Gmail Tips: How to Customize Your Gmail Layout + How to Organize Your Gmail Inbox

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Learn how to customize your Gmail layout and how to organize your Gmail inbox.

There are actually quite a few Gmail settings every user should know, but who has the time to cover every single thing in just one video? In this video, we’ll hone in on some of those Gmail settings and focus on how to customize your Gmail layout and how to organize your Gmail inbox.

Want more Gmail tips?

00:00 - Introduction
00:40 - How to customize your Gmail layout
02:43 - How to change Gmail background
03:47 - How to organize Gmail inbox
05:41 - How to make a split-screen in Gmail (like Outlook view)
07:37 - How to change the email threading option
08:04 - Bonus layout tip

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That was helpful. Thank you. What brought me to this video is my inquiry about sorting emails. Until recently, I was using Outlook but was forced to sign in to gmail via Google and everything changed. I want to be able to sort my entire inbox, all at once, by sender so that I can easily clean up and delete older emails in batches by sender. So far all that's offered is the ability to sort by one sender at a time. If you've got several hundred emails to clean up, this is highly inefficient and a lot of people are really miffed about this. I find it so annoying I'm about ready to cancel my gmail account and switch to Yahoo since they provide this function.


I love you, Tasia!!! Somehow, or another, my Gmail got SCREWED-UP tonight! The "Inbox" layout was CHANGED! Okay...I go in and started looking around, clicking and "un"clicking! I could NOT get the inbox back to what I was used to...the plain list of emails with the newest, unread at the top and the older, and saved, emails at the bottom. UNTIL...I watched Tasia's "Gmail Tips" YouTube video!!! I LOVE IT!!! THIS my inbox BACK to what I've used for years, the "plain-jane" inbox! I do NOT do business through Gmail. I only read comics and news article emails. When I got into the "Inbox Type, " using Tasia's YouTube video as a guide, BY CLICKING ON "DEFAULT" AND "CUSTOMIZE, " I GOT MY PREFERRED INBOX LAYOUT BACK!!! I IMMEDIATELY got OUT of the settings, saw what I've looked at for years and said to myself, "Okay, STOP while you're ahead!!!" THANK YOU, TASIA, THANK YOU!!! PLEASE KEEP THE VIDEOS COMING!!!


Thank you for making a tutorial that was informative without sounding robotic! Very helpful! Keep up the great's appreciated!


Thanks for pointing out gmail threading options. I've been using Gmail for several years and my inbox has been threading for most all that time. I find it's to difficult to find the one email I need when a client keeps reusing the same thread that gets to be 20, 30 or more. Unthreading them will help me isolate the one I need. I just needed a refresher in where to find this setting.


You're a star Tasia, Gmail is my biggest hurdle so I'll watch your entire Gmail catalogue. I'm constantly struggling with the inbox as I come from an Outlook background. Keep up the amazing content.


Thank you ~ appreciate it's not "sponsored" and you have to sift thru the commercial! Your info was easy to understand and hit the spot. I rarely "like" videos but did yours! Have a blessed day!


Not sure what I did to get it out of what I was used to - but this got me most of the way back.


O The BEST EVER how to to make your Gmail functional for YOU! …And in straightforward language and video. Why, I might finally, ACTUALLY learn to control my email and use it’s other features, THIS “how to” should come to my email as a DAILY tip. There are a gazillion things to know…bite size pieces would get the job done, Then at month’s end you could send a summary of the month’s tips. I’d be smart before you know it! THANKS!


what I find easy (basics) others find a struggle... great job for covering it.


This was extremely helpful. One question I have is, how do I know if I've read an email or not. It all looks the same to me. Thank you.


Love the video, finally arranged my Gmail the way I want it. Your instructions were informative and easy to follow.


Thank you so much for the tutorial. I have challenges around technology, and you made it super easy for me to follow along.


thank you much this was really hard work, for us its just 9 minutes to watch and sett our gmail setting so quickly but effort behind this video is like whole day work thank you again for so easy and nice explanation i ever seen. screen sharing with arrows signs is amazing Good luck


This video has been fantastic for me to customize my screen to something way nicer than it was. I love the portability and flexibility of google, gmail and chrome but didn't like the view of gmail. This bridges the gap between Outlook and Gmail. Thank you so much!


I'm moving from an Outlook based background and have been very frustrated by the Gmail format. Thanks for helping make it easier. Your video was very helpful!


This video was really good. It showed what you will see and how to make changes and then how it looks after the changes. Very good and easy to understand.


Wow, my Gmail looks so good with your tutorial.
Thank you for helping us. Very nice clear straight to the point presentation.


Very helpful. My New Year resolution was to begin organizing the gmail into folders, and make the whole process of locating previous conversations less of a headache!


Tasia - Very helpful guidance. 1) How can I change the columns used in gmail - default is from, subject, icons. How to add or delete other options (as in MS mail)? 2) How to move sent mail into a folder - now I go into sent folder, click arrow to move it to inbox and then move to personal folder


Girl i LOVE your videos. Clean an easy to follow!
