The strongest of hajime no ippo-tier list😯

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Makunouchi and Kamogawa left the chat.


Volg is s++. No way he is worst than Miyata. He has faced the strongest guys in the world stage and is a world champion


No fucking way you ranked Hawk higher than Ricardo Martinez 💀💀💀


Sawamura was a beast, sucks we wont see him again


Takamuras slugger style is really something else


Recardo 1st in pound for pound, so he is the G.O.A.T for now


All world champions deserved Z level in my opinion. Eagle is stronger than hawk at least. Ippo now can be considered S+++ level, almost to Z level. Just need him to cross the infamous Takamura line


Volg is world champ 💀 how is he under date eiji and miyata.


Volg gotta be higher. Dude is a world champ


🏆 IBF Champion
#1 WBA
#1 WBC

Tier: A++


Bro volg could eat up miyata and dendo alive 💀


Bro aoki and kimura is atleast A+ mashiba even admitted that kimura was the strongest foe he has ever faced he even used his rare right hand and his very agile and is very fast with a good footwork and good strenght meanwhile

aoki is unpredictable and his strenght and speed is beyond an average person's strenght and speed also he has good biq even if his style is goofy it still deals a ton of damage to your body


if we're basing each boxer during their prime conditions, and pound for pound ability I'd say:

1. Ricardo

I mean, the dude is canonically rated number 1 pound for pound amongst all boxers across the world. And it's no wonders considering his crazy 70-0 record, 66 of which (if memory serves correct) being knockout. Clearly, everyone's a walk in the part for this dude.

rating: Z

2. Takamura

Takamura has not only conquered three divisions, which in order were: Middleweight jr, Middleweight, and Super Middleweight. He had also achieved the unified title (wbc and wba) and defended his reign as champion in an almost comedic fashion. To be honest, if it wasn't for the in-universe declaration of Ricardo being #1 pound for pound, I would've definetly given it to Takamura. The guy is basically your typical shounen protagonist winning just cause he's the protagonist aka plot armour lol.

rating: Z

3. Volg

If I were to put it in words, Volg is basically the Ricardo of his division. The only reason he's rated so third however, is based on his bouts - he continues to fight disadvantageous fights. For example, for his ibf title bout, he only had 1 week notice to actually prepare. For his title defense, Ippo broke his rib so he was incapable of throwing his right. However, despite this, he had respectively won the ibf title, and defeated his opponent (during title defense) with his left hand in one round. We have yet to see Volg fight at his full potential, but if he did - he may reign even higher?

rating: SS+++

4. Eagle

Well, David Eagle had immense talent and works immensely hard as well. He's basically if boxing, and perfection had a child. Additionally, he was arguably Takamura's most difficult fight by far. Technically skilled, power, agility, intelligence - all the elements you needed to become a great, historic boxer - he had it. But, ironically enough, it was that perfection that actually costed him his fight. In other words, his chivalrous persoanlity, and wanting to show 'good sportsmanship' costed him the fight against Takamura, and if it wasn't for that - he would've won. But apart from that personality, he's basically the ideal even among world-class boxers.

rating: SS+++

5. Wally

Competed against Ricardo, though he lost - he was the first known opponent to make him bleed... that should be enough in terms of feats. Talent-wise, he's up there with Hawk. Basically, because of his animalistic upbringing, he developed extreme, and as Ricardo calls it - superhuman qualities - such as his agility, and instinct. Because of this, he could dominate fighters even with little expeirence, simply because of his immense instinct, and superhuman acrobatics. In my eyes, he's basically Hawk, minus the degeneracy and actually had passion for the sport.

rating: SS++

6. Hawk

All I'm going to say is if Hawk trained as hard as Takamura, he would've been number one. That's literally all he lacked. Training. If it wasn't for his trashy personality, he would've genuinely beaten Takamura. Basically, this guy is beyond talented in the art of boxing. I mean, the dude won the wbc world title while barely training, and spending most of his time sexually pleasing himself, or other worldly things. it's actually ridiculous how talented this dude was at boxing (though they canonically call his fight style street fighting alpha plus?).

rating: SS+

7. Date

Ricardo considered him one of his hardest fight at the time they fought if memory serves correct. That's all I need to say.

rating: SS

8. Sendo

Currently contending for the wba title against Ricardo. Defeated Gonzales, which defeated Ippo (and Gonzales is said to be capable enough to get any other world title). Enough said. (though this ranking may change depending on the outcome against Ricardo)

rating: SS

9. Mashiba

Currently competing for the wbc lightweight title (ranking might change, or stay the same depending on the outcome of the fight).

rating: S++

10. Miyata

Miyata could be higher, in fact - he should be higher - but because of Ippo's retirement, he just hasn't pursued a world title despite having the ability to show for it.

rating: S+ (for now)

11. Sawamura

In his prime before retirement, he was leagues above everyone else within the japanese scene. In fact, Takamura stated himself that he should've won against Ippo if he didn't play around after the first dempsey roll. The only person that held a candle to him at the time in terms of technicality was Mashiba.

rating: AA+

12. Kimura

Kimura so far's only notable fight was him against Mashiba where he went the distance with him. Though at this time, Mashiba wasn't in the right mental state - the fact that Kimura could even go the distance shows that he definetly has the potential to become at least a japanese champ if he wanted to. If I were to rate him, he'd also be an A++ if he performed as well as he did when he fought Mashiba. But, for now -

rating: B++

13. Aoki

Well, Aoki is Aoki. Funny thing is, he has canonically more talent compared to Kimura - though, based on memory, he hasn't yet showed a similar feat to when Kimura fought Mashiba.

rating: B++

Now, though Ippo isn't in this list - I would just like to point out that before his fight with Gonzales I'd rate him maybe an S? if not, AAA. He was good, but because of the continual abuse to his head - he wasn't the best. However, during retirement, and after finally taking years off from boxing to focus on recuperating, and learning the game further - I'd say Ippo's current ranking is possibly S+ but I'm more confident with S. If he fixes his mentality, and sacrifices just a tinge of his humanity just like sendo and mashiba, then he's for sure going to be at least S+++, possibly even SS+? but only time can tell.

As I continue typing this, I can't believe I wasted 30 minutes of my life thinking this up. I sigh


Eagle literally lost because he cared too much about sportsmanship... no way he is not at least z class


If Mashiba is A+ shouldnt Kimura be aswell? In the OVA Mashiba almost Lost against Kimura same as Sawamura


How the Fcuk Sendo Went higher than Eagle?


Funfact: prime kamogawa would get his as beat and humiliated, maybe even killed in the ring with hawk when he fought takemura amd would most definitely lose to Ricardo martinez like its nothing


Kamogawa who literally destroyed someones liver: 😭


B+ (Aoki Masaru)
B++ (Tatsuya Kimura)
A (Sawamura Ryuuhei)
A+ (Ryo Mashiba)
A++ (Alexander Volg Zangief)
S (Ichiro Miyata)
S (Date Eiji)?
S (David Eagle)
S+ (Sendo Takeshi)
S++ (Wally)
Z (Ricardo Martínez)
Z (Bryan Hawk)
ZZ (Takamura Mamoru)


Brother Ricardo is the best in the series. Hes never been downed, we've seen Takamura downed plenty...
