Christians, We Need to Do Something NOW for Future Generations

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It only takes ONE generation to lose a spiritual legacy. In this presentation, I exhort believers to be proactive in teaching today’s youth what the truth is according to the Bible.

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Ken please stay above reproach. I know you are a very humble man but to so many you are a giant of our faith. Praying for your strength and continued faithfulness .God bless you brother.


I do church (lords supper) at home with my family because there are no Bible based churches where I live. There are a lot of churches but none that follow the Bible faithfully.


Great Message!! So true. May we all protect our little ones and raise them in the fear of the Lord. As Christians we can be the change in the next generation. God bless


Thus the gospel must be explained to every generation. The gospel is inseparable from six day creation about 6000 years ago,


It is easy for me to say since i sm not a parent-- but too many parents have not instilled the Scriptures in their children
What a sad world we live in
As in the days Noah


God bless you and keep you dear brother Ken Ham……


Jesus said “Upon this Rock I will build my Ekklesia (Church), and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it”. Jesus Christ IS THE ROCK upon which His body of redeemed believers is built, and as long as there’s Holy Spirit filled believers on this earth, and our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, is upholding us, which He has promised His Father that He WILL NOT LOSE ANY of us, then the Christian faith (as it’s defined in scripture) will continue to flourish. Jesus Christ is who sustains the Christian faith, and His body of born again believers who profess their faith in Him alone as their God and Redeemer, YHVH incarnate. We’ll be here until our LORD Jesus Christ calls us to our heavenly home. Biblical Christianity isn’t going anywhere until Jesus says so.


God is Sovereign. Salvation is not a human decision. We proclaim truth. God does what He wills.


I'm at the age where I remember a healthy church, an unhealthy church to a terminally ill church. From my perspective, the church can no longer hear the Holy Spirit. The church only listens to professional degrees. When people who hear the Holy Spirit speak, they are rejected.

I agree that the church was lost in one generation. Having said that, I believe Yahuah Elohiym doesn't need the church for revival. It only takes one spark from two evangelists.

We need Answers in Genesis to continue on with Scientific evidence to be light in darkness.


"There's no neutral position". Great, biblical point. 12:58


Thanks for this great presentation. The Word of God must be our fou dation. It gives strength and power against evil and secularism.


He made the point, per Scripture, that the responsibility falls on the parents teaching the children, not the congregation or church. People are leaving the churches because they are not comprised of God's people any more. They are worldly gatherings thanks to the "seeker-sensitive" movement which isn't leading, but pandering. Just like those coming out of Egypt longed to return, except for a very few, today's "churches" are mostly people who want to be in the world. All claim to serve God while actually following the world's gods. Anyone who mentions righteous living is called a Judaizer or legalist or works-based heretic. Luke 18:8 "...However, when the Son of Man returns, will He find the faith on the earth?” Based on the further fact that only few will be saved, it would appear that the answer would be, "Not many."


The falling away from the church just lets us know that the return of Jesus Christ is near.
2 Thessalonians 2:3

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”


Only one generation to lose a spiritual legacy is true. Japan saw this after WW2. What happened is the older generation still had the folklore in them, many stories of older times. As that WW2 generation passed and called home to God, the old stories left us as well. Their children and children's children didn't have the old folklore stories in them. Japan, today, is a very different place with new folklore and new stories for their cultural identity.


Another aspect of loosing this generation is that they would simply refuse to listen and be diligent to understand. Lazy in the mind.


Satanism attacks people who repent to the Father, the spiritual enemies of God have always had the be as God lie. Have a good labor day❤


The church needs to start getting the simple gospel right...That's a good place to start....They just teach religion and men's commandments these days.

Jesus doesn't represent a religion. He represents a Kingdom!


This comment is off topic a little but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be said, as it is important for all to understand and think critically about.
I'm adding something below that I pray opens the eyes of some of His who're truly misguided right now.

We who're His are to make our voices heard in support of Judeo Christian values and candidates who most closely align with them, our votes matter.

Now that being said, Trump nor any other is a savior, there's only One savior of all mankind, the perfect Son of Man, the very Son of God, our great God and Savior Christ Jesus, (Tit 2:13).

So when voting as a Christian we know we'll find no perfect person to vote for, that's just not possible in this fallen world. That does not mean however we are to remain silent by not voting. In the USA we are not a monarchy, we have a responsibility as dual citizens of both His kingdom and the USA to vote and have a say in the direction this nation takes. We should vote for the candidates who most closely align with His values, knowing we'll find none who're perfect. Abstaining from voting may feel good but that is all it is a good feeling, vanity. By not voting we're ignoring our duty as dual citizens and possibly helping the more evil option into office. So by not voting you are in fact voting whether you want to accept that fact or not.

Many may bring up Eph 5:11 that tells us to "take no part in it", (evil), but here in the US we're forced into choosing the lesser of two or three evils. There's no such thing as abstaining from voting and it not having an effect on an election. I'm not sure how I can make this more clear, when people don't vote they are in fact voting. Not voting may make someone feel good and like they've not taken part but please think critically for just a moment. If you ignore your duty to vote that doesn't mean that it still doesn't exist. It's not only a duty but a privilege that many around the world would love to have, to have a say in who's put into government positions. That's just one of the many reasons so many wish to come here. If you're not voting allows a far greater evil to take power what should that tell you, by not making your voice heard what are you really doing?

Eze 33:8-9 come to mind and what we're told about inaction and it's result.

Yes there are degrees of evil and some are far worse than others, just look at what the candidates support or not and then make the best informed decision possible.

An example right now is both sides support abortion, which is murder of the unborn, but one side supports it even up to and after birth.
You tell me which is more evil as both are abhorrent but we have a duty to choose, inaction is not a Biblically viable option.

When the Apostle Paul wrote about governments he was writing during a time of centralized power, emperors and monarchies.
A system of government designed so that the common people had no say about who was put into or seized power over them.
We however are given the privilege and duty to vote in this nation, our votes decide who's put in power a serious responsibility that should not be ignored.

One of the things that still applies in our situation today is prayer for those in power to hopefully see them become true followers of His Way or at least used and guided by Him.

We're a Constitutional Republic, every citizen of both His kingdom and this nation has a duty to make their voices heard as to who is voted into the offices that effect the direction the nation takes.

We can use that voice and our votes to further His values as best we can or watch as it all falls apart.

You tell me which seems more aligned with His Word and instructions to us.

Just something to chew on.

Take care and God Bless...


Heres what I've observed. Churches will cancel services for any little reason. One year, at a church that I pastored, December 25th was on a Sunday. The deacons said: "...oh, we won't have services that dsy, we want to spend Christmas with our families." I'm like : "...are you serious?" They were serious. I told them, "I and my family will be here, morning and evening." That landed me in hot water. What Does the Bible Say, Hebrews ch.10"Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner (habit) of some is..." Christians greatly underestimate the importance of the fellowship of the saints. Furthermore, people drive by a closed church building on a Sunday, they receive an unspoken message. The young people get a similar one: Church Isn't Important. I used to say, and I still do: "You don't get saved through church attendance, but saved people attend church." Furthermore, if church attendance is too heavy, then sharing Christ with their "neighbors" is not even on the table. See where this has landed us. Laodicea anyone?


Mate discern the times. There are no future generations. God is just about finished with the Church. It is well and truly in apostasy now. Preach the Gospel, pray and keep your eyes on Israel.
