r/InsaneParents - Terrible Parenting 101

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My therapist said i wasn't supposed to unpack my entire childhood trauma in 40 minutes


Calling Andrew Tate cringe without even naming him by name and then moving on to the next subject like nothing. Truly an alpha move. The Click doesn't waste time on trash.


A 3 or 4 month olds are incapable of being "naughty" in any way. They can't even crawl at that age. They are pretty much like newborn still. They don't cry to spite or annoy or protest. They cry because they need something or they hurt.

If you manage to teach a 3-4m old to not cry, it's because profound psychological damage has been done.


Woman on the internet: 'NO ONE knows my child exists!!!'
The internet once this information is shared: 'Now wait a damn minute, something ain't right.'


6:15 that's not borderline slave labor, this is *literally* slave labor:

- She doesn't get paid for the work she does
- She doesn't get a say in the informal "work contract" (quote: "this is non-negotiable")
- She may be legally allowed to leave and start her own life, but good luck finding a home with no job and no money! I'm 100% sure their parents have already taken all her money, leaving her with no (safe) way to escape. They do effectively _own_ her!


What could a 4 month old possibly do to warrant being "spanked"?... That's complete abuse and he may end up shaking that baby and giving it shaken baby syndrome. Also 4 months is an infant, not even a toddler yet.


Spanking a 4 month old IS abuse. If it doesn't stop ASAP it may change how the poor kid thinks of love and bonding, and what level of violence is appropriate to use on others casually. I would like to mention here- my Dad and all his siblings were spanked as kids. Even worse, their mother actively beat them, choosing objects based on how much pain she thought they would inflict. That kind of thing is linked to mental illness in adults, and indeed, he now has PTSD, one of his sisters is emotionally unstable, and one of their brothers will likely (hopefully) be in prison for life. Don't spank your kids, people.


This mysterious blonde lady that appears in Click’s videos sometimes is such a good actor, she should get a raise!


The mom claiming her son likes the healthy food she buys, yet "complains incessantly" is completely out of touch with her son, and reality.


The father abusing his 4 month old Baby as means to "discipline" him is disgusting beyond words.
My daughter is just shy of 4 months, seeing her even in mild discomfort makes my Heart bleed, I can't fathom how someone would think they're fit to be disciplined in any way, let alone physically.
Most Babies that age can't even roll around yet, they're completely dependent on their caregivers to show them how the world works - in an understanding, empathetic manner.


Three-year-old me:
*draws in predominantly dark, sombre colours*
Kindergarten psychologist:
*draws my mother's attention to this, explaining that it means high levels of stress, anxiety and possibly depression*
*yells at me at home for shaming her like that and being ungrateful, throws away all dark-coloured pencils, crayons and paints, punishes me if I mix dark hues from other colours*
Also mother:
"Why won't you visit, why won't you ever let your kids stay with me?"


The mom wanting all the food being healthy and going through the trash is definitely going to cause her son an eating disorder.


I've started immediately translating "I'm not doing this over text/messaging" to "I don't want there to be evidence."


Fun fact: being forced into eating a type of food in your childhood makes you less likely to choose to eat that food later in life, while not being allowed to eat something will only make you crave it.


That one mom pushing down her child who was trying to walk is like a metaphor for this whole sub - when their children try to assert any kind of independence, it’s pushed down in favour of the parent’s desires.


"The baby cries every night. Hubby goes in with a belt to whoop it but it won't stop!"

Of course not - it associates night-time in its crib as that time when a monster comes in and attacks him. They are literally training their baby to cry at night time, and then beating it for it.


As a mom I can fully assure you that 4 months old is in no way a toddler yet my baby didn't even have her real eye color yet let alone be able to control her limbs enough to start moving around


Can we please all agree that having sex in the same bed your child sleeps in WHILE she's sleeping in it is wrong and disgusting!?


The toddler spank story angers me
That isn't a toddler
A toddler is 1 or older
They can't even eat solid foods yet that's around 6 months


The thing that concerns me about the ramen mom isn't even her attitude about food but the fact she thinks her kids are actively working against her.
The boy isn't eating ramen in order to just mock his mother. Your children are not the enemy.
