Managing Constipation and Diarrhea with Ozempic, Wegovy and Saxenda | Dr. Dan | Obesity Expert

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We have dealt with the top end, but what about the back end? Today we are talking about mitigating 2 other common side effects, constipation and diarrhea, that can occur with the GLP-1 receptor agonists such as Ozempic and Saxenda. 

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But before we get into how we manage those side effects, let's talk about what constipation and diarrhea actually are.

⚠️ Are you experiencing constipation or diarrhea due to your medication? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Check out my playlist of videos discussing other side effects of GLP-1s -


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Had me stopped up for a few days. When that thing finally came out of me, it nearly raised me off the toilet. It was so big, I almost took a picture 😊😁


In case you don't want to watch the whole video, here are his 6 tips:
1- Fibre 07:15
2- Drinking Water 08:11
3- Avoid foods that caused issues in the past 08:40
4- Probiotics 08:51
5- Go 💩 when you feel the urge 09:37
6- Exercise 10:20


The constipation was bad. Felt like I was pushing a bowling ball. Pain was insufferable


I love the educational part and the humor part of your videos! 😂😂❤❤


Love your honest humor breakdown😅keep it real thanks for the info! And everyone’s honest comments


I had a visit to the ER today because of Constipation…I don’t ever want to go thru that torture again.


I’m so glad I found your content. It’s changing my life. Thank you!!


Put on ozempic to stabilize type 2 blood sugars, needed to lose weight too though, lost 4 stone so far, but iv been on ozempic for quite a few months now, it is great to know there's forums like this one out there, so sharing issues should help all who are on the ozempic's taken a while, but I can no longer eat fried food, spicy food or drink fizzy drinks without feeling nauseous and having chronic diarrhea.too much fresh fruit sets me off too.the unpredictable stomach issues impacts on daily life, there's no getting around it, don't think my stomach is paralyzed though, but yes, alternating between constipation and diarrhea is a nightmare.people tell me i look great after the weight loss, my clothes were hanging off me, am i joyfully ? No not particularly, everyone can see it except me.i try to analyze it, and think I'm scared of being a taken off ozempic and the weight goes back on, have other health issues too. Wasn't sure about ozempic face tbh, as you lose weight your features change, iv decided to start charting what I can eat, and what I cant, learning as I go along.its a whole different outlook on food, it makes you think about what your putting in your mouth, and how much, get it wrong and suffer the consequences.good luck to you all out there.


I’ve gone for having constant diarrhoea and going 7-10 times a day to the complete opposite - it’s nice that i can work now and not have to constantly worry about where the next toilet is - my issue at the minute is gas and constipation
Im gonna try your tips and hopefully will see a difference


My first experience with a GLP has been my journey with Mounjaro since mid-September. I seem to have kind of a sensitive GI system when it comes to medications so having GI side effects was not a surprise; however, I worry that I'm not really losing weight because of the medication. I'm concerned that the only weight I'm losing is because of the GI side effects. Right after my shot I tend to deal with constipation. If it is over a day, I take an oral stool softener until movement happens. That is usually followed by brief diarrhea but then I'm find for the rest of the week until the next shot.


In regards to constipation, I have on occasion had to resort to self-administered enema's. A bit physically awkward. If you have someone able & willing to administer the enema for you, good for you. Most of us don't have enema angels.


Diarrhea was so bad I had to stop the shots for two weeks. Took my third one today and fingers crossed I don’t get explosive diarrhea and have to stay home a week.


The best feeling I have had on Manjuro was after a colonoscopy and the prep cleaned me out! So sad, really I am trying to use miralax with a gallon of water a day!


I thank you for this video I'm on ozempic 2 mths now on 0.25 now issues since i went up to 0.5 i noticed I'm starting to get constipated so this video helps me to understand more about my situation ty.


Very good Dr Dan, why was I not informed of this by my Physician


My ozempic journey went fine for the first month, but for some reason that last 2 dosage at 0.75mg and my first dosage at 1mg left me stuck in bed for a month severely dehydrated and exhausted. I spent more time asleep in bed during this month then anything.. I had severe diarrhea and nausea and vomiting and gas.. cold sweats and all.. It was beyond miserable. The pain got so severe that I couldn't even cope anymore. I've never really had any bad side effects from medications before ( And I'm on quite a few ) but ozempic just destroyed me. I really hope people have a better experience then me.. I also hope people have really good doctors and check in with them frequently as your starting off so you don't have to go through hell as well if it doesn't work out.. It took me seeing 2 different doctors ( not my normal doctor as I couldn't get booked in with them ) to find out it was the ozempic causing all these issues.. The 2nd doctor I saw also told me something that I didn't know about ozempic.. it works by making you feel sick. I think thats a good way to describe it for people with no medical knowledge. at first i didn't feel sick, I had no issues at all I just didn't feel as hungry. but as the dosages went up .. man that changed for me.


This is the best info. My problem was nausea and vomiting the day after i dose. If i drink water i will throw up and if i don't drink enough water i get constipated.


Do you have experience with IBS-D and Ozempic. I expect to swing to Constipation, but currently have an intolerance to Whole Grains, Eggs, Artificial Sweeteners, and raw veg/beans. My fiber is usually in the form of cooked veggies and Soluble fiber in juice.


What about Miralax ? will that help ?


I don’t lose weight on it. I was on the highest one. I still did not lose 1 pound and I was constantly constipated so I got off of it it was not for me.
