Pendulum Witchcraft (HOW TO USE) Quick Start Guide for Beginners

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Have you always been drawn to Pendulums? The Occult has many ways of ascertaining answers and this is one of my favourites. There are so many uses for the pendulum in witchcraft which I cannot cover in a QuickStart guide as we would be here all day. It is part of a witch’s Craft and it’s magick is well known. However as promised I will write the list of uses that I can think of. If you have any more please do comment below, or if you would like me to make a video on something on the list, let me know.
Psychic Medium
Spirit Communication
Spell Work
Clarification of other forms of divination such as cartomancy (card reading)
Fortune telling
Vibration amplification
Psychic Readings
General Occultism and Magick
(That last one is a bit of a cop out but it does cover all bases..)

Let me know your thoughts and comment below.
Ginny x


I would love to hear from you so please keep in touch x

#pendulum #magick #witchcraft
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I asked my pendulum what is Yes and then what is No and it told me and I’ve been going with that ever since. It has never failed me yet.


I have always been facinated by casual cards and Tarot..but when i first time tried pendelum and it worked, i was soooo freaked out! I called my bestie and told my parents! I was scared and facinated at the same time! I love the pendelum! Have Snowflake obsidian pendelum and casual steele pendelum.
Love your videos also! Very helpful and calming for anxious and perfectionist witchcraft practicioner like me😂😂❤❤ Lots of love from Estonia!


Pendulums are 1 of many ways I communicate. I have many. I am also a mother of 6 children under 12yo. My eldest daughter just turned 11yo. I gifted her, her own Pendulum "she chose it herself". It is amazing how my yes and no, and her yes and no is completely different. 💖 My children are growing up in a very different household. I am a spirit keeper. I have been collecting haunted items long before I became a mother. My children are fascinated with what I do so far. 🥰


My grandfather made me a pendulum with a bullet, I don't know if it is made of copper or bronze, but he made it in such a way that I can open it and put a piece of something that I lost in that.
Example: I put a match and the pendulum reacts when the matchbox is close, then I find it.
I'm going to use it for spiritual things but I still love that detail.
Thanks for this video, it helped me and that's why I'm going to subscribe. ❤


I don't comment on videos often, but I had to tell you I absolutely love how you describe things very clearly and concisely while also being quite entertaining with your commentary. Have a wonderful day!


I love using pendulums and have done so since the 80s. Back in 2014 I came across a book in the library which was quite helpful but last year I went on the very first workshop and learnt a lot more of how to use it from a spiritualist medium. Thank you will recommend your video to a lady from the Flower Psychometry Group I'm in.


Honestly your videos help me a lot, very well done, I'm doing a journal with things I learn and my experiences and that knowledge is half from your videos and half from the books I have ^-^ thank you. 🦄


How do you ensure only light being entities come through or are guiding you? I ask because years ago before knowing the basics of protection, I feel like I was communicating with less than helpful spirits and so I want to ensure I am picking up the right energies.


Can you have different response swings for different pendulums?


Hi Ginny where do you buy your pendulums?


My Yes has always (10+ years) been clockwise and my no counter-clockwise. Today I figured what the hell lets calibrate. and shockingly it has reversed.... what does that mean... have i changed internally?


How are able to know which pendulum is good for what you said one was for mediumship and talking to the dead and the other to cast out negative energies . How can you tell the difference ? I have 3 pendulums 😅😂 i am very new to the practice and learn on my own by watching people like you and just having my own twist on it and i really
Love your videos and your way of explaining things . Thanks so much ❤️


Hi! I'm currently trying to learn about witchcraft. Do you need to cleanse your pendulum after first getting it? If so how would you do that? And is an altar necessary for witchcraft or communicating with spirits/dignities? If you have the time to respond that would be so helpful! Thank you!


Can I use this to only speak to my spirit guides? Do I HAVE to make a protection ward to avoid intrusions?


I received a pendulum and mat from a subscription box, how would I "break it in" and figure out its personality?


I made my pendulums and they worked beautifully then they stopped they just refused just littered .Now they sometimes work 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I asked my cousin to ask her pendulum a question for me, she did but now i'm really curious if can work if someone does it for you or you have to do it for yourself?? Many thanks x


How do i cast a ward around my pendulum?


I programmed my pendulum, differently. Circles are yes any direction of circle. Straight line in any direction is no.
And little to no movement is a maybe/I dont know...
:) Im a weirdo haha


My yes is forward and back
No is anti clockwise
Maybe is side to side
Is this normal?
