How I Live Completely DEBT FREE

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About 2 years ago my husband and I were living with over $70k in debt. This debt was literally looming over us like a black cloud. We KNEW it was there but we didn’t really want to face it. It felt insurmountable and with our monthly bills, we thought we’d NEVER be able to pay it down.

But, thanks to some dedication, a proper budget, (and lots of motivation) we paid off about 85% of it within the first 9 months and the rest within about 15 months. Now we live debt-free. And let me tell you something - it's the best feeling.

I want you to know this wasn’t some overnight success or get rich quick scheme. We’re just average people who finally took the steps necessary to take financial control of our lives for the sake of our future. (Read our full debt story and how we got out of debt here.).

Now, getting out of debt is one thing but STAYING out of debt is another. So, today I want to share how we've been able to stay out of debt and life a debt-free life.


Learn to Stop Overspending Once and For All

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Where else to find But First, Coffee and the creator, Kallie Branciforte:

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Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video. I do not accept products in exchange for a positive review and so all thoughts, opinions and words are my own. All products were purchased with my own money unless marked with an asterisk (*). An asterisk signifies a product sent to me for review or as a gift. Some links in this description may contain affiliate links.

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Hi I'm Kallie Branciforte from But First, Coffee! I'm glad you found my video! I'm the content creator for the blog and YouTube channel But First, Coffee.

Here you'll find videos on topics like best drugstore makeup, DIY, beauty tutorials, life hacks, and everything else a well-caffeinated woman needs to know! IF IT SAVES YOU TIME OR SAVES YOU MONEY...I'M MAKING VIDEOS ABOUT IT!

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My husband and I just paid off all of our credit card debt!!! It’s so freeing!!!


Living below your means is the biggest thing!


Love this. Saving is absolutely addicting. Once you start in earnest and see some success... yes, hooked. I still pay for everything with a credit card though, no cash. For me, there is no downside if paid in full monthly. That's just personal preference. Great video.


Please make a video on HOW you and your husband became debt free!!


See, both me and my husband are savers and we don't buy too much, but I still struggle with setting up a budget. Utilities are always different from month to month, and then small hoursehold things are always different amounts too. We are not in debt (except for the mortgage) but I still would LOVE to be able in more control of how we spend. Definitely will check out your budgeting video <3!


"live below your means" GAME CHANGER


Hi Kallie,

I love your vlogs on saving money. I started a budget at 17 and I have been on one ever since. I feel like I’ve only started to learn the value of my budgeting as an adult when I look at the people around us. I find it so interesting that our parents never thought to teach us the value of money... none of them. Most of the people I work with don’t have a budget and have never done one. I remember as a teen that one day I will be able to have money to buy whatever I wanted. The funny thing was at the time I was just thinking in the context of grocery shopping not clothes or shoes, just groceries! One tip I have implemented for us is shopping for the specials. I put an amount aside every week that I spend on just buying specials like washing powder. Or local store sells our washing power for half price every 4-6 months so I buy enough to last that time. Also we are trying for a family at the moment and I’ve worked out what we could buy now on special to cover us while I’m on maternity leave which is a double win as I’ll buy it on sale and I won’t need to purchase these things while I’m not working. The things that I will be purchasing include: toilet paper, washing power, body wash (as this is expensive for us), garbage bags, etc. Although some of this things aren’t expensive alone it’s one less thing we’ll need to buy and will take the pressure off the budget.

Also I’ve been putting money aside to save for store cards and when I get to $200 I buy a voucher. This comes out of our budget now, these can be used for groceries or fuel for the car. Buying a large voucher means that I don’t have a lot of $20 vouchers in my wallet and feel a bit poor for using them in one shop. Here in Australia these vouchers no longer expire so I could unused them over a couple years while on maternity leave and I can’t spent this money on something else in between. It’s kind of addictive in a good way as I can see how much this will all help us.

I’m so pleased that you’ve been able to get our of debt, it’s such a big challenge to do but so worth it. Sharing your experiences to help others is such a nice thing to do. xxx

Having a partner that’s on board with the budget is also an essential requirement too.


Great video!! The only reason I use a CC for everything is for the points. Every time I think of using cash only I feel like I'm throwing money away because at the end of the month I get an account credit - which usually equals a tank of gas. I'm sure that's a drop in the bucket for most people, but it's really helpful for me. I always pay it off at the end of the month though, without fail. If I couldn't do that then I would definitely stick to cash only. 😊


I love living below my means and having money in the bank. It makes me sleep soooo good at night. LOL I do things like shop at thrift stores, buy used and save the difference, shop on Facebook marketplace etc. I really buy anything new these days. I just find things are so overpriced. Of course I have the money to go and buy all designer things and new items, but when you choose not to it’s freeing. I also would consider myself very trendy, have a beautiful home and people complement how well decorated it is. However I have furnished it and bought most things for it through thrift stores and yard sales and flea markets and such. I love to find a piece and fix it up myself. Also with a little creativity a used piece can be updated and made like new again in no time. Perhaps it just needs a fresh coat of paint or new handles or hardware. I can’t tell you how much money I save by buying almost everything used!


Once you’re comfortable with the discipline of paying with cash, I’d recommend finding a points credit card and paying it off several times a month. In addition to points, using a card can allow you to dispute a charge if something goes wrong with a purchase, extend some warranties, etc. I feel like credit cards are unnecessarily demonized in budgeting communities and I don’t really understand why.


YAYY!!! It's great feeling to be free!!! Congrats!!!


okay 1. you and baby are so cute! i'm 22 and trying to learn more about budgeting, finances ect and your videos are very very helpful! informative + you have great energy. subbed! XO


You & your husband must have a very substantial income to pay off that debt in one year.


This is my current situation. We are 70K in debt - we are both employed, have good jobs...but took on TWO car payments and have a house repair MUST (our family room is separating from the rest of our home). The thing is - we already practice a lot of your suggestions, meal plan, budget etc... BUT we have slipped into a lot of online shopping and eating out splurges. I'm totally watching everything I can to get myself BACK in the mindset of - SAVE, pay off debt, cash is king... phew it's rough with the holidays approaching!


You have become my go to for motivation, learning to understand my world and finally learning to budget. Thank you. Take care


Did you follow Dame Ramsey? I hear a ton of similarities here!


Always a worthwhile influencer to watch... and of course seeing Miles!!!


I worked since I was 16 and I’m about to graduate debt free from a community college with an awesome job in the medical field. I watched the Dave Ramsey stuff in high school too. I plan on spending my money the same way by saving it and tithing it to the Lord.


Great advice! I commend you for being debt free at such a young age. One thing I learned to do, was to write down any credit card charges in my check register and "subtract as I go" so there is no "surprise" at the end of the month. My DIL taught me that.


Great video. The only thing I disagree is for me Cash is NOT king. If I spend cash, I don’t know where the $$ has gone. For me I put almost everything on credit cards, but am very careful about how I spend. Then I use an app to track where my $ has gone. Personally I like the Mint app. So I think you need to know yourself and make the best decision with cash for you. For me that is using CC, but paying them off every month.
