Trusting God in the Dark

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Having been paralyzed for close to four (4) years now, I struggle quite a bit and many tears have flowed...I have never been closer to the Father than I have been these last few years..I trust his reasoning and if my condition benefits another person in anyway...So be it...My children certainly don't take as many things for granted and I tell them that if the Son of God can endure a whipping and nailing to the Cross for me, then I can handle anything He asks of me...Great sermon as always, Pastor Begg.


If you are watching this sermon today, may you be blessed by it.


One of the few pastors who make you fall in love all over again with the Word of God 🙏


Shoutout to everyone who’s been going through a trial for YEARS and is trying to come to peace with a probable lifetime of struggle and anguish. May we stay focused on the glory that’s to come, when this life is properly seen for as short as it really was.


Feeling so desperate before listening to this sermon, but oh, how these words ministered to my soul. When my heart is overwhelmed within me, lead me to a Rock that is higher than I. Thank you so very much, Pastor Alastair.


Please pray for my wife Adriana and I. She’s been wandering and turned from the Lord, running to sin as opposed to our Lord and Savior. I trust God will bring her back, heal our marriage, bring full restoration according to His enduring love and mercy. I wait upon the Lord expectantly! Please pray for her to return to the Lord and for our marriage in Jesus’ mighty name! That the demonic strongholds, demonic influences, shackles of sin be broken in Jesus name, according to His perfect timing. May He develop what’s necessary in me during this painful trial for His glory, for His purpose, for His plan! She says, “Let Him keep coming after me. I need that because I won’t go back to Him on my own”. I know the power of prayer and the God I serve. There is no mountain too big!! Thank you all, love you.


Amen! I was taken down with immune system Dysfunctions, in 1997. I was 47 yrs. old; still young and a healthcare worker. I had Christian background, in churches since a child, thought I was saved and, knew my life wasn’t right. This time began many years of pain, struggle and heartache. It also brought me back to my knees (not literal, as I couldn’t kneel anymore). Life is still hard for me, but each day I have assurance Christ is with me, I trust Him more and more! 🙏🧡🙏


“Roominating upon trouble is bitter work. There are certain things which are better to swallow than to chew.”


Alistair Begg is absolutely my chosen pastor, even though it's only online and on the radio. No one speaks to the spirit and the heart with the words of God like he does. Thank you Alistair, for ALL that you do.


As I sit in the hospital with my very sick child, thank you Lord for this message of your great faithfulness and infinite grace.


Many years ago in seminary one of my professors said "when you find yourself in the valley never make a major decision until God puts you back on the mountain top." Love this...


What a wonderful message to those of us who are more "Eeyore" than "Winnie the Pooh"!


Today is august 23 2023. requesting prayers for my daughter to get custody or our niece who is foster care. we had her for 6 months and they relocated her due to something we did. She is 6. She was exposed to witchcraft, drugs, and verbal abuse. She loves church we introduced her to it. She made friends with everyone in class and would get ready and wake us up to get ready on Sundays. God has truly had his hand on her. I’m 55 and as I get older I can look back and see how God has moved thru my life. Now I’m watching and feeling it play out in front of me. This will be over by Jan 7 2024 by court order so we’re told. Add her to yoir prayer list please.


Mr. Begg, I have been listening to you at least four days out of seven for more than a decade, now.
I want you to know how glad I am that Jesus is using you.
Thank you for your service in the spiritual war.


When I lost my son, I understood what it meant to die of a broken heart. There were moments I couldn’t breath and a heaviness gripped my chest. I thought I would die physically.


Amen. I have sometimes gone into my car and screamed at the top of my lungs out of sheer frustration because of much spiritual warfare (& hoped that no one has heard me). The Lord always binds up my wounds. Psalm 33:4 The Lord is faithful in all he does.


Lord to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life.


This message is just what I needed to hear, for I've been in this state of mind for years and was at a place of not wanting to pray, go to church or read the word. There was no hope, joy, just emptiness. Now after hearing your message and seeing what David and Hannah went through, and how in the end they trusted in God. I to will put my trust in, and look towards My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm so glad that the Lord woke me up this morning. I left my bible down in my car and was to lazy to go and get it. So I felt to go on the computer and read the bible, then when I turned it on your name came to mind. And when I got to your YouTube channel, this message was the first one I saw, and I believe the Lord had me listen to it. I was truly blessed by this message, you addressed every thing that I was going through. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. Thank you


This message has encouraged me in the darkest times. “Trust in the Lord and do not lean on your own understanding.”


For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
