39 Things You Missed About Cuphead DLC

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39 Things you missed about the cuphead DLC. I really hope you guys enjoy this one cause oh boy this was some work.
About cuphead DLC
Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course is a video game that was released on June 30th, 2022. The Legendary Chalice returns as a new playable character going by "Ms. Chalice", and there are new bosses, levels, and a new, seemingly friendly character called Chef Saltbaker. The DLC is preceded by Cuphead.
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Correction - The ant eater is preying on ant cops in the last phase but he is not making balls out them. And he is still the bodygurard. :D


Werner's fight is based on the fact that WW1 British soldiers were called Tommies while German soldiers were called Jerries. The Howling Aces are based on the British army. So the cat probably a real British cat, unlike the robot Katzenwagen


I think the tarot card thing is more a reference to how Chef Saltbaker is making get the wonder tart ingredients and then betraying you at the end.


*The anteater DOESNT make a ball out of the cops, it’s just the cops and the bugs fighting together around the room in the cartoons style.*


for the mortimer fight the tarot cards could also be mortimer reading cuphead, mugman, and Mrs. chalice future and what chef saltbaker is truly planning.


Fun fact: 0:30 the flight driver that ms chalice is on is actually one of the npc’s in the original game where he was the one who made planes for cuphead and mug man


Technically King Dice is the Devil’s Right Hand man, which is why he is (from the bosses perspective) on the right hand.


1:13 nope fortunately she just pushes off a barrel. So we can keep our sanity


About the snail's scar, I'm pretty sure that's just the scar switching sides depending on the direction they're facing because their animation is flipped when facing either right or left and the artist didn't bother putting the scar on the appropriate place, just like how when Chalice is facing right her mole is on her right cheek, when facing left, it's on the left cheek. His scar is originally just on the right.


did you also know djimmi has a secret dialouge for his final phase with his wishes. also when you play moonshine mob on simple the flies snail and caterpillar arent in the intro, even though the flies still appear. also the bombs can unlike the pesticide damage all enemies that come in contact when blown up including the barrels.
edit: saltbakers third/fourth phase theme is a version of the first cutscene song
another edit: djimmi's wishes are only three before you beat the game they become ifinite after, he also explains how they work before they double your hp 6 for 3 4 for 8 but 5 for...9? i never understood that last one


The pilots being dogs is also a reference to air combat at world war that are name "Dog Fight".


The designs seem accurate, but you need to realize that the cat in the Werner Werman boss fight is a robot.


Okay, one thing I'd like to say, with how Glumstone's fight appears, the King Dice puppet would actually be on his right hand (cause you know, the whole mirrored perspective thing) so it could also be right-hand man, just thought I'd mention it.


The Unlocking Miss Chalice Golden Skin by defeating every main game boss by her is not true.
all you have to is talk to The unnamed cactus NPC that appears on Inkwell Isle Four in the Delicious Last Course. She's an anthropomorphic cactus who speaks with a Southern drawl. She inadvertently requests the player to defeat all the bosses--both of the main game and of the DLC--with Ms. Chalice. She does so by saying how she'd "sure love to tell" tales of how Ms. Chalice defeated the bosses, with the titles of the tales alluding to the bosses Ms. Chalice has yet to defeat (e.g.: "The Tale of That Slime Smashed Silly" alludes to Goopy Le Grande).

She keeps track of the bosses defeated by using tallies around the campfire. Once all the bosses have been defeated by Ms. Chalice, the campfire will be lit and a total of 25 tallies will be around it. Talking to the NPC one last time unlocks a new skin for Ms. Chalice.

Any difficulty can be used to beat the bosses. In two-player mode, it's okay for the non-Ms.-Chalice player to damage the boss but not for them to land the finishing blow. Beating Run 'n Gun levels is not necessary, as the NPC doesn't count the mini-bosses encountered in them. The NPC also doesn't count the mini-bosses in All Bets Are Off!, the King of Games' champions, or the Angel and Demon.


I just love how Cuphead The Delicious Last Course just has so many references to playing Chess


2:46 that sound is from the game pikuniku


In the rook fight you can infinitely Parry the heads by by doing this combination (chalice only)


The way he said "the mobster and the light bug are married" made me laugh btw nice video


3:18 if you fight the robot on simple it only has one phase


In the wizard battle the table the wizard uses has the same pattern of the whale it has the stars it is orange and the white pattern on top is l like the teeth and usually he uses the whale after the table attack
