10 Secrets Hidden In Everyday Things!

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From things you don't notice on escalators, to the little things on planes that help them fly, join me as we explore secrets hidden in everyday things!
10. The Secret Room In Mount Rushmore
Ok, this isn't an "everyday thing" for most people, but this monument has a secret you'll love, trust us.
Mount Rushmore is one of the most important landmarks in American history, honoring four presidents (Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt and Lincoln) that helped found, expand, and preserve America. And there's been plenty of tall tales about what's "actually" within the massive mountain. However, if you've heard rumors about a "secret room" within it, that's actually correct.
The room itself is within Abe Lincoln's section of the place, and it was designed by the actual sculptor of Mount Rushmore, so no government conspiracies here, sorry. Anyway, the sculptor made a secret room with a rather beautiful purpose, for he wanted to contain the entire history of America within this room. Likely so that if anything happened to the country, these artifacts would likely remain. The sculptor had parts of the room dedicated to the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and more.
He died before being able to complete the History of America, but others took up the cause within the room. Now, if you're wondering how YOU can get into the room...you can't. It's locked, and because of its location, you can't get there by foot. Still, the room has been well documented, and you can probably find plenty of Youtube videos detailing it from the inside. But because of its nature and how well it blends into the grand design of Mount Rushmore itself, you'd be forgiven for not noticing it at all.
9. Triangles On Planes
How many of you out there fly a lot? Do you pay attention to the interior of the plane as you sit down and look around it? If you do, you might notice that on the walls of the plane you are on there is a set of black triangles perfectly across from one another about midway down the plane. They're small, and aren't meant to be noticed, but they are indeed there.
But what could the purpose of them be? Actually, it's a very simple thing to explain. You see, those triangles are meant to give the person sitting there the best view of the wings of the plane. Why is that? So that they can look out them and make sure that the wings are ok and that there isn't something going on with them. And of course, should the pilot, co-pilot, or one of the staff think that something is going wrong, they can head to the seats and take a look for themselves.
Ironically enough, a nickname for these seats is the "William Shatner" seats, because it was in these seats that Shatner sat during the legendary Twilight Zone episode, "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", where Shatner's character was sitting in the seats with the triangles and noticed that there was, "Something on the wing!"
So next time you're on a plane, see if you can notice the little triangles just above the windows. You'll know what they're for if you do.
8. Apartment In The Eiffel Tower
Paris is by and large one of the most popular places in the world, and there many secrets and wonderful things to look for in the city if you know where to gaze. But one of them quite literally towers above the rest. In this case, I'm talking about the Eiffel Tower. You might look at the tower and think, "What could be hidden there?" Well, an apartment, actually. One that was purposefully built by the towers creator, Gustave Eiffel.
And not only did he built the tower and the apartment, he lived in that place for years. Imagine the view he had both day and night, being able to see all of Paris from what must have felt like the top of the world.
Now, while it's kind of a secret now, it wasn't back then. In fact, a TON of people offered to buy the apartment from Gustave, and we're talking high-ranking, wealthy people. But, he wouldn't do it, I can't blame him, can you?
Interestingly enough, Gustave hosted many parties in his apartment on the Eiffel Tower, and brought many famous people to it. And while you can't live in it today, you can go and see it for yourself. I just added another destination point to your Paris vacation, didn't I? You're welcome.
7 Backpack Whistle
For many years of your life, the backpack that you wear is one of the most important things you own.
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only two comments I can't believe that I'm surprised first with how popular the channel is and it's well done content.

Yeah I know I had nothing to do with the video so here you go then the video was quite good and I liked it a lot and I love the channel hopefully it grows more so they'll be more comments and you won't have to read dumb shit that I wrote LOL
