Historic Premillennialism | With Dr. Michael Shultz.

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Doug Van Dorn's book "Rings of Revelation" has an interesting take on Daniel's 70th week.


His view of the resurrection of unbelievers to fight with Satan is far fetched.


I think the lack of distinction between Israel and the Church vis a vis Dispensationalism is a big selling point of Historic Premillennialism. The distinction between the two is what necessitates the secret rapture in my opinion


About time markers - a reason to take things non-literally is that it completely undermines date setting schemes. However, not that it COULDN'T be literal, I just don't think it's necessary for the historic premil view.


I wondered if you could suggest a good reference for studying the different Historic Pre MIllenialism variations and developments in Protestant history, and church history.


I'll look at Revelations not chronological because you can see in the beginning of Revelations it's also matching the end so it's recapitulating to me I personally Cima premillennial I think everything is going to pan out whether we like it or not but I am different I stay to the true authentic scripture of a Middle East Beast replace Ezekiel 38 with Zechariah 12-14 which is yet future I don't see how preterists can put all this in the past I have made so many people stumble by going through the full context and it just amazes me what God is truly saying is really coming to past


I am Historic Pre-Mill. However, my understanding is that Post/A-Mill believes that Revelation 19 precedes Revelation 20. They believe that Jesus on a white horse was a Spiritual event that destroyed the old covenant system on 70ad


Dispensational theology dod not start recently, as is evidenced by the book "dispensationalism before darby". Scholarly and persuasive. Also, not hung up on a secret rapture.


Historic pre-mil does have a chialistic and future view. Have you run into a historic premil view that embraces a historicism view of Revelation?


Bro Shultz, out of curiousity why can't we understand the 3.5y, 42 mo, 1260 days, time+times+half-a-time as literally as the 1000. If it is simply a matter of frequency, then have we reduced our trust in God's Word to a confidence interval?


Do you believe in animal sacrifices in the future as per Zechariah 14:16? Or are these spiritual sacrifices of praise and prayer as the new testament teaches? What do you believe about the abomination of Desolation in Matt 24:15? future or past? Literal temple in jerusalem or temple of "the church"? [how can a temple built by antichrists be considered temple of God?]


When numbers are to be taken as symbolic, they always represent a period that is longer than the number. When John said it is the last hour, it was much longer than an hour. Jesus used the word hour in the same way. What day is not used as a literal day, it is an extended period of time. And 1000 would represent a very long period of time longer than 1000 years. I take this symbolically, but I do believe 3 1/2 years, 42 months and the certain number of days something like 1335, are literal because they are used as a detail. There's another word I'm looking for but can't remember at this time. I would also add that I have yet to find anything about a seven year tribulation. But then again, Lk. 21 matched up with the other gospels show that the great tribulation was from 66AD to 70AD.


Could one be a PARTIAL presterist and hold to historical premill? Meaning, the Trib and such occurred in 70 (maybe with ongoing tribulation until Christ comes), but literal 2nd Coming, Mill Kingdom, and Great White Throne judgement.


7 churches 1-3 4 & 5 saints in heaven, 6-18 hell on Earth 19 Yeshua
The church is the bride and body of Yeshua.
He WILL NOT beat his bride before the wedding.
& years Daniel's 70th week.


The very dispensational idea that the 2nd coming of the Lord occurs 7 literal years after the Rapture has convinced me that there is no Rapture as a secret event. If a secret Rapture were to occur, the number of people who would disappear, even if not that many, would be enough for some people to realize that the Rapture occurred. This means that it would be really easy for those left behind to calculate when the 2nd coming of Christ will occur: they would only have to add 7 years to the day the Rapture occurred and that's it. Example: if the Rapture happened on June 10, 2028, his 2nd coming could be calculated to happen on June 9 or 10, 2035. But that would invalidate what Jesus said in Matthew 24:36 "But of the day and hour knoweth no man, no, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only." From the Rapture onwards that Word would no longer be true because it would be known when Christ's 2nd coming would be prior to him returning. (As long as Matthew 24:36 does indeed refer to the literal 2nd coming of Christ to Earth.)


And yes I am in agreeance that Paul Peter and them was a premillennial everything else has been added and that drives me insane lol


The part that has me confused right now is verse 20:13. If this is the wicked, how does it tie into verses 5-9 which is the wicked who were resurrected and used for the devil's army?


The front end is atrocious. The build quality is cheap and everyone wants the V8 back.


It's not clear how seeing Revelation 19 and 20 as a continuous vision could be problematic for non-premillennialists.
