I Will Get Attacked for This...

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Have you been fooled by the lies in modern medicine? From over-prescribed medications to outright lies doctors tell, it’s difficult to discern some of the common misconceptions in healthcare. Find out about 9 common lies doctors tell and the truth about medicine and health. I’m definitely going to get attacked for this!

0:00 Introduction: Lies from modern medicine
0:34 Medical system problems
1:48 Lies doctors tell
3:24 Hypertension and sodium
3:57 Vitamin D toxicity
5:00 Red meat and cancer
7:57 Hypoglycemia and diabetes


Modern medicine is primarily influenced by big pharma and big food. The medical industry is also overspecialized, and nutrition and food therapy training is virtually nonexistent.

Check out these 9 common medical industry lies!

1. You don’t need a gallbladder.
The gallbladder stores bile salts that help you extract fats from the digestive system. If you don't have a gallbladder, you won’t be able to concentrate bile.

2. Statins have minimal side effects.
Statins have major side effects and increase your risk for type 2 diabetes and liver damage.

3. Hypertension is caused by too much salt in the diet.
Instead of trying to lower sodium, increase potassium. Focus on adequate potassium intake to support healthy blood pressure levels.

4. Low amounts of vitamin D will fix a deficiency.
If you’re low in vitamin D, 600 to 800 IU will not be enough. You need around 10,000 IU every day.

5. Red meat causes cancer.
Grass-fed red meat is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It’s a high-quality protein source and contains all of the B vitamins, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, creatine, l-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, and glutamine.

6. Avoid saturated fats.
Unsaturated fats are a much bigger problem. Dangerous seed oils and ultra-processed foods are full of unsaturated fats—not saturated fats.

7. Your weight is causing your health issues.
Your weight is a symptom, not the cause of your problems. The root cause of your weight problems and the associated health issues is likely insulin resistance.

8. Plant-based diets are best.
Doctors and dieticians often falsely claim that plant-based diets are cleaner. Most fake meat products contain many ultra-processed ingredients.

9. Hypoglycemia is a complication of diabetes.
If you have hypoglycemia, you have too much insulin. Instead of focusing on lowering insulin, doctors will advise patients to eat glucose pills or candy if their blood sugars drop too low.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this increases your awareness about the common misconceptions in healthcare. I’ll see you in the next video.
Рекомендации по теме

My wife was diagnosed with stage IV brain cancer. An anaplastic astrocytoma. They said she has a few years to live IF they gave her radiation that would in itself, cause brain damage.
We said no thanks, we are going to approach this holistically. They told us we were 'crazy'.
They were focused strictly on her head. But her problem was in her digestive system. Once her digestive system was thoroughly cleansed she lost about 15 years of age off her face, her mind became clear and sharp and she started to win arguments.
The toxic condition in her digestive system was suppressing her immune system, allowing cancer cells to proliferate.
Once homeostasis was restored, her body healed itself. That was some 35 years ago. She is still in excellent health today.


I am a retired nurse, and I am absolutely disgusted with the medical society. I don’t trust them anymore, as I’ve seen too much


I had a heart attack and was in ICU for 4 days, got 5 stents. I was 'pre diabetic' but the food they served was all carbs and sugar. My wife was bringing me real food. On sunday they brought my lunch, it was an English muffin, hash browns, and oatmeal with candy-jelly and sugar syrup plus peaches swimming in liquid sugar. I didn't eat any of it. Then a nurse came in and said they were concerned I wasn't eating. I said 'I'm not eating any of that crap, it will spike my blood sugar'. So she left but came back with 4 other nurses and they asked me what I wanted to eat. I said 'a couple of scrambled eggs' They all burst out laughing, saying I can't have that with my heart condition. Totally clueless, or just purposely trying to make my condition worse so I'm a repeat customer. The heart doctor came in and told me to be SURE to take the Statins every day. He said 'think of them as vitamins for your heart'. I couldn't believe he said that! Lost all respect for him at that moment. It's been 2 years, I eat Keto and am doing quite well.


I was told by an GI specialist that my gallbladder was underperforming! In the same breath he stated that I needed surgery to remove it since it would take care of the problem. I advised the GI specialist that my gall bladder was not the only thing that was underperforming as I walked out of his office and closed the door. 25 years later, I am still very attached to my gallbladder.


I was suffering from diabetes, taking 40 units of insulin plus 850mg of metformin three times daily. I finally got tired of the wildly fluctuating blood sugars and switched endocrinologist. My new doctor is not so much into medications as nutrition and he started by telling me to stop eating anything with wheat. That alone got me off of insulin completely. So, then he advised me to start examining the carbohydrate content of everything I ate and try to avoid foods with more than 3mg of carbs. A few weeks later, I had to reduce my metformin to two per day. By then I was doing a lot of research on my own and learned a lot. After discussing it with my endocrinologist, I went on a week long fast - nothing but water for 7 days. The first three days were incredibly difficult but, I stuck with it. By the end of that week, I was no longer taking any diabetes medication at all. Also, after that week long fast, with my endocrinologist's agreement, I went 100% carbohydrate free and a month later I went total carnivore. The by product is, my weight went from 220 lbs to 180 lbs in three months and I felt great. That was three years ago and now I weigh about 176 and my health has never been better and no diabetes. Food is indeed the best medicine. Oh, BTW, I"m 77 years old.


Dr. Berg, most Americans stand with you and we’re tired of being gaslighted by big pharma, politicians and many doctors.


Went to 10 doctors to fix my stomach issues but none helped except Dr. Berg! It was the seed oils all along.


We need more people like this! Just finished reading "The 23 Former Doctor Truts" by Lauren Clark and I had to say its so truth revealing. Industry hides so much from society!


Independent Osteopathic physician here and I approve this video. Not all of us are in the bag of the pharma-food-healthcare industrial complex.


I'm a physician, retired at 52. One of the biggest reasons I retired is because of how corrupt and broken it is. I was literally hauled before the MEC to explain why I refused to wear masks. When I pulled out 39 articles showing they either did nothing or increased the spread of covid, I was told I was the problem. I watched them kill patients in the ICU. I watched them recommend BILATERAL total mastectomies for a 32 year old woman with a 0.5 cm grade one carcinoma that would be cured with a simple lumpectomy. I watched my family get Lyme's disease and all my physician colleagues do nothing to help cure us. Alternative medicine did that. Modern medicine is only good for diagnosis and surgery.


I was at a Bible study years ago, and a conversation came up of a lady who had been in a hospice and was ready to die. So they took her off of her medications and she got better and was eventually released.


Calling it a crime against humanity doesn’t even begin to cover what’s happening in the health industry. If you want to uncover the truth, I suggest reading Health and Beauty Mastery by Dr. Julian Bannett. It completely changed how I approach health advice


We are at a point when we no longer trust doctors, media, fed. Gov., and our department of justice.


I am 47 years-old and never been healthier and sharper mentally than I am now and it all thanks to the decision that I made two years ago ; I decided to quit alcohol completely, started doing OMAD (One Meal A Day ), cut off all sugar from my diet and I decided to hit the gym 6 times a week, resting on Sundays.. Fast forward two years, it has been a life changing journey to say the least . My sleep has improved dramatically, after I turn off the lights within three minutes I fall asleep never waking up in the middle of the night. Because I quit alcohol no more headaches and hangovers on the weekends, feels GREAT to wake up at 6 am on a Sunday morning feeling completely rested.. Because I quit sugar and all sugar foods my brain fog has disappeared .. The best medicine I believe is preventive medicine .. It is a lot easier to prevent cancer and heart disease than curing them ..Be proactive about your health, live a lifestyle that never lets you need these doctors ..


I lost all respect for the medical system during COVID. When an institution is more focused on one thing than taking care of their patients, something is seriously wrong. Thank you, Dr. Berg. God bless you always.


Most doctors started their careers wanting to help patients but ended up helping themselves lining up their own pockets 😢


You don’t get in trouble for lying, you get in trouble for telling the truth.


I remember hearing my granny say many times, "Good food is cheap medicine." Even with the price of food these days it's still true.


I think the pandemic really created a lot of distrust in big pharma and the medical systems failures.


Thank you for all that you do to bring the truth to everyone. I worked in the medical field for over 10 years. I realized that patients kept returning for symptoms that were caused from the medication given to them at their previous visit. And in most cases they were then given another prescription to treat the symptoms. It's a revolving door! Sickening!
