How to be a husband, a wife, and a parent According to Scripture. Sukkot 2024 Day 1 - Lee Garner

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I love all the scripture references! I wish I had known all this to save my marriage 30 yrs ago and not have to raise 4 children alone. It took it's toll on my health and well being but I sacrificed much to be able to be there for them and not turn them over to daycare to raise.


You are right about asking for help. Unfortunately many of us single moms have had to depend on government help because the church has failed that command to help the poor and needy, the widows and the orphans. I literally did lay down my life, health happiness and dreams to raise my children in the fear and admonition of YAH while their father married a darwinist heathen that turned my children's hearts from YAHUAH Elohim and me! 😢


I'm glad you brought up the fact that divorce is the LAST option, and scriptually we are advised not to remarry while our ex is still alive. I have met Chrisrians who leave their spouse because 'they're not spiritual enough', and Torah observers who wont eat prawns, but have remarried. To me it's straining on a gnat and swallowing a camel, but Churches teach us to overlook it.


How do we teach a 1 year old that sometimes screams when she wants something like food but has to wait a little bit until it is ready?
