Guitar Q&A : When To Change Guitar Strings - Guitar Lesson [QA-007]

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In this guitar lesson we're going to be andswering that ever green question - how do you know when you should change your strings.

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There's a tiny bit of gunk on your G-string? Made me chuckle!


Erm I haven't changed my strings in 8 years

Edit: it has now been 9 and to those asking how thats possible, i got a 3/4 sized guitar for my 6th birthday despite never expressing an interest in playing. Anyway, it eventually got too small for my liking so I got a new full sized one 2 years ago, an electric one last year


I haven’t changed mine in 6 years... I should probably change them🤔


I remember reading that touring guitarists changed every night. I’ve always found that a bit strange as it takes a few hours to get strings played in.


old urban guitar legend..boil your strings in water and re-use them..i;ve never been frugal enough to do that. haha


you dont have to use your fingernail, you can just use a paper towel and pinch the string and wipe the string off to see how dirty it is


Don't the strings get stretched over time and lose their tone? A more technical discussion would be interesting.


What is a very old string?

I have 15 guitars, so most don't get played a lot. How often do they need changing if they're just hanging on the wall most of the time?


I wish my church worshipe group would see this video the strings on the guitars and basses have NEVER been changed since they got them a couple of years ago


Solid advice. Maybe a good tip for people who tend to get sweaty fingers, or for playing in humid environments: Wipe the fretboard with a clean piece of cloth (even a t-shirt if nothing else is available) to prevent corrosion, extending string life quite a bit. Oh, and keep your guitar OUT of the case/bag whenever possible. It gets very humid in there.


Wipe your strings when you're done playing. They'll last forever. I change mine when I want more brightness.


Not only are you a most excellent guitarist, you are also an excellent teacher... Many people who have in depth knowledge of a subject often think think they can teach/educate, as they tend to think it is just a matter of explaining it - but it (Teaching) is far more involved than that and requires all kinds of tools and abilities to be able to successfully impart what they know. Teaching is a skill in and of itself...I know because I teach. (Not Guitar or music btw)...I started playing guitar late in life and I have learnt a great deal about all aspects of the guitar and guitar playing from you Justin. So "Thank-You" the Vulcan Musician once said 'May You Play Long and Prosper'.


coated strings are the best type of of strings. prove me wrong.

protip: you can't


im in love with that guitar. hopefully ill get enough money from gift cards to get my own electric right after Xmas


Q&A 007? red and white strat/clone

am I gonna hear a 007 theme?


Also, if you run your finger carefully under your strings (particularly the wound ones) and feel dents or flat spots where the string is contacting the fret, they're going to need changing soon.


Justin: I did the fingernail test and sure enough had gunk underneath. The question is WHY the top of the string looks good and shiny, but the bottom black gunk up?....


ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU PLAY!! Coated string fray badly and cause buzzing on the frets once they were down after 15 hours of play especially if you have really tight action on the guitar.


This was great...I thought strings should be changed every week.
I bought a string set last month; the cover had a few instructions saying that if one plays regularly for hours, he/she should get a new string set twice a week. Now I know they focus only on profit.


*I've using the same strings for 5 years now, they are clean and without a trace of rust but the sound is really off so I'll change them for that reason.*
