How to Truly Give 'It' to God (and Stop Worrying) | 3 Steps Straight from the Bible | Melody Alisa

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Hey, sis! Are you holding onto something in your life that you *know* God is nudging you to let go and place in His hands? Do you want to let go of something (or someone) but you struggle to truly give it to God and not worry? As hard (and as scary) as it might be sometimes, giving "it" over to God -- whatever "it" is for you -- is the safest place for that thing to be! In today's video, we are going to look at scripture, specifically the Parable of the Vineyard Workers (Matthew 20:1-16), and pull 3 truths/ instructions that Jesus left us to instruct us how we can truly let go, give "it" to God, and not swing back in 5 business days and pick it back up! i hope this encourages you!!! love you


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Hi! My name is Melody Alisa - welcome to my channel. I lived in South Korea for two years where I met God and I documented my life as an English teacher (check out my Life in Korea playlist for more on this!) Now, I call Atlanta home. On my YouTube channel, I share my Christian faith and life as a creative, a newlywed, and a new mom through weekly new videos!

the parable of the vineyard workers, melody alisa, christian lifestyle, how to let god fight your battles, the cure for christian worry
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alright, sis!! Let's chat -- what is that "thing" you know God is calling you to leave in His hands in this season!? let us know in the comments below and if you've got a testimony to share about what's happened on the other side of you letting something go, please encourage us below!!

For me: God is definitely calling me to let go (and not go pick back up lol) my expectations. It seems pretty general but i've experienced a lot of disappointment in life because of my expectations that did NOT come from God. So in this season, I'm laying them in His hands and the amount of peace I've experienced so far is just... a blessing.


I am putting my desire to have a meaningful, healthy, loving, peaceful, thoughtful, fun, enjoyable, honest, open, transparent, vulnerable, purposeful, relationship, marriage, and family in Gods hand.


I just lost my job last Wednesday and been so stressed out. This couldn’t have came at a better time.


I'm 8 months into my breakup and I know I have to give it to God. I lived with someone I wasn't married to so having a soul tie is no joke. Its really hard to forgive myself but I know He has something better for me. It has been so hard dealing with the pain but Im leaving it to God now and maximizing my singleness. Trust God<3


God is so kind. Two days ago a friend of mine had a dream and in that dream she was instructed to tell me to “let go and leave it to God”. This video came at the perfect time🙌🏾 Thank you Melody for being God’s vessel ❤️


I need and will let go of my previous relationship. God has better and bigger for me, and I will no longer idolise this relationship and put it over my God! Thank You Lord for the discernment You provide me with every single day! I trust You. In Jesus name, Amen!


God is always on time! No matter how you think your like should have been, you’re right where you need to be. Keep trusting in God no matter what!


This really spoke to me. Been struggling with handing things over. Currently unemployed and looking for work. Please pray for me guys, it’s hard trusting when I’m scared.


This is very timely. I had a moment of jealousy yesterday. Then I said, Lord they deserve this and this is the path for them not me. My time is coming and I’m excited for them. Once I let that go, I felt better and genuinely cheered them on.


Feel like I've been making the wrong choices my whole life with relationships and men, that's definitely something I need to give to God and let him lead me right.


I graduated last year and I've been unemployed ever since. I often envy my former classmates and other people around me because they seem to have their life together and i feel left behind. God is definitely calling me to leave my future, career, worries and the need to control in His hands.


My 7 year old just had surgery and we have a long road ahead. Trusting God for complete healing.


It's the "not swing back in 5 business days and pick it back up" for me. 😂 I'm usually swinging back in 24 business hours if I don't see a change. Thank you for this! In all seriousness, I have to give my marriage to God. The whole marriage has been a struggle, especially the past 2 years have been extremely challenging. I'm giving it to God.


Lately I've been battling with a lot of fear on how my future life will be, i left my 9year job for so many reasons and started building my own company but the fear of how things will fall into place has been allover my mind. But this week i honestly let God take control and this message made me have more faith in God's promises. Thanks Melody


The thing I feel I need to let go and give to God is worrying! There is no need for me to stress about things God is in control.


I will be letting go my desire for a spouse and also my desire to get a job. I have a job already lined up, but I just can’t wait until it starts and want another job in the waiting. I will also stop monitoring or coveting my ex and release him to God. Amen ❤


For me, it’s waiting for God to bless me with my partner. I’m 24 years old and I’ve never been in a relationship before and sometimes it’s hard for me to see that other people my age are in a relationship or even married, but I am working on trusting God more and trust that He will unite my(future) partner and I together when the timing is right🙏❤️


God is call me to let go of the way he’s going to give me things. In my structured mind I always feel like if I do “x” then it’ll get me to “y” in order. But I realize the more I walk with God I am being humbled to believe God is in control and he moves in his way that is higher than mine. When things aren’t so linear I have to trust that he makes my path straight.

I realized this mindset has taken over my entire life & it probably just the way I think but allowing God to work the way he works will take so much pressure off.


To let go of the spirit of depression and being led by my emotions or my flesh. To give up impulsivity and place a broken friendship in His hand. To give her to God and know that I gave my very best toward our friendship and trying to help her.


I was given a 3 month notice in January that I would be laid off and this Friday is my very last day. Been going through interviews and nothing has 100% followed through (in addition to rejections left and right). I have become so envious of others and being able to have successful careers, that I have questioned my life and it’s purpose.

Your video definitely came at the right time. We as Christians put our hope and trust in earthly (temporary) things that we have to anchor ourselves in the word NO MATTER THE SITUATION. I continue to read Isaiah 40:31 and Ephesians 2:10 to build and secure my faith in the one who knows my beginning to my end.
