How To Use A PENDULUM For The First Time & Get Accurate Answers

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✨ I share how to use a pendulum correctly to get accurate answers, even if it's your first time using one. Pendulums are a great tool to communicate with your subconscious mind. I am using an amethyst pendulum from a crystal shop

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I asked my pendulum if i should clean my room and it said no 😂


Seeing a lot of folks in the comments talk about buying crystal pendulums and since some folks don't have the cash...
Anything works for a pendulum! I've seen washers on the end of a knotted piece of twine work wonders. I've seen folks use their phone chargers with the socket adapter as a weight. Fancy crystal ones are nice but not necessary. Crystals can conduct intention stronger if you have them, but you can work your will just as well through something lying around the house if you need.


I think it’s important to note that some crystals can be damaged by salt or water. Thanks for the video!


Beginners should know the yes and no signs from a pendulum can be different for different people. For some it is circles but for me it is forward and backwards for yes and side to side for no. It seems to be the same with every pendulum I have but I always test a new one as it may react differently.


Pendulum connects to your higher self them answer your questions. You must first learn to feel your HS through meditation to bring your HS closer I mean to have more connection. When you first have your pendulum it is advisable not to rush start using it. I will personally advise you to cleans it with water and salt, then keep it under the sun for some few hours. Then always put the pendulum in your pocket or anywhere close to you then most importantly sleep with it under your pillow at night. All this will make your pendulum be used to your energy. Then you can start using it. Don’t share your pendulum with other because it will attract their energies. Keep it safe and with you only. Cleans it every week or even after each session just as your intuition tells you.


I have a rose quartz pendulum and I feel like I connect with it


Just got a pendulum and didn't know what it did. Thanks for letting me know and I'll be sure to test it!
It was what caught my eye in the store, the stone variety is blue goldstone.


Great video! Everything super well explained.
I came to watch this because today my sodalite necklace started working as a pendulum. I was amazed since I had not experienced this before.

Im extra curious now, I’d love to see more of your videos to clear up some other questions!


I recently made my own and was very confused on how to use it. Thank you for this explanation, very simple and easy to follow


Just bought my first pendulum today cant wait to cleanse it and use it! Thanks for the tips! Love and Light Lily


i just bought a crystal and as a beginner i am very nervous to see how it works out but i immediately felt connected with one of my crystals and this video helped me a lot !


So I just picked up pendulum yesterday after cleaning it under the full moon, it was my first time, things are actually happening that I didn't expect and now I don't know where to go, right now I'm like a little kid asking a bunch of questions, also somehow it all came very naturally, because I did everything everybody has been explaining what to do, I'm almost dumbfounded... These are serious swings and if I ask it to move it faster for aore clear answer it does it, also I asked obvious questions like is my name Allison or did it rain today and answers were correct. I'm blown away.


tysm! i just started getting into spiritual stuff abt a month ago, and I got my first pendulum 2 days ago, and I didn’t really know how to use it, so I searched this up and this helped a lot, have a great day and thanks for helping <3


Fantastic! Just what I needed. I have so many thoughts about your video, and it took me to hold them to realize how educational and on the other hand spiritual this was. Thank you


i just got a new pendulum and i feel so connected to it, thank u for posting this:)


Wow, this is amazing. I never used mine before until I watched this video on how to use it correctly. You can see the vibration of it as it's working on the answer! It literally blew my mine..
Thank you for posting this video


You should also ask for it to show you yes no and not sure every time you use it because it could change. I also find it helpful to carry around new pendulums so they can align with you before using it for the first time. My pendulum does the opposite of what yours does (all the time even though I check it before I use it every time). North-south for yes and circles for no and chaotic swinging for not sure.


This is a nice synchronicity. I have ordered a pendulum and it arrived today, and I just bump into your video. Thank you for the info 💖


For me moving in a circle clockwise means "yes" and anticlockwise means "no." Up and down or left or right indicates unknown or unsure. I feel like my subconscious interferes with it and wields it in the direction it wants it to move. It's hard for me to clear my mind... Thanks for the video😄


OMG THANK YOU! I wasn’t sure if it would be me moving it but you made me so comfortable and easily got my yes and no identified. Thank you thank you thank you ✨❤️✨❤️
