5 Ways I Food Prep for Weight Loss | Low-Fat Vegan Diet

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Here are 5 things I do every week to set healthy eating on autopilot.

Click here to take part in the 30 Day Low Fat Vegan Weight Loss Challenge (free youtube playlist, daily videos):

Rules of the 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge:

No Calorie Counting (not necessary when you follow low calorie density)
No Sugar, Oil or Salt (NO OIL is very important - this includes no sauces with oil in them, etc.)
No meat, eggs, dairy or other animal products
No Nuts, nut butters
No dining out (or limit it as much as possible)
No alcohol
Coffee ok (but, it’s not particularly good to drink)
No fruit juice (green juice and smoothies ok)
No dried fruits
No crackers, chips, cookies, muffins, etc.
No popcorn
No tofu (it’s higher in fat - for the challenge, we’re sticking with beans as the main protein)

What to Eat?
LOTS OF WET STARCH: potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, millet, oatmeal, barley
Pasta is ok - but plate should be half vegetables
A little unsweetened plant milk is fine (in oatmeals, tea, etc.)
Spices: garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, etc.
Lemon juice, balsamic vinegar/glaze, nutritional yeast, sugarfree ketchup

Easy meal formula: greens + beans + potatoes OR greens + beans + rice


Participate in the comments section to keep accountable and have a sense of community during the 30 day challenge.

Exercise: move your body daily - rigorous gym workouts not necessary.

Half to one pound of fat loss can be expected per week.
Рекомендации по теме

Learning to cook lentils in my rice cooker has been a game changer for me🙌
Thanks for sharing that tip


I always have to have food prepped or I don't think I could stick to this. Thanks for the video, Melissa 💕


Thank you Melissa for the great meal ideas. Yes, prepping is the key to success.


I love your videos. I want and need to lose 15 pounds. I haven't considered a strictly vegan diet, until your videos. You make this seem so simple and doable. Thank you.


Melissa, you are the BEST!!!

Really really thanks 🙏🏼 so very much for this meal prep. These hacks and prep ideas will definitely help to stay on track.

Just something I would like to share.. I started this challenge 2 days back to get a feel of it. To be honest, I hated the water sautéed vegetables I made on 1st day for lunch even though I added garlic powder, onion powder, little salt. So yesterday, I used those leftover vegetables and added them to red and yellow lentil soup with loads of tomatoes and Italian seasonings. Now that I enjoyed eating. But just water sautéed vegetables, I ate it on Monday but I did NOT like it. I will have to play around to work with sauces to make at home with no added fat and vegan to get through this challenge. Any other suggestions or ideas for folks like me?


Lentils are my favorite bean option - but in the rice cooker?? Mind blown! I typically have brown lentils on hand - would you adjust anything when cooking in the rice cooker? I know they are typically interchangeable with green lentils in most recipes.


Do I need to click anywhere for the 30 days weight loss? 😊


Melissa, one question about grocery list. I wasn’t able to find Oil Free, Sugar Free and Salt Free - pasta sauce.

I need my sauces 😂 as you might have figured out by now.

Any brand recommendations? We have Costco, Meijers, Krogers, TJs and Aldi around.


Hi Melissa, I will like to do the October challenge, will you be giving daily meals within the challenge.


Any idea how many calories a day you are eating? It seems quite low to be honest, with all those vegetables.
