You Are Not Your Job! (Wage Slavery Rant)

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In this video I wanted to share a wage slave rant. Explaining why you are not your job. Escaping the 9-5 rat race using quiet quitting makes sense. My experience shows me that the corporate work and HR is a lie. So this rant is to remind you to reach financial freedom. Its important.







Thank you for watching!

#TomScryleus #EscapeWageSlavery #Escape9to5ratrace
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Just the thought of having to spend 2/3 of your life at some crappy corporate jobs doing the same damn thing, most of the time, is mind-boggling.


I drive buses here in Florida. There’s this one guy at my job who looks so miserable and grumpy all the time that he still has to drive a bus in his 50’s or 60’s. You can see it all over his face. There’s another guy that’s 62 and he tells me he plans to work 3 more years so he can get another $200 a month when he retires at 65. There’s another guy that’s 81 and still working. They all inspire me to get out of this as soon as I can because it only gets worse as time goes on.


Critical thinking is both a blessing and a curse. I have to take it one day at a time in this horrible world we all were involuntarily born into.


My last job before I retired was a situation where the company and my manager thought they owned me 24/7. They dictated when I could eat, take vacations, be on 24 hr call, when I must be in the office, etc. it was horrible. My time was never my own.


I myself was never meant to be stuck in a job, nor accept the requirement for one. However I have been working 40 plus hours a week for the past 24 years. It is soul crushing. With recent discussions with my wife about wage slavery and needing a job for money, I have fallen into a deep depression account it. My wife accepts it as necessary, but I still cannot mentally accept it. As much as I try to look on the bright side of work, I feel as I am a slave. I too wish I could be happy being used to make other people rich, but unfortunately I can’t. I would rather be poor and homeless than having to work another day.


It really irks me when people ask others what they do - with the expectation that the answer will be what that person does for work. What's even worse and truly saddening is when the answer starts with "I am a..." followed by their job title. People are so much more than their job, but for some reason we've been conditioned to make that the primary identifier.


I got fired from a mom and pop place after sweating blood there for two years. They promoted someone else to manager who then shitcanned me after I'd been the one running that place and training all the newbies.

I will never put myself in that position again. Never trust an employer.


I am so glad I found your channel. I have the same exact mindset. Your videos bring my solace in my struggles to break free from the leash around my neck. Thank you.


I am 23 years old and from Spain 🇪🇸. When I was 18/19, I decided to get a dual international degree in business in the USA and Spain. Well, when I was done, I came back to my country since I didn’t want to stay where they offered me the job; I wanted to escape this matrix and learn day trading. However, things went south and trading might be one of the most difficult skills to ever learn. Long story short, I found a graduate job in Amazon as a corporate low level manager. Well, 3 months later, I put my 4 weeks notice and quitted. That happened yesterday.

I am young, but I think that if you’re feeling like it’s all a trap, it’s because it may be.

Next step is to discover how to do things without feeling like I am swimming against the tide at a place where I do not belong.


I hope your channel grows and attracts more audience, wage slavery is surprisingly a topic that not too many people address despite it being the primary cause of most human suffering imo.


Tom, you remind me of the old free-thinkers of the Enlightenment. We need people like you in this age of wars, resurgent imperialism, and techno-serfdom.


My condolences to the pass of your father, I'm really sorry to hear that. I wish you health and energy to pass through the court, dear Tom.


In today's world most things remind me of the Milgrim experiment.


this needs to be shared not everyone will understand but for the few that do. There are others out there like you.


Plus 1/3 of my pay cheque goes to taxes.

My problem is the more you work; the more taxes you pay. Here in Canada.


This video speaks to me. I've been a retail manager for years now and I feel like lately corporations are getting so greedy and demanding so much from us that work is becoming unbearable. After the pandemic we are selling more than ever, we are making all of our goals prices on products are only going up and yet they are still cutting hours, cutting positions, and making us do the job or 3/4 people.
I've been struggling to get our of this line of work but where I live it's very difficult.


“it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair.

"Ignorance is bliss" can be said in many different ways.


I am not my job. I'm working on building my own podcast show and entering voice acting. I can't see myself working for companies and corporations anymore


Much appreciated! Love the path you’ve taken with your channel. You inspire me. Not only the subject matter but your creativity. Thank you.


I want to spend time with my parents, but the matrix tells them to tell me to just work my whole life. They don't even realize what they're doing.
