HOW TO NOT WORRY (And Trust God Instead)

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How do I stop worrying? We all know we shouldn't worry, but if you are prone to worry or anxiety like I am, it can feel impossible not's literally the default setting of your mind. If that's you, I want to share a hack with you that makes it a LOT easier to not worry - and this hack is directly from Scripture, so you know it's solid. I'm also going to share with you what I personally tend to worry about, and how this hack helps - so you can see what it looks like in application. If you are someone who struggles with worry, I pray this Bible study on worry helps you to learn to let go and trust God. 🤍

#Anxiety #BibleStudy #Worry

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“Instead, seek His Kingdom, and these things will be added to you." | Luke 12:31
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A worry I need to surrender: how I’ll juggle motherhood and work 🤍


I can’t sleep, I have anxiety. I feel alone. I pray to God to calm my heart and take away my anxiety. Please hear me God. I love you. Please pray for me.🙏


hey, you. whoever’s reading this, this is your sign. everything’s gonna be okay. you did not come this far to give up. I believe in you


I’m 19 years old, it’s so hard to be a Christian teenager and many teenagers don’t believe in Jesus but i want them to believe in Jesus I’ll pray for them everyday and I’ll keep my faith forever 💗💗🙌🙌


"What we worry about reveals what we worship". This is some truth I never though about. Great video.


I needed this I worry so much. Please pray for me. I’m so weary. I want to give up. The devil wants me to lose my faith but God won’t allow it. Since covid I fell on a terrible hardship, like many others. I lost my job for declining the vaccine. I declined due to my health conditions. I suffer from lupus, and heart disease. I’m now waitressing but not making nearly enough to get by. I’m a single mom, my husband is with God. I still miss him dearly. My children are autistic and non verbal, I’m overwhelmed they require so much from me. I recently started homeschooling them due to them having do many issues in school. Jesus hear my prayers. I’m tired of struggling every single month. I can’t even afford the tools I need to homeschool my boys. But I trust in you Jesus even as I struggle providing groceries for my children. I’m ashamed. I feel like a failure. I get harassed and put down on this app for sharing my testimony. All I need are prayers. I only keep pushing because of Christ. Walking with faith not by sight!


I need to surrender the worry of: not having control over things. 😭


I'm in a rough spot now. I prayed last night. I stayed still and quiet and listened. All I hear was Don't you trust me? I immediately felt relief


I’m 61 years old, my life has fallen apart. Everything that I have tried to do on my own has failed…….I surrender it all, I release the past & the worries as I trust in God and his plan for my life to fall into place. In Jesus name, Amen. 🙏🏻


I’m a worrier…always have been, but as I age my worrying is getting worse. My husband and I are in our mid-sixties and I just retired. My husband had quadruple bypass a few years ago and now he’s been diagnosed with PAD. I’m so worried about losing him. We’ve been together nearly forty years and we have no children. He’s all I have and I’m so afraid. Please pray for him and his health. I pray we’ll be together for many more years…healthy, happy and blessed.


Thank you God for sending me this video. I’ve never felt so attacked by the devil as during these past weeks.. and it’s my first week back in college and a foreign city with a foreign language. I pray I stop worrying about things and thoughts that don’t come from God. I pray I’m able to love what God is giving me and not worry about the future. I pray I stop needing to control everything in my life to the point where I’m physically and mentally hurting myself. I pray I’m freed from anorexia, depression, adhd, anxiety attacks, chronic pain, insomnia, dermatillomania, isolation, perfectionism and impatience. All of which comes from me needing to have absolute control over everything… and it’s letting demons inside my dreams and my everyday life. In the name of Jesus I pray that everyone watching this video is freed from control and fully surrender to our Father in Heaven.


I am currently 23. weeks pregnant with my first baby! I need to surrender to God the worry about becoming a new parent. I have so many fears regarding not being able to provide for my baby, not having the patience needed for the upcoming challenges and falling away from my quiet time each day with God. I pray this each day that God will give me the strength to cast these worries to him and truly have faith that He is in control, He always keeps his promises and I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.

Thank you for this video!


I worry so much recently. I feel so depresed and hopeless. But I still put my Trust in God. I everyday pray in rosary and I believe that someday, somehow, someway will be better 🦋🙏🏻🌻


I worry of not being successful in life, but when I started listening to God's words every morning and evertime I feel anxious, , I feel at ease knowing that someone has already taken care of my future all I need ro do is have faith and belive in him always.
But its hard sometimes, it's like am not doing much for me to be successful in life


Lately I’ve been feeling anxious of relapsing back into my old ways (lust, temptation, watching 🌽, intrusive thoughts, fearing that I’ll become something tht I don’t tolerate) ik that it’s the enemy/devil that’s attacking me with those thoughts, since the past few days I’ve been talking/praying to God. But at the same time I feel like I’m missing something, or what I’m doing isn’t enough. But I do know tht His timing is always right, and tht everything is and goes His way, and not mine. All glory to God 🙏🏽✝️❤️ and May He bless you all as well 🫶🏽


A worry that I need to surrender to God is caring too deeply about what other people think of me. Please pray that God will help me and set me free from this. I pray that God will set me free from this as well and that whatever anyone in the comments is dealing with that you will continue to stay focused on Jesus through that hardship. ❤️ God bless you all.


A worry I need to surrender is finances, finding a better job after recently graduating, balance, and motherhood. I’m married & I am 5 months pregnant. I’m a bit nervous, but I know that the Father will show up & show out just like He will for everyone else. ✨💗


This is so timely! I just gave birth to my second daughter 5 weeks ago and have been struggling with so much worry and anxiety about something bad happening to my children, and just fear about hardship in general. God is walking me through so gently and reminding me in so many ways that His ways are not my own and that I need to trust Him. Trusting Him won’t change my circumstances but it will change my heart.


A worry I am surrendering today is wanting everything to go perfectly as planned. And not rushing Gods timing. Thank you for sharing this Word. I really needed this.


I used to live a corrupted lifestyle and still today I worry that I don't deserve the Love God gives. That single worry leads to all kinds of little worries in my everyday. I need and want to surrender.
