10 Truths about the Harsh Reality of Corporate Jobs | The Truth about Corporate

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In this video, I shared 10 facts about the harsh reality of corporate jobs that you should know. The reality of corporate jobs is often obscured by very few people talking about the dark side of corporate life. You are led to believe that landing a job in an MNC will suddenly make your life much better and help you become happier than ever, This is as far from the truth as something can be. This is why I have made this video about the harsh reality of corporate jobs so we can have a clear and honest picture of the corporate world before entering it.

The first fact about the harsh reality of corporate career is that there are no laws to protect corporate employees. For example, there are traffic laws in our country so that nobody driving on the road drives so harshly that it harms others. However, if you are working in a corporate job and your client is based out of your country then there are no laws that apply to them and practically no way to hold them accountable. The second harsh fact that you need to keep in mind is that teams are a myth in the corporate world. This is because everyone in the corporate world prioritizes their own personal growth over whatever their team needs. This is the truth about corporate life.

The truth about corporate jobs is that everyone is looking out for themselves. This might work if all the people working towards a goal are from the same company. But it will definitely not work if all the people working are not even from the saem company. If someone is from TCS, others from Wipro, or IBM then there will be even less incentive to care about the other people on your team. The next fact is about emergency funds. Let’s be honest that your job in the corporate world is not permanent. And everyone of us wants to quit the corporate world some day. That is not possible unless you create an emergency fund. You need to have a backup plan. Create that 12 month or 6 month emergency fund so that you can take time off your regular job and focus on doing something that helps you replace your corporoate job somewhere down the line.

The next item on the list is upskilling. This is not just the harsh reality of corporate career but also the harsh reality of life that you need to always upskill. Some jobs are designed to pay high. A software engineer or an AI/ML engineer will earn a lot by working on new and exciting stuff every day. Similarly, if you are working in any of the fields which are just emerging, you will be paid more. So, you should not work in a field that typically pays less despite whatever your performance is like. Don’t combine passion with corporate career. The next is to prioritize communication.
You have to make sure that you keep everyone on your team in the loop for everything that you do. Next, you should learn to identify bad behavior. Bad behavior from anybody, client, manager, colleague, you should be in the position to identify it and avoid it. You need to focus on building your side hustle. If you are interested in something new then the first few years would be very difficult but sooner rather than later you will figure it out.

The next reality is that switching your job is always better. If you are not paid as per the market standards and you are not learning enough on the job then please go ahead and quit. You should avoid the stress and pressure that all these things come with. Go and resign from your job right away if these things keep bugging you. Next, you need to focus on your well-being. You need to draw very clear boundaries at work. You should know that the better you treat people you meet at work, the more likely they are to help you in the future. The last point is that everything is about profits in the corporate world so you should prioritize your personal growth over your company’s interests.


0:00 - Intro
0:05 - Fact #1
1:05 - Fact #2
2:02 - Fact #3
2:52 - Fact #4
3:53 - Fact #5
4:50 - Fact #6
5:58 - Fact #7
7:06 - Fact #8
7:42 - Fact #9
8:49 - Fact #10
9:28 - Bonus Point
10:15 - Outro
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One big thing I learned is think yourself as a business and never show loyalty to any job.


1. Teams in corporate are for namesake..mostly people work as an individual contributor and the sum of their individual work= work of the team rather than collaborative output
2. Emergency fund cannot be the only saviour..maximize your earnings and spend judiciously..that will give you the most optimised savings
3. People who keep all communication documented in email are the most respected in corporate
4. Switching jobs after few years is very important..for salary growth, personal growth as well..


Sir you are saving coming generations from double edge swords of corporate mafia.


"The path to the beginning and the path to the end of the corporate world is through side hustle."
Realized this last year, working hard actively for my side hustle!


This video was spot-on. You hit the bull's eye. Glad that someone is making aware of the harsh realities of corporate world


You are absolutely right. Wish this video had come years before.


Omg A-1 spot on information, literally spot on💯 took me years to learn this on my own through trial and error, but he's serving it on a silver platter. Take notes!


Thanks for all your videos. These videos are so relatable.


Amazing video. Very helpful. Bitter truth


I just love how Pavan considered Good air and good food as luxuries….


Very informative and realistic... Thanks


ఏ కంపెనీ తమ ఉద్యోగుల అభివృధి గురించి ప్రామిస్ చేయవు ఒక వేళ మనం కంపెనీ కోసం ఎంత కష్టపడ్డా మనకి ఒక పొగడ్త తప్ప ఆర్దికంగా ఎలాంటి ఉపయోగం ఉండదు ఇంకా నమ్మకంగా ఉంటే అభివృధి ఉండదు మనకి మంచి అవకాశం వస్తె వెళ్లి పోవడమే మంచింది మాటు మాటుగా కంపెనీ మరే ఉద్యోగాలకు చాలా అభివృధి అధికారం ఉంటుంది అని నా భావన im feeling proud to share my feelings in my native language hope you respect 😊😊😊 mr pavan


7:05 min.. switching. really valid points to ponder. Thanks for sharing sir.


My growth is important to me because if we do hardwork like donkey for the company we get the same salary that were hired for 😂😂😂


Your point is correct but all the things is two way straight then criteria match
Otherwise it is only blame


excellent all the points are absolutely valid


Good One. Love your Job, Not the Company 💡


Hi sir, can you please make videos on accidental hiring? Where manager take interview on that specific technology where he himself don't have subject expertise and instead of hiring job specific talent, person who has other set of skills got hired ...which ultimately create trouble some environment for person who has wrongly get hired in company


Side hustle will become the primary source of income if you don't give up on it.
Teaching is my passion and I quit my corporate job for it.


Everything is coming with pros and cons, adaptibility is the key here.
