Why Carefree Men Are Dangerous To Women

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Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author, and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom, and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual pain.

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There is a massive difference between calm, cool, collected (carefree) and careless. The word you wanted to use here is careless. If a man runs around trying to account for every potential danger, this actually creates more anxiety in those around him.

You WANT a carefree man. This means he has created such an amazing safe space around him that potential problems are avoided altogether or handled quickly and effectively.


Fun fact: I was a woman like this. Guess what I did.... I was inspired to become the same. I did stress way too much about everything. Most things solved itself or turned out different than I saw it coming. Nowadays I only deal with the things that are emergencies and urgent, but when I do, I give 100% to solve it. Life is better now. I stopped "avoiding it at all costs" and focus on the problems that are really here and work through it.


I believe it's different than carefree, but more like a man who has not matured nor will .


Bs. Carefree means that you know worrying won't make it better; in fact, it makes it worse.


I am ex-military, I am a firearm instructor, and I am also a car/motorcycle track/racer. I assess danger and dismiss most circumstances that I deem not dangerous. Behind the wheel, I am a very capable driver/rider... Losing traction going sideways on a corner is not a big issue. I may appear to be carefree but I am not... I HATE when women question my knowledge and skill set. Just because she is afraid does not mean I am out of control.


In the man got into a relationship with a controlling woman in the first place that is a sign he is weak and has poor self esteem. Being calm and at peace doesn't mean you aren't paying attention and ready to defend your peace at all costs.


A man takes responsibility for protecting his family. It's not his job to show those stresses and pressures visibly or emotionally especially to a over stressed out woman. Being calm collective and yetbready should not be misconstrued as weak and unprepared


I think this could have been worded better to actually make the point. A good woman, when around people who don’t pay attention to risks, will quickly tire of being put in the role of protector. Keep pushing her, and she will become nagging, cranky, and controlling because she’s trying to stay in a relationship where she’s being treated like a mother. Better for her to distance herself and find people who are a better fit. Let the care-free people have their fun and their drama and then do their own cleanup.


THANK YOU Teal……I hadn’t thought of that but it makes ALL the sense!!!!


Stocism helps a man to process his emotions and what warrants his attention. The majority of men don't go looking for a controlling woman.


So true❤ When i look back in the past It's my mum who was doing everything and she was super stressed and angry as a resul of being overloaded with tasks and responsibilities.They are both in their 80s now but still my dad looks do much younger.. like her son and behaves as if he's.


Uff this one hit home. I‘m the controlling uptide woman. And yes this video doesn’t try to make us look like the good guys. I know about my flaw to stress about things. But yes, I never did feel safe with my bf because he was carefree and laid back which in a way made me calm down and relax a bit but in long term he didn’t care or paid attention or acknowledged my worries and fears. So I had to take care of everything and deal with everything. This was just so exhausting


We’re getting mixed signals Teal. You just said the opposite a month ago. Women (some) are hypersensitive to danger. Hello?


Exactly. Its like taking care of another child. X


This was so good. Ended up listening again searching for shadow questions


They very worst thing for a carefree laidback man is a controlling uptight woman.


I’m glad that you are chuckling a bit. You need to. I feel the pressure and responsibility of being a mom & woman these days. I wish that you could meet my husband. He was out in a rowboat today with waves in lake owaska . Me & my boys were watching. I can understand the thrill seeking behavior that some men have … I am ready to play it safe now though & im glad that he made it back to shore. I was concerned. He is a strange mix of logic, extreme caution & yet he likes/ needs an adrenaline rush sometimes( usually when he is not with us but we were all on vacation this time).At this point I am seeking a support person to stay strong & deal with him. It is not fair or ok what I have went through with him. I am staying strong & balanced for my family. I am done walking a tightrope. I want to settle more into my femininity yet I am glad that I have become very strongstrong. This is a very abbreviated story. He is not carefree overall but I thought maybe you could make a video about men that are so uptight that sometimes they let go too much & are inconsiderate to their partners, or abusive to their wives. I think that it has to do with bipolar and adhd. I think that the “carefree type “ may be more so adhd if anything. ❤❤


Nailed it. That's why I ' m divorced.
Once severely sick with high fever ann a little kid He went out for a drink because He was "bored" at home 😮
That's when I decided that this was it!!


As long as a woman can logically express what types of dangers her focal points are attuned to (due to trauma), a healthy, “it’s ok, relax” type of man, can help her tune her focus on more positive awareness’s instead of any presumed threats. But if that woman isn’t willing to help herself with any advice given, then maybe she was more interested in seeking threats purposefully, while secretly getting a “kick” out of her’s & her partner’s reactions.

The women of the latter, are basically energy vampires & would drain anyone’s energy they come across. No helping them.


Hey, leave that carefree man live his best life!
