10 Reasons To Stop Hating Star Trek: Nemesis

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Picard: "He must not be allowed to use that weapon. All other concerns are secondary...
You understand me.."
Somber but dutiful looks among senior officers.
Riker: "Yes, sir."

Picard on the PA:"All hands, Battle Stations!! "

That rocked to no end.


I never "hated" it (and actually liked Insurrection) but you made me truly reevaluate and appreciate Nemesis with this video. Thank you.


There's a deleted scene where Worf expresses his dislike of having to work with Romulans because "they have no honor." Then in the scene, which is included in the movie, when the Remans board the Enterprise, Worf says to Riker, "Commander. The Romulans fought with honor!" I think it would have been better to have the deleted scene in the movie because it makes Worf's realization more impactful.


I'm so glad that you added Tom Hardy to the list. He doesn't get nearly enough credit for playing Shinzon. For someone as young as he was to give that kind of performance, it's clear that he's got a lot of talent. It was a hell of a performance on his part and unlike that idiot of a director, he actually prepared for it! I'm happy that he has gotten the recognition that he deserves thru the years. He's more than earned it.


I’ve never understood all the hate this film has received over the years. I’ve always enjoyed it and find it to be just a really fun ST romp. To this day, I LOVE the space battle with the Scimitar. It’s not a perfect ST movie, but I’ve always had a warm place in my heart for this movie. Plus, it has a wonderful soundtrack. Thanks for reminding us of all the reasons to appreciate this part of Star Trek lore.


That deleted scene with Riker getting the promotion is a shame 😢


I never hated Nemesis to begin with. The problem I had with it is Baird wasn’t a Trek fan, and did nothing to endear himself to the cast who knew their characters and had already done movies. Instead of working with them, he decided to do his own thing.


Those points about Baird and the deleted scenes are directly related. Because he wasn't familiar with Star Trek, he deleted a bunch of scenes without understanding the value they added from the point of view of the fans. Screenwriter John Logan obviously understood when he wrote those scenes.


I always felt sad and forlorned at the end of Nemesis, but I never hated the film and still watch it regularly.


I never hated Nemesis but this video sure makes me appreciate it a lot more. I always enjoyed Nemesis.


Unlike many who disliked Star Trek Nemesis, I liked it immensely because of the famous score at the beginning also during the movie where all the members of the Romulan Imperial Senate, gathered in their rotunda, are murdered by a radiation that turns them into rock. The other scene I liked was the Enterprise-E showdown against Shizon's ship the Scimitar and when Picard orders the Enterprise to ram the Scimitar ship it's a nice cinematic scene that reminds me a lot the movie Generation in the scene where the Enterprise-D crashed into Veridian III. I also liked the scene in which the Romulans’ commander Donatra assists Picard to confront Shinzon and a friendship is formed between Donatra and Picard.


I never hated this movie. Sure the plot could be better, but it was fun. That whole sequence with Donatria realizing how insane Shinzon is and getting everyone to turn on him was great character work. And the battle itself against the Scimitar was perfect, one of the best spacebattles I ever saw.


Well, I have to push back on point 5. I think it's unfair to Insurrection. Insurrection is indeed not as action packed and high stakes as Nemesis, but that is excactly the beauty of it. It slows down the pace and shows a planet with beautiful nature with regular people who are facing a treat to their way of life caused by other people's short-sightedness. That to me is a great example of a theme that Star Trek always talks about. That theme makes it great scifi to me, instead of it being a more "standard action movie with a little touch of Trek". I think that in that way, Insurrection stands out more than Nemesis compared to other non-Trek (action) movies. I'm not surprised that Marina Sirtis likes action over a slow movie. That seems to fit her personality. But I've always kind of liked slow film and tv. Real life is hard enough, and a film like Insurrection really helps me to take my mind of busy daily life while also being a typical Trek movie with a relevant social topic. And there is enough action in it to drive the plot forward. I think it Insurrection actually has a better balance between story and action than many other modern (Trek) movies. And Insurrection has great music too...


I absolutely remember sitting in the theater and being blown away with how BIG the film was (especially compared to Insurrection!) I actually enjoyed the film and felt it was the TNG version of TWOK... not a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely had me on the edge of my set when the Enterprise RAMMED the Scimitar... delivering on Worf's line from First Contact!!!!



I really liked the battle scene between the Enterprise and the Scimitar. I thought it was well paced and the visuals were very good. To be honest it really is the only reason I would watch the movie again.


I didn't really hate this movie after I saw it. I was more: "After all of this, this is how they want to end things?"


The movie was hurt by the attempt to emphasize on the action and by cutting out the character moments (thankfully, Youtube edits of them deleted scenes exist now)


I grew up absolutely loving the film. I was and still am captivated by the final battle between the enterprise and the scimitar.


Nemesis is a brilliant movie, I enjoyed it then and I still enjoy it now.
I hope it gets more love 🥰


The only thing I ever truly hated about this movie was the fact that Data dies. As a film, I think it’s good overall. After watching Picard season one, I went back and watched this movie again and I really realized how beside himself Picard is after Data’s death. It really affected me in such a different way than any other time watching the movie and even though season one of Picard isn’t widely loved, it does pick up on this idea of Data’s death changing and haunting Picard for years after.
