The Mandela Effect: Is Your Memory Playing Tricks on You?

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The Mandela Effect confuses a lot of people. It's actually a problem with human memory and the brain. These Mandela Effect examples and hard hitting science explain all.

Please make sure to follow-up with Michael Shermer's Baloney Detection Kit based on Carl Sagan's ideas:

Among the Mandela Effect examples we give in this video, you'll discover the truth about the Berenstain Bears, Nelson Mandela's death and the spelling of a very famous cereal.

False memory syndrome is also involved in this psychological problem that borders on conspiracy theory.

Even if we are living in a simulation or the world seen in The Matrix, we still all need better memory.

So for rapid memory improvement, please be sure to get my FREE memory kit at:


Anthony Metivier


Here are some of my favorite Mandela Effect videos on YouTube if you want to learn more:

The Mandela Effect and Parallel Universes | Answers With Joe

Top 10 Craziest Examples of the Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect in Movies

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What are your favorite examples of the false memory syndrome known as the Mandela Effect?


I have followed the Charles Lindbergh case since before 1999. It was a fact back then that his kidnapped child was never found. I even wrote as a part of my book that the mystery was solved in the future around 2007. After completing the book I watched history change and remember being upset that my story didn’t make sense anymore they found him 2 years later. I literally witnessed a change in reality and didn’t even notice it. I have the book and can verify the date I wrote it.


the one that still confuses me though is pikachu. my brother is extremely smart and does amazing at college and he’s played pokemon all his life he’s like obsessed with it, yet when i told him pikachu never had a black tip on his tail he instantly got defensive and refused to believe it, because he always known pikachu for having one, same with millions of people including me, so i still think it’s more government messing with stuff they shouldn’t be rather than memory.


My memory is just fine. I can assure you this is really happening. It's Dilemna not Dilemma. Remember? The strong delusion is here.


Thank you for the history lesson. I myself never really bought into it but I am certain that I have misremembered stuff as well. I'm grateful we can rely on sources besides memories to order ourselves in this world, otherwise the level of inconsistent perceptions of reality would throw the world into greater chaos than it is now


The human brain also rewires itself throughout your life as you are exposed to certain things and experiences especially with repetition, therefore your brain and possibly your memory is different as you move through your life. This may have something to do with it, just a thought.


The car is cheverolet, not Chevrolet. And I have proven this to myself. I think the next step has taken place a few months ago. It's harder and harder, because so many things have changed. Even searching mandela effect has changed. Not so many people believe this any more, but tries to explain this like we have just forgotten.


My favorite is Darth Vader's line; even after hammering the original line into memory to avoid the Mandela effect I still come back to, "Luke, I am your Father!" "Hello Clarice" from Silence of the Lambs is another good one.

I always thought about it in terms of a less sinister example of “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” Oftentimes the misquote sounds catchier, I suppose. Though the parallel universe theories are entertaining if nothing else. And the The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat X-Files episode...thanks for reminding me of that, going to go back and watch it!

And an additional thanks for everything you put out, Anthony. Been building memory palaces and having a blast thanks to your lessons and reading recommendations.


My friend,

Unfortunately you are wrong. But much in a 6 or 9 perspective. So to a degree you are right, depending on your standing. But you would have access to so much data if you validated the other side.

Some were given the senses to see changes. Others are blind to them and are overwritten with the new changes. It was always that way. Even if; always means history being rewritten and only a few remember. In the future always will be spelled allways. And it will allways of been like that.

In essence you can't pull everyone out of the matrix at once. A level of human collective consciousness must stay plugged in to keep things stable on a mass scale.



I was with you until you brought in Michael schemer. He has violated his own 10 questions a few times and when he was called out for it he said they were wrong because they didnt understand logic. It drives me crazy when people pretend to have no ideology but when they are pushed up against a wall they follow straight in line with one. Having a ideology fine the issue is when you blindly adhere to that ideology without consideration of all available information.


the Mandela effect is caused from trying to alter timelines and they finally all merge together there's three of them that have merged


if this is true explain to me how do I have a picture of both the statue of liberty being on Ellis island and also on liberty island also residual evidence like interview with a vampire a vampire not the I've got the original cover of it


I am healthily sure that I was never affected by the mandela effect negatively. The thing about the meme"no, luke, i am your father" can be easily explained. They put the "luke" so people could understand faster the reference. Even I, that never watched star wars(I did, but it was almost like giving an entire tome of quantum mechanics to a child; I just remember pretty pictures) can understand the meme with no difficulty. I believe the "balooney detector" is hard to apply in human sciences, since the human beings don't fit easily in patterns anyways, and the simple existence of the researcher in the experience changes it. As a rule of thumb, every time I see any article about psycology(or any other science, specially humanities, in that matter) I use this simple rules:
1-Be very skeptical with articles that use language with extreme descriptions( X is TOO good or X is TOO bad ) specially if they do not show exceptions(in humans, there is almost always a exception)
2-There is gonna be always the fans and the haters of the article.Be very skeptical if one of the 2 doesn't appear. Maybe the information is being manipulated.


The video picture is kinda misleading too


For them to say our reality is the same has computer code they must be changing it, they certainly not looking down a powerful microscope and seeing ones and zeros, so that means we are in a matrix witch would mean that there is a hard drive, now in the experiment in showing water holds memory I believe I know where the hard drive is to our reality, in the experiment a listening device was used to record the electromagnetic field coming from the water to later reconstruct the DNA that was once in the water from the recording, this told me magnetic fields holds memory so that made me think is our hard drive in earth’s magnetic field? I got my answer seeing what looks like magnetic frequencies being created by SpaceX and CERN with there powerful magnets being turned on and off in sequence, well that last bit is just me speculating but it’s the only way I can think of that they know our reality is the same has computer code in ones and zeros. If you want to know more check my videos out


If you knew the real truth behind what is causing this it would traumatize you. Has nothing to do with Cern, Dwave, parallel worlds or time travel.


Now you know Sam Harris' life lol...and how he feels when he gets the hate tweets and emails.
