a beginner.
You can only consider doing that volume if you are sure you can handle it. If you did biceps curls for 2 years before doing any pull ups - yeah go on, you can try and probably it will be ok. But my point is that a real beginner should do much less. I wouldn't really go more than 5 sets regarless of your rep count as a beginner, be it 1 rep in a set or 5. You should always up the volume gradually and not "I did my first pull up a week ago"=>"Let's do 50!!".

I was also thinking you need to do a lot of reps so I easily injured myself. It took me 7 months to get from 0 pull ups to 1 because of the injuries, and then 2 months to get to 5 clean. If I ever tried to do more than 25 reps in a single workout in that period of time, I would probably need a surgery lol, I am not joking. (Yes, I used the most perfect form imaginable for my pull ups)

Now I specifically train more volume and can do more of course, but please don't do much volume when you are a beginner.
