Christians, You MUST Know This About Trump and Biden

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In this video, Ray Comfort takes a deep dive into the faith of Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. He also hits the streets to ask people for their thoughts on Trump and Biden, using it as a springboard to share the gospel with them.



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I got my teenage girlfriend pregnant in high school and both parents wanted us to abort the child. We chose not to. I got a job as a carpenter and we toughed it out. 47 years later that little girl is still a bright light in my life. Choose life, it’s will always be a blessing to you.
(I should also mention that she has given me 3 amazing grandchildren and now a great grandson. All living happy productive lives, and none of them would be here now if an abortion had occurred back then.)


I was sexually assaulted back in 92, and got pregnant, at 4 months along I found out I was carrying twin boys, and my doctor told me that it wasn't too late for an abortion. Well me being proliferation pro-life that wasn't an option for me. In April of 93 I have birth to beautiful twin boys and now almost 31 years later I've watched them become into such handsome talented men who have now given me 5 beautiful grandchildren with another one sure in June. I wanted to post my story in hopes that maybe someone in the same position I was in 31 years ago would understand that no matter on how you got pregnant that you'd possibly think about that child, and understand it's not the child's fault. I honestly don't know what I'd do without my boys in my life. They have brought me so much joy and happiness, and I give all the glory to Jesus for being there with me thru the hard times and the good times. I hope my story touches someone today and pray that you make the right decision and choose Life.


I'm 60 years old now and I had an abortion as a teen. My heart still aches to this very day for aborting/killing my child. Ladies, don't think having an abortion will not leave an empty hole in your heart...


I am 80yrs and my father went to jail because he fought against my mother aborting me. My right to existence.


My daddy saved me from an abortion and later he fought for custody and raised me by himself, and did a fine job doing it, though we give all Glory to Christ. He's 81 now and my fiancee and I are caring for him, my two children visit pawpaw daily. Dad will never go to a nursing home, he is enjoying his golden years. Ours is just an example of how we reap what we sow.


God said “before you were conceived in your mothers womb, I knew you” that is the only thing I need to hear to be pro life


“No matter who is president, Jesus is still King!”


I'm so glad my parents chose life for me. A 23 yr old serviceman and his 21 yera old girlfriend found themselves with an unplanned pregnancy. His family members and his friends pushed him to abort that baby! To live his life and go to college after the service. The young couple refused to be pressured by others, and knowing they would have no support, they stood strong and wouldn't abort their baby. I am that baby.

They got married, The nay-sayers came around. Upon finishing his military service, my dad went to and finished college. Things were hard for them. But the hard times are small compared to our lives that are blessed by God.

That was 50+ yrs ago. I care for my parents, and I'm forever grateful they chose life for me, as is my husband and our children.


My mother was 14 years old in 1976 when she become pregnant. In the 70s, abortion was the new and ‘in’ thing to do. My mother hid this pregnancy until one day her mother noticed her stomach during a car ride. By this time, it was too late for an abortion. Her mother asked her why she didn’t tell her and it could have been taken care of. (Aborted). My mother replied because she wants to keep the baby. She knew abortion would have been pushed on her. My mother married the father of her baby and went on to have a total of 5 children. All living happy, healthy, beautiful lives. The baby was me. I only found out this occurred a year ago. I cry every time I tell it. I’m thankful she chose life. I hold no hard feelings toward my grandmother who at the time was not a Christian. She loves me with her whole heart.


In highschool I got my girlfriend pregnant, we were both 16.
We were scared and were encouraged to have the baby aborted, I actually gave what I had to help pay for it. After the procedure her Mother drove us home from the clinic, both my girlfriend and I cried all the way home. I, yes I have never been the same sense. I later married and was blessed with 4 boys and although I love each one of them I desperately wanted a little girl. To this day, 35 years later my heart still hurts because I just know that baby was going to be my girl. 35 years later and I still think about her, I've prayed God will let me meet her and tell her I'm sorry when I get to heaven. Don't think that Men are not affected by abortions, we feel the emptiness too.


About 4 years ago within a weeks time I had 5 by passes in my heart, 4 blood clots in my leg, went blind in my right eye, stroke with a head bleed, beats of my heart would go from 30 beats to 170 back and forth. The hospital in Houston Tx. said there was nothing they could do for me and told my wife to put me in a nursing home. She took me home, my wife was praying, my church, people on the internet and I don't know how but people in California were pray for me. I see in the eye I went blind, I speak clearly and totally functional in my body and normal. There is more I could say but God is good, all the time and in Jesus name I was healed.


14 years old,
toxic relationship,
abandoned by the father,
continued in school, graduated with my class,
completed a trade,
met a wonderful man,
had more children,
then had beautiful grandchildren from my beautiful child that I gave birth to at 14 years old.

Thank You Lord 🙏
for protecting me & my child from the people who were trying to convince me to abort.

Praise be to Your Sovereignty 🙌🏻

May my story encourage others that with You all things are possible and we are NOT alone, but we have You beside us to guide us.

We live in a very rich land with an abundance of programs for unplanned pregnancies.

There is absolutely NO reason to kill a child.

If you’re not ready to be a parent, then please find someone who is & please, please, please consider adoption options.


I was date raped and became pregnant. I was 17. I kept my baby and married my rapist for the sake of my child. I was beaten, mentally abused, and I carried on. After about 2 years I started my escape. I left that demon, got custody of my child. I had to work extra hard to continue doing what was best for my child. I am now 64, today actually, and if need be, I'd do it all again. God kept me safe and strong for her.


My husband left me when I was early in my second pregnancy for another woman. I was broken hearted, destitute and physically debilitated by a back injury for which I had surgery before I knew I was pregnant. I didn’t know what to do, or where to turn. The doctor recommended abortion as the only option because of my recent surgery. I am so grateful that ….By Gods grace I went to my mom who was strongly pro life and she convinced me that I should keep my daughter. She is now 40 years old has two lovely daughters and has been a wonderful blessing in my life. The health problems that the drs predicted were not there and she was ❤worth all the trials I went through and perfectly healthy.


I talked my girlfriend into an abortion when I was a teenager. I thought nothing of it until I saw her come out of the room, bent over. At that very moment I realized that it was a life that I destroyed. It was too late to undo what I have done. That was many years ago and I wasn't doing very well after that. My world was darkened. Never to be the same again. I appreciate what Living Waters is doing and I thank God for His grace and mercy towards me.


I was the child of a single woman pregnant by a married man. She chose life. But she committed suicide when I was 6 weeks old and my father was desperate to keep me out of the clutches of her family but unable to take me home, asked a family friend to help him get me adopted. So a most wonderful older couple went from being childless to being the best parents ever! They were also glad my mother chose life as is my husband and my children AND my sisters who finally found me after 25 years of looking.
Choose Life!


My sister-in-law had a high-risk pregnancy and all the doctors told her to have an abortion, she changed doctors 4 times, in the sixth month with a few days left before the seventh month, a tiny little boy was born well, they left him for a few days In the incubator she had to attend classes as a kangaroo mother, at nine months my nephew was healthy and beautiful. Today he is married with two beautiful babies.


I was 17 and got my 16 yr old gf pregnant. She had our baby 6 weeks after she turned 17. Her family wanted us to abort. Then had a neighbor who offered us cash, or a brand new Mercedes. I told them i would raise my child by myself, before i would do either. 6 years later, she left me, and our 3 children. But i kept my word and raised my children.


Whoa. That "catholic" girl, when she said, "I'm pro-abortion, too. It's OK to kill a baby" then she smiled. That was evil and I felt it in my heart. Demons walk among us every day. Make no mistake about it. Pray daily for discernment!


This should be on a billboard EVERYWHERE! When women abort a baby they never think of the future legacy they are preventing in their lives😢
