Bicycle Accident in The Villages, Florida | Cyclist Injured in Bike Crash | Cycling Testimonial

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Our client was injured in a bike crash in The Villages, Florida. Here is his testimonial working with our law firm:

"My name is Tom. I was involved in an accident here in The Villages, Florida, a bicycling accident. It occurred back in the year before this past, '19, February 28th, I believe was the date. And I was crossing an intersection and a truck was coming straight at me and apparently did not see me. And the last thing I remember before being hit by the truck was the driver was looking off to his right, not paying attention to where he was going. As soon as I realized that I sped up. Luckily, he just caught the back of my bike. It would have been much worse. The accident would have been much worse had I not sped up a little bit. But I was still knocked off my bicycle. I don't remember what happened after I was hit. I was knocked unconscious, and I was taken to a trauma center where I was later released that day. I did have quite a bit of pain. I was sore all over. It was later decided that I had had a concussion, and it took me a while to get back where I wanted to be.

After the crash, I realized I needed a lawyer. I turned to Jim Dodson Law because I knew that Jim was a bicyclist himself. He was very involved in cases that involve bicycling accidents. And he had spoken before at some of our club meetings at the Lake Sumter Village Landing Bicycle Club meetings that we have every month. And I'd received his newsletter, et cetera, and I realized this was the person I should speak to.

I contacted Jim Dodson Law. And everything went very smoothly right from the outset, right from the beginning. Jim was very attentive. He collected a lot of information. My wife also interceded in terms of realizing that I was not feeling well. She helped quite a bit too. And she conversed with Jim also. And it went very well. And the entire time I talked to Jim and worked with him, he was, as I said, very attentive. He asked a lot of questions. He gathered a lot of information. He kept me abreast of what was going on at every point in time during this period of time after the accident when I was working with him. So I was very, very happy the way the whole thing shook out in terms of what happened during that period of time.

Well, we've work with attorneys on the usual things that families work with attorneys on. Things like estate planning, wills, things of this nature. But I'd never worked with an attorney before like Jim regarding an accident. So this was something entirely new for me. And I didn't know really what to expect. I was very pleased that Jim was very personable and he seemed very, very concerned. Right from the get go, he just was with me in terms of where I was and kept me, as I said, abreast of what was going to be happening. And I got frequent phone calls and emails from Jim and his staff. And it was very, very helpful to know that they were right there, I didn't have to prod, I didn't have to call and find out what was going on, where we were. If I had any questions at all about how the case was progressing, I'd call him, and he got back to me immediately and told me where we were at that point in time and what to expect.

I think if there was one moment that stood out, it was after several months of going through this and wondering where this was going, not really knowing, and Jim told me he thought this might be a good strategy to use toward the end of this whole ordeal and that this is what I could expect in terms of the timeframe remuneration, et cetera. So that was probably the one point. Everything had been very positive up to that point, but that kind of almost finalized things. And I said, "Wow, it's been well worth this working with Jim Dodson.

He exceeded my expectations. I knew that Jim had had experience working on cases like this that involve bicycling accidents, him being again, a cyclist himself. But I guess I just was very impressed with the fact that even though I'm sure he is extremely busy, he gave me his undivided attention at all times when he called me or when I called him. It was the most all important thing to him to get this case resolved. And I just felt at all times that it was never an imposition to call on my part and ask questions. And he kept me abreast. If we didn't know what was gonna happen, he would tell me and would say, "I'll know by a certain date, probably this should happen. We'll know by then what to expect." And he wasn't misleading in any way. I mean, he was just upfront with me and was very, very honest about everything. I guess, more than anything else, just the openness, the honesty, the concern, all these things were factors that made me very comfortable working with him and very happy that things turned out the way they did. And I'm happy that I chose him to be my lawyer for this particular accident."
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I am so glad you were able to assist him, Jim. Nice work!
