TrueNAS Jails, Plugins and Virtual Machines and how to setup nextcloud

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TrueNAS is an incredible storage solution with tons of features. In this video, I provide a detail description and illustrations about truenas jails. I also show how to setup nextcloud and connect your smartphone to your nextcloud instance.
Links used in the video
follow me on instagram and twitter
00:00 - 00:26 intro
00:40 - 02:20 intro to jails
02:20 - 03:13 jail illustrations
03:15 - 08:03 create a jail
08:05 - 10:45 add mount point to jail
10:46 - 19:49 install nginx in jail
19:53 - 34: 56 virtual machines
34:57 - 40:00 install nextcloud
40:30 - 45:11 configure nextcloud
45:13 - 48:13 connect your phone
48:40 - nextcloud apps
Links used in the video
follow me on instagram and twitter
00:00 - 00:26 intro
00:40 - 02:20 intro to jails
02:20 - 03:13 jail illustrations
03:15 - 08:03 create a jail
08:05 - 10:45 add mount point to jail
10:46 - 19:49 install nginx in jail
19:53 - 34: 56 virtual machines
34:57 - 40:00 install nextcloud
40:30 - 45:11 configure nextcloud
45:13 - 48:13 connect your phone
48:40 - nextcloud apps
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