Context Kills Calvinism - John 6:44 (reformed exegesis)

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John 6: 44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
#apologiastudios #reformed #calvinism
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All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. And He said, Therefore said I to you, that no man can come to Me, except it were given to him of my Father. The Father gives what He has chosen to give and makes us alive to believe in Jesus Christ. The gift of faith proceeds from the free election of the Father in Christ, after which everlasting life necessarily follows: therefore faith in Christ Jesus is a sure witness of our election, and therefore of our glorification, which is to come. May the glory be to Him alone and not to men.


to those who know exegesis and context knows who are the coming ones in verse 35 and if you read it in context the text indicates that it is in verse 37 reveals who are the coming ones and in verse 44 Jesus starts with the phrase " NO MAN CAN come to me" and that gives us the idea that not everyone can come to him.
Jesus use the word NO MAN CAN to give us a thought of "human dis ability" and Jesus put an exemption
who can come to him by saying UNLESS the father draws him.
and the phrase "NO MAN CAN" is repeated in verse 65 the same syntax in verse 44(NO MAN CAN)
it says "no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him by my father."


He never explained who is given by the Father to the Son in v. 37.


he read the context and kind of skipped right over it...Jesus is explaining to a group of unbelievers (Jn 6.36) why they don't believe


I'm very confused, it appears as if he proved himself wrong. He says that there are those who will not believe, but doesn't explain why, and the "why" is verse 37, those who were given to Jesus by the Father will believe and will come to Him. Does anyone else see a case of Eisegesis in this video? I do. He accuses Reformed folk of putting their own interpretation into scripture but it appears he is doing the same thing here.


I thought my lay research had led me to a solid rebuttal of the Reformed thoughts on John 6:44 by singling out the modal verb 'can' which, from what my limited knowledge could find, possesses the characteristics of 'ability' or 'possibility' w/o a guaranteed outcome. However, a Greek instructor in my online Catholic community insisted that English grammar for that modal verb was of no use in parsing out the Greek meaning.

Another thought I hypothesized was the question 'what was Jesus referring to when He said He knew those who would not believe. Believe what? I thought my answer became clear I read the entire discourse from several verses prior to verse 44 to the very end. It seems to me that the case can be made that what the crowd did not believe was that they had to eat and drink Jesus' flesh and blood. Some of the key statements that lead me to that conclusion include...'My flesh is real food...', 'the bread which I will My flesh' and Jesus repeats ' this is why I said no one can come...'. Plus, it was (after) Jesus supposedly clarified that His words were 'spirit' that the crowd (still) walked away. I ran this by a group of Catholics in my group and they all seemed to squelch my brilliant thesis :). I'm still not completely convinced that I'm wrong :). I need more convincing.

Anyway, thanks for letting me chime in. God bless.


Yes that's what it is saying. Context is literal. No one can come to Jesus unless God opens their heart to see a need for him.


So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs but of God who shows mercy.


I could go into all of the issues with this theology, but let the reader understand, the second someone says @0:13 John chapter 6 is taken out of context, in verse 44 no man can come to me unless the father draws him, then skips to John 12 to add context, then declares that context kills Calvinism has no business preaching the word. Chapter 6 builds the context for chapter 12, you can’t read it in reverse and skip around.


He doesn’t understand, if God left it up to man alone, nobody would be saved because nobody has a will for God But in Gods grace He sends His Holy Spirit to some to open their eyes so that they will freely, choose Jesus. All the others are simply left alone. He will have mercy on some and all the others receive justice.


He is the Potter, we are the clay. God says He will have mercy on whom He wants and compassion on whom He wants. The bible does not contradict itself.


Yeah, read John 6 verses 44, 63 and 65 together.


This guy is just reading, NOT exegeting, scripture.
You go verse by verse following the flow of the argument.
Follow the pronouns, the past/present/future tense of the verbs. etc.
If you just read a verse out loud, you often skip key details.


If He died for everyone, it means everyone is saved. A saved person goes into eternal life which means it is irrevocable and not temporal. Now, you and I both agree that there are people that will go to hell right? Why is that? Does it mean that the atoning death of Christ was insufficient? That His death fell short and did not satisfy the Father's wrath?


It seems NIFB pastors think it is a sin to study. Not one of them can consistently exegete a biblical passage.


You have again misunderstood and misrepresented Calvinism. Calvinists do not deny that sinners must freely choose to come to Jesus or that everyone who sees the Son and believes on Him will have eternal life. That is not the issue. The context of John 6:44 contains nothing that would suggest that the choice to believe is completely determined by the sinners fallen will. You need to consider the context of the passage from which Jesus quoted in verse 45. Isaiah was speaking about the blessings of the New Covenant situation in which the kingdom would be enlarged to include Gentile believers and his teaching was that God would enroll all the members of that kingdom under His tutelage. The passage is closely related to Ezek 36:25-27 and Jeremiah 31:31-33.
Additionally, you need to understand that Calvinists do not believe that any sinner will perish because God did not desire their repentance or because God did not choose them. God's salvific decree is not the cause of anyone's destruction.
Perhaps you would be sufficiently kind as to tell me if you believe sinners are drawn to Christ apart from heaing the gospel.


Law of Liberty,
You need to understand that if Jesus died for everyone, He did not secure salvation for anyone. That is the issue. We do not deny that Jesus died sufficiently for everyone. The issue is whether it was the design of His redemptive work to secure the blessings of the New Coveannt for every sinner or for the elect alone.


Context, Can We Have Some Context Please?


I live in Costa Rica, but I would love to come to Florida to debate any of these issues with you. Please accept my debate challenge.


Just about anyone can put just about anything on YouTube. Remember that.
