CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Obamacare: Just the Facts

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There must be something behind this Obamacare Law, because when 2 people are fighting for a candy, you could just say " Hey, its just a candy", it might be just more than a candy. Maybe the candy can make you stronger or it's poisened.


yes I agree, also the overall population's health would help the economy greatly as they don't have to pay medical bills and instead spend more.


I spend my money on eating healthy - growing my own food - and living in a way where I have not had to go anywhere for medical attention since I was a child (over 20 years).

No meds, no scans, no nothing.

If I break my arm or need emergency assistance - i'll go to the hospital like anyone else - and pay what's needed.

In the meanwhile - can someone clarify what kind of fines i'll be paying for NOT using a service that I DON'T need?


The money you pay in premiums doesn't go into outer space. It goes to providing health care for families that need it and can't afford it. It would be shameful not to provide sick people with healthcare just because they don't have the money.

That's what insurance does. Everyone pays in and when you get sick, you're covered.


They didn't put in a provision for people who simply don't have anything to spare for health insurance?


My insurance is rising because of this. Don't know what our premiums are going to be yet, but it's been told that it will rise and my deductibles will double. From $500 now to $1200 Jan. (single) and $1800 now to $3600 Jan. (family). Thank you Obama for the Change, you kept your promise to screw us.


Finally I have found an easy explanation for this whole mess ... but still I gotta say this is a fairly complicated system compared to healthcare in other countries ... Here in Germany we don´t have 4 different plans to chose from, here everybody can chose what services he would like to add or take away from his plan


Section 1401 discusses "Affordable coverage choices" - mentions the poverty line, and vague percentages that involve your yearly income (including those under the poverty line) and possible % refunds based on your 12 month wages.

The bill has been so scumbagfully written I've pretty much read all I can bear.

But feel free to have a look.


If you are poor and can't afford insurance right now, you will not pay a dime for getting insurance because you get your money refunded. If you are rich you do not have to participate in this program because you can buy your own insurance from any source you wish.


Who's saying anything about the poor. And how do you get a refund if you "don't pay a dime"?

A refund is "a repayment of a sum of money" - is there a trick to getting refunds before you spend money now?

And I can afford it. Why does that mean I have to pay for service I do not need and will not use?


You have to pay a fine if you don't get obamacare? What if you're homeless do they get to live in jail?


no doubt some peoples premium will rise..but technically since more people are getting insurance it should lower with more people paying in now...right?


Dude just look at the figures. Look at the amount of money the US government spends per citizen on healthcare, more than any other country in the world. Despite the fact that it has a private system. It's the least efficient system on the planet (actually 46th out of 48 accotding to Bloomberg rankings) that is not helped by the fact you have to pay enormous amounts of money to people who add no the insurers.


I heard that and its bs cause there's a bunch of people who can't afford to pay premiums.


Just the Facts:

$5, 000 deductible & up to $7, 000 in some states.


some people hate anything obama logic just hate.


because much like any other kind of insurance we do not need it until something bad happens (i.e break your leg while chasing a chicken). If you do not have insurance this will cost you over $5000 if you go to the emergency room. If you do not have this money then you defalt on the loan and it gets paid by tax payer anyway. Insurance is needed and though this is not the best option it is the first step in the right direction. NOTHING is ever perfect at first you need to grow it not kill it.


pay their employees much above minimum wage, and as it is, simply weren't offering it to begin with. They seem to think doing a good thing like this, is actually uncalled for and unjustified. Sure, their profits go down, they aren't 'as' rich now. Easiest step to recoup needless expenses is to simply axe your employees.. why not? They aren't gaining as much, so any of this is completely justified on their part. (Sarcasm really doesn't come thru very well).


How is paying for something I don't need in my best interest? I agree the plan in general has merit and looks good (needs fine tuning). A possibly great option for people that need coverage.

But requiring every single American to pay - Including healthy Americans - again I don't see how that policy is in my best interests. I use that money for growing my own food - raising my own chickens - and other priorities that quite frankly are likely beyond your comprehension.


you do know you live in a fascist dictatorship right? It was never designed to fit your needs. In a fascist state the people are only cared for as they are an commodity, watch what happened to soviet Russia, a social fascist state that enslaved it's entire people by government, this means the people is a commodity to be cared for as an commodity. That is, by statistic, not needs.

but at lest as you are the US, you are allowed to leave the system, a luxury the soviets didn't have.
quit you job.
