FAITH TALKS ✨| Learning to trust God fully!

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Today I'm talking about how God sometimes completely exhausts all our options so we have no choice but to lean on him fully :)

Bible verses mentioned:
The story of Jairus - Mark 5: 21-24, 35-43
Matthe 6:33 - Seek First the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added onto you.

#encouragement #faith #motivation #christian #christianmotivation #godlovesyou


00:00 - God exhausting your options
05:36 - Waiting on God is not passive
07:00 - The story of Jairus in the Bible (Mark 5)
07:48 - God will breathe life into dead dreams & promises!
09:00 - Seek God First
11:50 - You CAN fully trust God
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I didn’t run across this video by accident Gods timing.


THIS IS WHAT IM CURRENTLY FACING! I lost my job, my car, barely able to buy food, I have to literally rely on GOD and I always think what can I do to help him help me?! BE STILL and stay rooted in prayer ! Thank u for this video !! Greatly appreciated🙏🏽🙌🏽💝


I love how I’m not the only one who was worried about being seen as “lazy”. Because there are times when God tells me don’t apply to jobs and I’m like all my sisters are getting interviews but they have no clue what word God gave me and it’s so hard to put pride down and just give it up to God. It’s tough but now I know I’m not crazy for literally just sitting on my bed reading the word half the day and praying and being still. We live in a society where it’s get it yourself or work work work no breaks… and that’s not the life God wants us to live he wants to simply show us that he has our whole life and earth in his hands. He is our father who will do the big work for us. We only do 1% of the work and he does 99% of it. It’s crazy on the outside but got to hold onto the word and continually choose to be a child.


I need this today. Didn’t get the apartment I wanted. Don’t have family. Only 1 friend to talk to. Living in my car currently. But in my soul god has me. He lead me to this video 🙏🏾


Just received a job I would of never imagined! The way God redirected my path and changed my desires. He is good and has always been good ❣️


If God did it for you, He can do it for me. Thank you girl for sharing this. This is really uplifting. I too want to learn in trusting in the lord fully.


Girl I needed to hear this message. I’m currently in a season where I’ve been waiting on God to the point where it’s frustrating bc it’s SCARY and I have no clue how everything’s going to work out. This video really encouraged me to continue to put my trust in God and worship through the waiting season! God bless you❤️


God told me to leave my job and to take a risk with a new career, (I am not a risk taker by means) so I thought about it, prayed harder than I ever have, went over it with my husband daily and then finally made the jump. The risk quite literally fell through, but if I had to be honest, albeit rn I feel like I’m having a PHYSICAL spiritual warfare and my heart is at such odds, I have never felt a sense of peace and calm in my life. Among the chaos, the Lord has been such a great anchor for me and I am truly learning what it is to just give in to Him. I’m so glad to know it’s normal to feel frustrated and unsure but just trusting Him. I will be victorious and I know He is simply setting me up for something bigger than I even imagined


What a timely message and I thank you for honoring the call to create this video. Matthew 6:33 has been an anchoring scripture for me as well as I’m in a place where I feel God is trying to get my attention and guide my life in a different direction a really big way. It’s so big that I, like so many others question if it’s God, if it’s my own desires or if it’s the enemy. So today, even though I’m supposed to be working, I’ve decided to spend my day with the Lord and seek his wisdom. I jumped on YT to watch another video when I saw the title of this video and I just laughed because I knew the Holy Spirit guided me to YT for your message. So thank you and please continue blessing the world with your videos ❤


A word in season. I've been applying for jobs for the past 3 months since i know my current freelance contract is coming to an end by the end of July. I've been stressed because I have an apartment and responsibilities that need to be taken care of. And because of this video I will be fasting and switching all my attention from my phone and laptop to reading God's word, fasting and praying for the next 10days. So i can listen to His voice and see where his leading me to next.


Its currently 2 am. Watching this video because the title spoke to me. I left a good paying job in my career field to seek therapy to deal with grief and ptsd and start my own business. I had been living off my savings and got engaged during that timee. Got the business up and running, but after a few decent sales, everything just went dry dry. 5 mos later, i literally have NO money, had to move out of my apartment because i couldn't afford it anymore and its not like i havent been applying to jobs. Ive been applying for 2/3mos and now and im applying to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING i can and still getting rejected. I now live with my sister and have very little possessions since i left most of my stuff at my old apartment. And now ex fiance left me randomly one day. To say God has been removing my provision is an understatement.

Im worried about how im going to pay rent, here and i dont want to let my sister down and being still just doesnt sit right with me because im a go getter. I dont like stopping unless i have too. And rn i have no choice but too stop. Ive been getting the sense jesus wants me to be still and to stop apply to jobs and this video gave me confirmation to do just that. To top it all off im also workong of quiting smoking and since i have no money, i have no smoke, so ya gurl is just really down bad right now.

I know God is working on my behalf im just impatient and want this uncomfortable season to be over its becoming unbearable and idk how much longer I can't hold out. Pray for me.


I'm 19, and i'm facing to this.
I'm so stressed and scared for my future but i really needed to hear that. I'll put all my worries on him and trust because i know he got wonderful plans for me, he knows what are good me.
Thank you Deborah, God bless you.


I've never seen this channel before but just the other day I was tempted to have a "Plan B." I've been waiting on a financial breakthrough, for God to provide a non 9 to 5 type job, for God to provide a home that I can own, and for Him to catapult me into my purpose. I've been in anxiety, feeling guilty and asking if he wants me to start applying for jobs. I haven't received any answers. I felt him impressing upon to just focus on Him and praise and wait. It's incredibly difficult and I told myself "you can't have a backup plan". Truly trusting is one of the hardest things for me. And then I came across this video. Thank you for the confirmation and the encouragement. It was much needed. ❤


BRUHHH i cant believe we’re all going through this situation. This message was so timely.


Waiting on God can sometimes be such a confusing topic because I've experienced so many 'waiting on God' times and no two times have ever been the same. I find myself again in this 'waiting time' where I believe that God has already told me that what I've asked Him for is already done in the spiritual realm and then the same like in your case, nothing's happening for days now and I wasn't exactly sure what to do next so I've just been thanking God in advance for my answer and breakthrough. But when I finally listened to your video (I've been avoiding listening to it for days now because I was afraid that I'd have to go through another test or trial and I'm tired) I now know what to do in the coming days before the physical manifestation of my breakthrough: add praise and worship to my thanksgiving while I hold onto the promise that God gave me and keep trusting Him that He'll answer my requests. Thanks for sharing and encouraging others in their walk with the Lord. God bless 🙌👏😃


There's truly helplessness that attracts the helpfulness of God, and this can only happen when God has exhausted all our options. Unless God helps me in all, He cannot help at all. It's all or nothing. Thank you Father for exhausting my options for the true expression of real faith. The Lord bless you sister Deborah on your obedience to the Father.


Girl, this is again another proof that you are sent by the lord, your timing, your delivery and you topics are always on spot. God has been exhausting all of my options but I was too stubborn and rational to lean completely on him.
I’ve been wanting since Covid to start a new career in holistic health but with everything being so difficult I started applying for any type of job and I’ve been rejected even for the most random job offers I’m over qualified for. I had a meltdown after my current job even hired my replacement and decided to just put my future in God’s hands because that he knows everything and his divine timing is perfect.
Thank you for reassuring me that choosing the Lord is always the right direction to go. You are such a blessing and I’m grateful God put you on my journey with him❤


I needed this after applying to several jobs in order to move! I’ve been getting several rejections. I’m gonna take a step back and trust in God 🙏🏾


this made me cry a little! i’ve been struggling with stress and anxiety. i’ve been struggling with trying to impress everyone but the only person i should impress is the Lord himself. i trust him. 💚


Yes, I feel like all of my options have been exhausted. And I have no choice but to depend on and trust God to provide ALL of my needs. He did it before and He will do it again! Tfs, Deborah.
