Feeling Overwhelmed and Want to Give Up? (Watch This)

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Do you ever feel like giving up when things are hard—even if it’s something good? Today, we’re talking to a teacher who’s burned out and wanting to quit, the wife of a blind minister who’s absolutely exhausted, and a young woman at a crossroads with her boyfriend as she takes custody of her three nieces.

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My life right now feels like it fell apart during Covid and I still can't pick up the pieces yet. I look forward to your shows John, and I think Ramsey bringing you on was the best thing they could've done.


Daisy is such a good person to take in her nieces; she has already been through so much with the loss of her Mom! I hope she has good luck from this point forward!


Daisy, you’re a hero. If he doesn’t walk beside you through this then he is doing you a favor. Life gets rough and you don’t want a man in your life to leave when the rough gets rougher! I pray that you can understand and accept that you are worth more than him.
Him leaving is not those kids fault. I hope you don’t blame them or the circumstance.

Even if you never wanted to be a mom, let this be an adventure, challenge, but also a gift.

Rooting for you hard! Fellow Angelino!


I want to hug Daisy. I'm a foster mom, and her selflessness and willingness to do whatever it takes to give those kids a home both breaks and warms my heart. Sending much love and many prayers from SD!


I literally just took a week off and did absolutely nothing but the bare minimum for 3 days and then only did gentle activities that make me feel good. I was so burned out I was getting sick. Some people think I'm ridiculous, but others recognize that our world is so messed up that rest seems optional. I chose what I needed and no regrets.


The last caller made me tear up. She made such a difficult but noble decision. Very inspiring.


I wanna hug the woman who had the husband vision impared. So much of what she is going through is normal...with a disabilities added on to it. You are doing great sweetie. You and your husband seem like great people ❤❤


This advice was not what I expected, but so what I needed. Thanks


Wow daisy! I’m so impressed by her bravery and selflessness. He’s missing out on a great woman if he goes his own way.


Daisy has a heart of gold, and she is a stellar example of sisters doing it for themselves! I am sending you, Daisy, lots of love.


Sweet Daisy....you have given these children a chance and unconditional love. This really warms my heart. They need to have stability. You are an angel.


Yay made it on time! I’m craving someone else’s drama today 🤣


Parents! Please, when disciplining your children for their choices, be sure include that YOU believe they are wonderful, kind, sweet, smart, brave, curious, creative (etc). Don't ONLY say compliments when they do something notable


I took in my 19 month old nephew when I had just barely a 2 year old boy and a 6 month old puppy. You’ve got this girl! I sometimes say I wish I hadn’t taken him in due to the circumstances surrounding how the parents got him back. It was a thankless act. I wasn’t expecting someone to throw a party but my nephews family saw me as their mortal enemy. It was hard! Remember why you did it. Write it down. You did it for stability and mental health of those 3 girls. My nephew and I have a bond of mother and son and it is awkward for some family. But you know what I was the ONLY ONE who took him in.


Seems as if I automatically give a thumbs up before watching the vid.?! It’s because I know what ever the Ramsey team puts out it’s going to be good solid advice! Thanks Team!!!


So glad you explained what modeling looks like. I heard that I'm "not enough without XYZ results" growing up. No one SAID it specifically. But as a child I observed it, I perceived it. I have a vivid memory of internally worrying about being a failure at 5yo (one of my first memories). Parents! Please, when disciplining your children for their choices, be sure include that YOU believe they are wonderful, kind, sweet, smart, brave, curious, creative (etc). Don't ONLY say compliments when they do something notable!


My mom had to figure all of that out when we were younger too because my dad worked night shift and slept all day which was usually fine because we were in school anyway as we got older but it was the 3-bedtime part that got hard when we were little so she just decided that we were all gonna go to my grandparents house once a week, eat dinner, my dad would take off for work from there, and my mom would run and get groceries real quick while my grandma did our bedtime routine over at their house that way when my mom got back from the store, all she had to do was load us up into the car and put us to bed when we got home. We didn't even know what the grocery store was when we were kids.


Dr John talked with Eric about how people react to our successes can lead us to thi n k our thoughts/feelings don't matter. I come from trauma and emotional neglect. I was always a good student but I've often said one of the best things my emotionally absent dad did was, the One time I got straight A's, he said "good job. " No excitement, no special prize, barely a reaction at all. If he had given me any excitement, I probably would have become a perfectionist. As crazy at it sounds, I see that non-excitement in that moment was a weird sort of blessing.


I have never caught this live🤩
Premier gang gang 😂


Nicole should seek out some church members/church family to help out. That is what church family is called to do! Babysitting, ubering hubby a few times a week, grocery shopping, etc. Help is not a one way street. As a pastors wife you serve others every day. Accept their service to you. ❤️
