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Talking of glasses.
When my daughter was around 12 she ended up getting on the wrong bus home from school because she'd not read the number/info on the front. She then mentioned to me that her teacher had moved her to the back of the classroom and she couldn't see the board. (she was moved because a kid at the back wasn't listening so the teacher swapped places with him and my daughter who was seated at the front)
I said she probably needed glasses and took her for an eye test.
The optician was stunned. Turns out my daughter couldn't see anything more than 4 or 5 feet in front of her. She kept asking if my daughter was in special classes and was struggling to do basic tasks because she was almost blind. She couldn't believe it when she found out that my daughter was in all the top classes at school and was a high standard competitive swimmer.
She came out of the place a few days later with her new glasses and was looking at some of the big buildings in our town and saying stuff like 'Oh wow look at that' There was a giant gymnasium/library building near our home. She stared at it and said excitedly "I can see it! I can see the gymnasium from here, it looks like a drawing the edges are so neat"
Turns out she'd always been used to seeing a grey blur from across the road. She'd just assumed her eyesight was 'normal' and coped and adapted.
Eventually she got contacts which she loved and on the 18th I paid for her to have Lasik eye surgery. She had perfect vision after that.
I still feel bad to this day that I didn't notice how bad things were for her.


The fact that the parent of the kid wearing nappies and getting breastfed at 7 also doesn't believe in doctors is alarming.


I was beaten as a kid. And I'm not just talking about spanked, I mean I was beaten with shoes, belts, fists, anything close to hand when my mum was in one of her rages. My 'crimes' included if she heard me sniffing during one of her soaps, turning the pages too loudly if I was reading during one of her soaps, and well you get the idea. Sometimes I would get a beating because 'well you were thinking of doing something bad, I could tell.'
I always made my mind up that if I ever had kids, I would never raise a hand towards them under any circumstances. So that's what I did.
I never hit my kids and never screamed at them and I always taught them to listen to each other and be kind. They grew into wonderful adults, I never had even the tiniest problem behaviour wise.


I’m glad that woman who still treats her 7 year old like a literal baby posted. Maybe now her kids can get some help to get away from her.


People use crutches to walk when they're injured or disabled in some way so if something is serving as a crutch than that means it's necessary


About the 15 month old who wasn't "obedient". Pro tip about toddlers: they understand more than you think, but still not that much. They know they feel a certain way, or wants something, or needs something, but *they don't know how to express it or communicate it to you.* 1 year olds are still babies, they scream like babies because that's still their only way to communicate. And you CANT SPANK THEM BECAUSE THEIR BONES AND JOINTS ARE EASY TO DAMAGE. If you MUST spank a kid, they should be about 5+.


I came upon the most disturbing "Insane Parents" post I've ever read just yesterday. It was under the heading "Grooms who ruined their own wedding" This poor woman was looking for her fiance(30ish) shortly before the ceremony, someone said that they saw him entering the ladies room, so she entered. In one of the cubicles she discovered him in the most horrifying and relationship ending situation imaginable. He wasn't banging heroin, or another person, he was, hold your stomach contents everyone, 🤢 nursing from him mummy's breast!!!🤮. I can't fully imagine the shock, revulsion, fury, and betrayal she must have felt. What does she tell people? I'd stall and have someone announce that I'd taken ill, not a lie, and the wedding was postponed for now. That would give me time to end things officially, and if either he or mummy gave me a hard time, I'd remind them that I had information that would ruin their reputations, relationships, and make them pariah. Now that your stomach is well turned, I bid you adieu.


Wow, that monster wrote on the internet how they unabashedly abuse a literal baby, 15 months old. Holy Fuck.


How are parents so cruel when dealing with trans kids. It’s sad


I was in the middle of a panic attack, and when I looked over at my TV, one of your videos was playing, and I almost instantly calmed down. It was the first time I calmed down on my own. Keep on making amazing videos!


That lady with the gay son is swimming in all kinds of denial right there.

Wholesome contrast: my male cousin got married to a man. My family is faithfully Roman Catholic, and the Catholic Church does not recognize legal gay marriage as a sacramental marriage. And by faithfully, I mean we go to Mass every week, pray as a family and as individuals, and are involved in church life. Regardless, most of the family was at the wedding, including his parents. His dad gave a speech at the reception and said how blessed he was to have another son.

And that's how you do it.


if you don't wanna be called a homophobe, don't be homophobic! it's really that easy!


My mom would constantly try to guilt trip me and blackmail me when she wouldn’t get her way and when it stopped working when I was an adult she cut me off and used her mental conditions to try to excuse why she’s not in the wrong and all of her kids are


5:12 if a child is hitting their sibling and bullying kids at school then they are mirroring what they see at home. So that’s their fault. 😬

7:11 Kids are supposed to cry and fuss! They don’t understand their big emotions and need help working through it. You don’t hit/spank an adult, why would you for your kid?

9:25 How can you treat your kid like that? You should love them unconditionally. People let their religions come in between their families. They would rather have a dead “cis” child than an alive happy trans one. As someone who is trans, I see you and support you.


I'm always so grateful for the wholesome meme breaks. It reminds me of when I'm eating spicy food and I need to drink some milk to cool my mouth off. I love
"spicy" memes but boy do they hurt sometimes. Thanks for another great vid Vincey!


6:50 isn't a 15 month old child one year old?


I still remember the day I got my first pair of glasses. I was a kid. I looked outside the big kitchen windows to the backyard and was just stunned. My Dad chuckled; he'd gone through that same shock, and said, "Yeah; I know. Trees got LEAVES!"
For the first time ever, trees weren't a green blur on top of a grey-brown blur. I could be clear across the yard, and tell which tree was a maple, which was an aspen, and which was an oak, just by the leaves.


I recommend the article “How a Bible Error Changed History and Turned Gays Into Pariahs” even though it probably won’t change the mind of a stubbornly bigoted person.


vincey you give off the vibes of a really cool older brother in the best way possible


Are you cold today, Vincey? Well insane parents are chilling 🥶
