How to trust God COMPLETELY

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When you're at the beginning of your faith journey, how do you learn to completely trust God? It's not hard (even though it can seem like it) if you take the right actions to build your trust and faith in Him.

A nugget of ✨ gold ✨ from the video: once you realize how much Jesus loves you, it's impossible not to trust Him.


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"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." John 16:22-24

If you need love, ask Him for love. If you just need help, call out to Him for help. As long as you keep seeking Him, He will help you. Don't give up, you're never alone.


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Yes, as we spend time in the presence of the Holy Spirit - fellowshipping with him and communing with his Spirit - SOMETHING BIG HAPPENS - WE GROW IN OUR AWARENESS OF WHO THE HOLY SPIRIT IS, AND WE GROW IN OUR SENSITIVITY TO HIS WAYS AND COMFORTS. As we invite his Spirit and treat him as a real person rather than an "it', for example, we welcome him, then the Holy Spirit pours more of himself, more of his love, deep and profound peace and comfort.


I got an answer to a question I had about the bible and preaching as I watched this that gave me an answer and confirmation. I appreciate your way of explaining things and ny question wasn't even related so much to the video. God's awesome!


This is very simple trusting God very simple when we eat the word of God God speak to us. God doesn’t lie. God cannot lie. He’s holy. I trust God all the time cause he’s the only one that I trust the only one who can trust I trust and God Almighty 100%. He is a God to hear we are sick and we are down, he hears us. He touches us. He speaks to us. He speaks his word to read the word of God when I hear some worship songs. God just have to tune our ears to the voice of God I trust God there’s no one else I can trust in this world no one like Jesus no one no one like God, Almighty


Hay sister in Christ I love the fact I love learning and growing through the church and growing in our faith yes it's a process amen Shalom sister in Christ you are truly a important Christian sister in Christ amen ❤️👍👍👍🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇱🇷🇱🇷🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥✝️✝️✝️✝️


Keep this fire my dear. Your Chanel will grow


Que Deus te abençoe!! Um vídeo muito edificante. God bless, keep on..


So true! 🙌🏻✝️💕 Thabks for sharing. Love your videos!


I’m in the pits here trying and trying with prayer and bible study I’m being evicted from my apartment I have cp friends have dumped me


What is fate fate? Is it fate for we walk by faith not by sight without faith is impossible to please God.


Jesus was rebuking his disciples for their lack of faith and therefore inability to help the person.


Who is God God almighty God, Almighty one roll up from the dead the third date the one is coming back the one that change you and me the one that heels the people when they are sick it doesn’t matter what kind of disease you have God can heal anytime disease


well, God affects faith instead of your own attempt. God gives growth. I dont need to tell you this.


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