WoW Vanilla - Was Old Naxxramas Really That Hard?

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Old Naxxramas, one of the most beloved dungeons by the whole WoW community and a dungeon that people are still mentioning all the time to this day. However, was it really that hard as vanilla players tell you? Well, let's find out.
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Our tank used to look at the ground to try and increase his fps.


I didn't mind not being able to access Nax before TBC came out. It gave me something to look forward to. It meant that when I saw someone in Ironforge walking around in Naxx armor, it was a genuine feeling.

I miss that.


"But guess how many guilds actually cleared naxrammas..."

Me: 23

"Nope you're wrong, 23"



I'd like to add to this that voice comms, player cooperation and coordination and a general understanding of raiding mechanics were also relatively new. I can only imagine the trouble those early pioneers had getting to grips with high level raiding, much less manage 39 other players on ancient hardware, shaky internet connections and about a million other factors that could hinder playing properly.


I remember using wands as a mage when I ran out of mana! xD


sometimes i still cry that i didnt got currupted ashbringer, i saw it the "main" dps warrior got it....he stopped playing 2 months


I remember the day our tank reached 10.000 health with a few naxx gear and full buff. It was a very exciting day.


It also needs to be taken into account the level of hardware and bandwidth we were dealing with back then. I was healing MC/BWL/AQ/Naxx at 720x480. Which means most of my screen was player HP bars.


The people who cry about WoW being ruined by casuals, putting BC and vanilla on a pedestal as the pinnacle of raiding, often seem to confuse many things for difficulty. Long attunement quests, blizz screwing up the balance of the fights (as they often did back then), gameplay issues that WoW had at that time, and other issues like stacking resist gear or trying to get 40 people to do what they're supposed to don't mean the raid was difficult. It just means the content was broken and inaccessible, and your 40-man group had people that can't follow directions. It also just seemed harder because everything was new at that point, and there were no "seasoned" raiders like there are now.
If you really think that 40-man naxx was harder than, say, mythic BRF is're not referring to the actual fights themselves. You're referring to all the barriers blizz used to put down to make it hard to get to do the content, not the content itself.
Just because it's easier to actually get the chance to try raiding content now than it was in the old days, doesn't mean the raids themselves are easier.
People who say this kind of stuff simply miss the feeling of superiority that came from knowing you were one of a relatively small group of people who got to do something. They are now disillusioned, because once all the pain in the ass barriers that kept people from doing the content were removed...suddenly it becomes clear that pretty much anyone can do the stuff that these people thought they were so skilled for accomplishing before.

Also...I'd bet my next paycheck that 99% of the people complaining about lack of difficulty these days don't have a mythic kill on Imperator or Blackhand. Quit farting around your garrison and go down these bosses that you keep saying are a joke.


I really really hope blizzard makes the new timewalking feature open up to old raids.


Argent Dawn rep was nothing, I was exalted by farming Stratholme for BoE blues for alts


Getting exalted with the Argent Dawn was the EASY part
Once you actually entered Naxxramas it was like:
-"Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?"

I believe I still owe Money for all the repair bills during that time....


Blizz just give us the damned 1.12.1 legacy servers already, tired of low pop private servers.


Yes, only 23 guilds cleared Naxxramas. But don't forget that this patch was VERY short. Most guilds simply didn't have the time to beat it. If WotLK's last patch (ICC) was given the same amount of time to beat it, less guilds would have killed Lich King 25 HC. (0 guild to be exact, it took Paragon ~4 months to beat 25 hc ICC WITH 5% BUFF)

While Naxxramas was the hardest raid dungeon ever. Lich King 25 heroic was definitely the hardest boss ever. (without the 5-10-15% buff.)


I remember My guild going into nazx back Then. We didnt even kill the 1 trash mob wich was a gagoyle. If this wanst killed fast enough it would get full Health. So we kept nuking the same Mob for like 30 mins untill we gave up and left. Brutal raid.


I remember it being hard, until we did it again in Classic and I realised that we will were just so shit back then.


I think you missed something. The World bosses dropped some gear people could use for Naxx. and the whole server was fightning each other to get those bosses down.


I played a warlock back then, I was playing it because of how cool demon summoning seemed, and that undead warlock in the intro video with the infernal was boss. Turned out that warlocks could pretend to farm mana pots, lifetap themselves near to oblivion, and make the healers waste more mana pots instead. Dick move but good times.


i played vanilla but didnt raid back then, now in Panda and then WoD i started raiding srsly and honestly i am glad that its not like vanilla back then, i really cant understand why some players want those times back....


My guild also fell to Naxx. Was a blast though. Ty for your time and effort. Very well done. Superb! A+
