The Dark Side of Ashwagandha

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Lucas Aoun @BoostYourBiology is Australia's leading biohacker, with over 7 years of experience researching and experimenting with nootropics and other performance enhancing compounds. Today he blows our minds with powerful supplements that we've never heard of for sexual health, cognitive function, weight loss and more.

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I've noticed a mild numb like sensation while taking ashwaganda. I'm usually an over stimulated person so I enjoy this side effect it makes me feel extremely calm and clear headed.


Ashwaganda is great when you have anxiety and trauma related issues. I have been calmer and feel a sense of peace since I started taking it. It definitely depends on the person and if they need this type of effect.


Having suffered from mental illness my whole life, the slight numbing of my most extreme emotions both positive and negative has been a welcome side effect of ashwaganda


Been taking it consistently for like 1.5+ years now. With a couple breaks of 2 months here and there. Never noticed anything like he described. Everyone is different though.


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I have definitely felt this with ashwaganda, I went to six flags and went on roller coasters I wouldn't have went on before and literally felt nothing and wasn't scared or thrilled on any of the rides. I felt like I had no emotions or fears.


I understand what these guys have to say but some of us have been living in fear and stress for so long feeling numb is like heaven to


I’ve been taking ashwaganda for about two years. I also noticed the same adverse effects. I was taking it first thing in the morning. I realized after a long time it was effecting my drive at the gym. I was too calm and had a very nonchalant attitude. So a few weeks ago I have decided to take it post workout. My focus and drive is much better when I workout.


I was on ssri’s and anti anxiety meds for about two years. Through therapy and medication I was able to get things somewhat back to normal. I now take a low 500mg of ash. on days in which I’m on a routine. If I have a day in which I’m traveling or doing something out of the ordinary I take more and it’s been working great for me as an anxiety medication replacement that I use as needed. I’m off all other medication.


To me this is a super power. The ability to detach from wherever and whatever I am doing is a advantage I cannot fully explain without explaining my entire life situation. Also there is a difference between not feeling excited, and not being able to get excited. Ive not found it hindered anything in the bedroom. SSRIs wreak absolute devastation, weight gain, no libido, low motivation, slowed metabolism, you name it. Lets not lump these together lest you turn a good thing away from someone who needs it.


Thanks for the video. I have used Ashwagandha for 6-8 months now. I am Retired Military and a Disable Combat Veteran ( PTSD, Anxiety, stress, etc) and it has been very helpful to me. It allows me to feel much more relaxed. I also do strength training, 6 days a week and I appear to recover faster and now I rarely get sore muscles.


So I am Indian (now in the US) and Ashwagandha is an Indian herb. It is actually prescribed to reduce depression and improve emotional regulation by ayurvedic doctors, in fact the negative(?) side effect mentioned here is the reason why its prescribed to Indian women who have trouble with emotional regulation. So I am not convinced that this is a negative effect. I take KSM 66 daily (600mg) and I like the detached and regulated feeling I get from it. I feel more composed. I think that a lot of people take it solely because of its t-boosting benefits, but there are other herbs for that. I think a lot of the criticism also stems from the fact that we live in an overstimulated world and we feel like we need a "hit" at all times.


I noticed a change in sex drive, and depressive symptoms. It was basically a desensitization. I could concentrate easily and stress was definitely reduced. Since I had already heard that it imbalances serotonin, I decided to supplement with DLPA. (DL-Phenylalanine) which breaks down into Tyrosone and L-Dopa, and Dopamine. What a game changer. It's like I went back to being a teenager. I became more happy, my sexual drive and desire and sensitivity to stimulus increased, and I became an overall more happy and optimistic person. I would strongly suggest DLPA for anyone using ashwaganda regularly. Start small, at 125mg daily for a week and see how it goes. For me, I don't need much and I didn't want to over do it to see a difference. Thanks so much for making others aware of things when taking these popular nootripics.


Ashwagandha made me soulless it was incredible. Meditation was easy and desired, exams and essays were as pressurising as spreading butter. I started enjoying serotonin activities a lot more like sitting in nature or playing with the dog. And going to the gym was easy


I've used ashwanganda recently because of my anxiety and panic attacks. I feel much better now, no attacks recently and less anxiety.


Have been taking ashwagandha for years. I started using it for anxiety & it works very well. It's one of the few supplements where I can actively tell whether I've been taking it or not, especially with morning anxiety. Its main mechanism of action, reducing the stress hormone cortisol, works best if you've already got a stressful life or have dealt with some serious trauma.


How is being less reactive and emotional a bad thing? Its only a bad thing for people who rely on their perceptions and emotions to rule their life. For people who want to domesticate their emotions and not be ruled by them, this seems like a godsend


I feel like people may not need the supplement and take it because it's a fad. What I'm finding from someone with childhood trauma and anxiety is it takes my highest highs and lowest lows and makes it more even. It doesn't make me feel emotionless. It quiets my inner voice and allows me to be more present.


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taking ash makes me not constantly think about suicide and all of my regrets and fears.
