5 Roles of Biblical Husband

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5 Roles of Biblical Husband @vladhungrygen


“But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11vs3

Pursues God.
Pastors his home.


“Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.”Genesis 2vs15

“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1 Timothy 5vs8

Boys are cared by their mothers. Men provide for themselves. Mature men provide for their family.
Dreams don’t pay bills, diligent work does.


“But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5vs28

Stop the flirting.
Remember the grass is not greener.
Don’t hang out with the opposite sex alone.
Avoid talking about your personal life with the opposite sex.
Bounce your eyes.
Keep a fire in your fireplace.


“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” 1 Peter 3vs7

“…The word there is weaker, has to do with the way you handle highly valued material…” Tony Evans

Dwell with understanding with your wife means two things:
If you know what bothers her, don’t do it.
If you know what she likes, do it.

Women love process (men love goals)
Women love romance (men love sex)
Women need sensitivity (men love space)
Women when stressed become overwhelmed and emotionally involved (men become focused and withdrawn)
Women feel better by talking about the problem (men prefer solving it)


“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” Ephesians 5vs25

“That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.” Ephesians 5vs26

“For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.” Ephesians 5vs28

“Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.” Colossians 3vs 19

Show your wife love in five ways:
1. Buy her flowers and gifts (or let her buy gifts herself)
2. Spend time with her.
3. Do house chores.
4. Physically touch her without initiating sex.
5. Compliment her.

00:00 Intro
03:01 Leader
10:24 Laborer
22:38 Loyal
31:34 Learner
38:49 Lover
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Saved my marriage!!! 4 days ago my wife said she wasn't inlove with me anymore and wanted to separate. The next day I found this video. In only three day implementing the word my wife and I are feeling very different and are both fighting for our marriage.


Absolutely love it! I’m 19 and trying to become a biblical man!


Im a 17 year old boy, I have a girlfriend, im really greatfull that God led me to this sermon, I shall treat my girlfriend who I very much intend to marry with honor and respect, I will make sure she knows that she is a 20 cow woman, I am very much blessed pastor, May the good lord continue to bless your marriage


As a single man looking forward to marriage, I take all this advice not just one. Thank you Jesus!


It was time that a preacher male talks about the role of a husband instead of always takking of the role of a Godly woman. Women need this message of the role of a husband. It was about time.


I’m currently in a bad marriage situation due to my selfishness and ego. If I have watched this sermon earlier I may have avoided neglecting her emotional needs and caused so much hurt to her. I only now can pray to God to show me the way to heal this marriage and to heal her heart.

I will also learn to be a better husband through this sermon message


My husband really needs to see this message. Men and women of God please pray for our marriage 😞 14:10


Watched this as a single girl, praying to God my future husband comes across this 🙏🏽❤️


Your sermon completely changed how I look at marriage. My wife and I were about to get divorced, and I was so sure I was in the right. Your sermon has blessed me, thank God for you.


This is the first time in 40 years that I have heard an annointed Pastor reprimand men very specifically about spousal abuse. It's about time.
One can tell that your wife is happy and content. That alone makes me want to listen to more of your sermons. Thank you Pastor: you are both jewels. 🎉🎉🎉🎉👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽Barbara


I am a woman, and I am truly blessed to hear this sermon.
God bless you Pastor.


I’m about to get married in a few months and this sermon is a blessing to me.


10 minutes in & I’m in awe. This Pastor cuts no corners. He tells it like it is.


As a married woman this really blessed me. I recognise a lot of these qualities in my husband and it makes me appreciate him so much more


I am an unmarried woman but as you were ministering this, I felt the Lord Jesus Christ love for me and how valuable I am to Him. Thank you!


Yes, Lord! I want a man who can take charge! I'm sick of having been "the man" in my marriage...exhausting. God send me a real man under your headship, so I can be the woman you made me to be!


I’m not a husband but I’m going through a break up from a 3 year relationship and I can see things I could of done better . God bless brother this was amazing


To, anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now.
May clarity replaces confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. God bless you
♥️ ♥️


Enjoyed message so much. Left my husband after 37yrs recently. He is a narcissist and has verbally and mentally abused me. I always supported us and at times worked 2 jobs while he ran his own small engine repair shop. I went to church and took our 2 boys by myself. I can see clearly now I should have left sooner. I did everything for from cutting his toenails, setting up his meds scratching his back for hours every night etc just to have him call me fat and lazy and a wasted piece of skin. I feel so free now and such peace thanks to my boys for getting me out. Would love to have a husband like you described one day when I am healthier.


I'm so Glad I found this video. I've caused so much pain to my wife over the last 2 years. She finally asked for a divorce last week. She's been telling me about God this whole time and I wouldn't listen until now. I'm praying it's not to late. And I can save us.