My Job Does Not Define Me

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“What do you do for a living?” is one of the first questions we get asked when meeting someone new. In our culture, we associate who we are with our jobs. In this video, I am sharing with you reasons why my job does not define me.

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-C O M E S A Y H I-

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-C A M E R A G E A R-

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Finally someone said it. "We do not have to justify our existence through our work". Thank you!


Personally, I love gardening, self care, cooking, writing, researching, reading, connecting with nature, dancing, art. I also love keeping my house clean, praying, spending time with others of like minds. I want to homestead with a family and community. I'm grateful for those who do provide services. There is too much to be done on the homefront. Being prepared at home is a work in and of itself.


I used to be so worried about finding a job that could become a career and I felt stressed and unworthy during that time. Now I am open to any opportunities and I know that nothing will last forever. I feel a lot happier now 😊


I am someone who transferred from being a university lecturer to working part time as a language teacher and ohh darling life really begins when you let go of your ambitions and start enjoying even the smallest pieces of what you have 😊


"Am I just reduced to what I do for a living?" This is the question which every person who is looking for meaning in life should ask.


Couldnt agree with this more! I recently resigned from a job that I had for almost a decade of my life, which half of the time was crushing my soul. I remember being completely burned out, emotionally wrecked and spiritually exhausted. I had a venting session with a close, wise friend about how awful I felt in my job and how I didnt know what I wanted to do but knew something had to give. She asked me simply, "Who are you without this title, this role, this institution?" My jaw dropped because I did not know. I simply didnt, the fear prevented me from even thinking past my current circumstances. I knew it was time for change. Change is scary. I am still figuring it out but I am healing in the process and reconnecting with my deepest self. I cant remain unemployed forever but while I am I am using the time to arm myself with radical self love and self respect.


You have a very clear understanding of what really matters most in this life.


This is a timely video. I'm struggling with anxiety at night whenever I think about a linear path I can pave and call my "career." I'm reminded to take it slow and breathe, just like your videos does to me. Thank you for this.


This is really something I needed to hear these days. I felt kind of stressed lately because everyone around me was taking big steps in their careers. I started to feel worthless but you just opened my eyes and made me realize that there are so much more things in life than a job 😊


I'm just crying the whole time. You're the answer to my prayer about my work life. I noticed myself living and working on auto-pilot now because of overthinking about my career. Thanks so much for this reminder that this isn't me.


This is what I try to tell my partner, whom hasn't been able to work for years, and frequently questions her self-worth over it. It really is over-rated. It's a means to an end, it shouldn't ever be the end itself. I've worked my entire life, because I have to to make ends meet, not because it's what I want to be. The "what I want to be" opportunities will probably never present themselves, just because of the family I'm from and what I was born into, and I've learnt to accept that. It's what I do with myself on my own time that defines who I'am, not what I do for work.


i love this.... i’m sick of that question ‘what do you do?’
regard should be given to those who are kind and inspiring not to those with high paid jobs, those people are often more sad, and unkind
i agree with what you said here xx


I am with her on that. High stressful jobs will lead to unhappiness. It is the society that teaches you the money that moves you to success. It is not true anymore. I realize that I need to follow my dream and my passion to be successful in the life that I love. Money will follow when you find your passion.


This happened to me, I lost a job last year and it was my identity, I am recovering and finding who I am beyond my work identity 🙂


I feel this so much! I grew so resentful of people asking me about work all the time- it just shows there's too many people who associate self-worth with that they do. I think too few people really end up developing themselves and their interests outside of work, and its something that I wish would change because we work to live not live to work!


So true. I went to see an older lady at a nursing home and what she said will always remain with me. She said, "I gave my life to the Veterans Hospital, and look where I ended up." She did not have a life beyond work. As I am aging, I am beginning to realize that work should not define me. People wear clothes with work emblems and I refuse to do the same.


“What do you like to do?” … has been my leading question for decades …


For me. I found my sole purpose in life with Jesus ❤️😍. He gaves me contentment.calmness and happiness that I cant explain.
You inspires me because of your simplicity, soft voice, and I love your skin color 😍❤️. God Bless you 😊


"why should i be proud or honored by something that give me burn out and drains my energy" 🤷‍♀


All we seem to care about nowadays is a person's social status, not who they are as a person. I think it's time we start valuing people as individuals rather than just their bank statements and job titles.
