r/InsaneParents - 'Cure your Gayness'

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Title: Tea Time by GoSoundtrack
Genre and Mood: Cinematic + Romantic
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My kid came out as non-binary last week - as they were nervously trying to explain their situation, all I could think of were these Insane Parents and I realized that I had one chance to respond the right way the first time. I thanked them for telling me and said I had their back, no matter what. My poor kid had been worried sick that I would freak out and instead, they got a boring Hallmark moment.


Jesus: Love thy neighbor.
"Christian" moms: But what if my son's gay?
Jesus: Did I stutter?


When I came out as lesbian, my grandma (80) exclaimed: "Now we have a gay..." *points at cousin "...and a lesbian. Now we only need one of these bisexuals and we have a whole set of the LGB!" I felt like a shiny Pokemon and didn't have the heart to tell her that there's more to the set. Baby steps. 😂


Some people thing respect means, treating someone like a person, some people think respect means, treating someone like an authority figure. Those parents say "If you don't respect me I will not respect you" and mean "If you don't treat me like an authority I will not treat you as a person".


When ever I hear a parent say they were ‘suddenly’ lgbtq+ I’m reminded of asking my mom if there were any signs I might be gender non conforming as a child and she replied ‘no’ then I went to my bookshelf of childhood favorites and 80% of them involved crossdressing.


"You're already perfect the way you are"
"So, it's cool I'm bi?"
"No! Not like that!"


My mom was one of the parents that called the cops on me over everything. Eventually I got put on probation and then she started telling my probation officer every single thing I did that pissed her off, from getting a bad grade on an assignment to rolling my eyes. My PO quickly figured out that she was just trying to get someone else to do the parenting for her and got me out of the house and into a group home, at which point my mom was suddenly confused as to why the courts were “interfering” with her “parenting”. As it turns out, trying to use the cops to scare your kids straight when they haven’t actually done anything illegal doesn’t usually work out in your favor.


I hate when parents are like "I put a roof over your head, I buy you food, I buy you clothes, blah blah blah" like yes that if what you are legally required to do as a parent, and what you chose to sign up for when you had a kid. I didn't ask to be here. I am simply a consequence of your actions that you have to pay for.


"Not understanding" postpartum depression is awfully close to "if I haven't experienced it then it can't be real". Believe me, if I could *choose* to stop being depressed and anxious, I would do it in a heartbeat.


That “advice” about beating your kid in the shower would not only traumatize your child, but likely cause them to develop a severe phobia of showering. My parents were never physically abusive but were emotionally immature, and would scream at me every time we went to the movies because I’d cry (I’m autistic and have pretty bad sensory issues with loud sounds). This led to me being afraid of going to the theater, which persists in my adulthood.



“Kids shouldn’t be able to learn about lgbtq.”

So we shouldn’t teach them about accepting those who are different than the “normals”


17:12 transphobic mother has no clue that "trans" and "bisexual" are very, *very* different things.
Also, Click, gotta recommend you for reading all of that and still actually reading 'ceucified' as it's written with the dyslexia and all. Even for non-dyslexic people this drivel is impossible to read.


I have a cousin that told me that one of their lesbian friends was sent to therapy to "be straight"...
And the person she was sent to was pansexual.
*mission failed successfully.*


I love these gay camp stories.

"Oh sure, just send me to a camp where there is like... 15-16 potential partners I can bond with."


About the "Oh, mammals instincts are just PERFECT when it comes to caring for their babies, so humans just need to trust that EVERYTHING they do is just completely right!" stuff at ~36:00... I am currently lying in bed with my 4yo cat next to me. She's from the first and only litter of my boyfriends moms cat and I was there when she was born. Her mother instinctively knew that she had to bite into the amniotic sac and to get rid of it and the mucus + placenta for the kittens to breath. And that was basically it. She was unable to pick up and relocate the kittens if there was even a 1cm step for her to drag them over; when we relocated them to the clean, warm birthing box we built, she ignored their cries for their mother and sat alone in the blood-stained, messed up scratching box she birthed them in until we threw the damn thing out alltogether. We had to lure her to her babies with treats just so that she would stay with them long enough for them to nurse and keep them warm. She wouldn't nudge them to her teats if they couldn't find them on their own. She wouldn't lick their bellies after they were done nursing to help their digestion.

There were 5 kittens in that litter. My cat has a single brother. Her other brother didn't make it through his first night and her two sisters didn't survive their first two days on earth because their mother wouldn't care for them properly and ignored them every chance she got. She and her brother only survived because they were the largest two of their litter and even for them it was a close call during times. Their mother also wouldn't play properly with them, sometimes we had to stay and watch out because she was hunting them more than playing with them. They even tought themselves to use a litter box. They basically only had each other when growing up, so they had no one to learn from that humans were nice. I took an entire week of vacation just to sit next to them on the floor and play with them (they were so young that they thought my hand was its own entity, they never even realized how large I was compared to them. I was more a piece of furniture with two friends attached). It took me just two days for them to fall asleep in my lap and I have to say that I cried when it happened.
And now every time I hear these moms rambling on about how a mothers instincts are always right and how a mother can do no wrong, because tHeY jUsT fEeL wHaT's RiGhT... all it takes for me is one long look at my little grey cuddle bug next to me to absolutely disdain them and their hubris.


13:42 as somone who genuinely struggles with being suicidal, seeing people use it as a threat is terrible. suicide is a depressing answer for when you truly believe that life is no longer worth living. its a last resort that you try as hard as you can to avoid. using it as a threat is an insult to people who are actually struggling with it, and i hope this person learns that.


Advice: If you don't know how your family will react to you coming out, don't tell them until 1; you're financially stable, and 2; not living in their home.
I've been incredibly blessed by supportive and accepting family. No one needed any convincing or time to "adjust", and the only homophobic auntie got basically disowned from the entire family. It breaks my heart seeing my fellow queers and trans friends getting kicked out of their homes because their parents just don't accept them.


I just started laughing at the "it's ok to mutilate your kid if you call the kid trans first".
Does that mean every circumsised baby is trans?


*The on who sent that child warrior picture was my last straw, I have to comment about this.*

In the times of the christian wars, after the 4th wave of the war (1202-1204) where the christian soldiers took over Konstantin.
They thought it would be a good idea to *send CHILDREN into war* for the next wave.
*6-10 year old KIDS* because "they are pure while adults are sinners so God will help them on the battle field". This was in *1212* .

So if I get any christian ever in my face or through text or through call or through anything talk about CHILDREN being WEAPONIZED. I will show them a side of me that even I don't fully know. And it will *not* be a pretty one.


Used to teach at a community college, I'd get calls and emails from parents wanting to know about their children's grades and I'd have to say that I can't disclose that information to anyone but the student themselves. The usual response I got was 'but I pay for the classes', as if that matters. They tried every trick and threat in the world to no avail because legally I was bound and couldn't disclose it, even had one or two 'bet if I come down there you'll give it to me' type implied threats. Out of everyone that ran their mouth about doing something, only one ever attempted to go over my head to a more senior person and they were told exactly the same thing... the college cannot legally release that information.
