Excel Magic Trick 1306: Simulate VLOOKUP Helper Column In Array Formula using T(IF({1},Array) Trick

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Learn how to create a formula that simulates a relationship between two tables (like a VLOOKUP Helper Column) to create a Regional Report. See array formula where we see VLOOKUP function and Exact Match to deliver an Array of Items using T(IF({1},Array) Trick.
Thanks to Bill Szysz and XLarium at YouTube and to this amazing blog:
Related Video: Excel Magic Trick 1085: How To Simulate VLOOKUP Helper Column In Array Formula (Number or Text)
Learn how to create a formula that simulates a relationship between two tables (like a VLOOKUP Helper Column) to create a Regional Report. See array formula where we see VLOOKUP function and Exact Match to deliver an Array of Items using T(IF({1},Array) Trick.
Thanks to Bill Szysz and XLarium at YouTube and to this amazing blog:
Related Video: Excel Magic Trick 1085: How To Simulate VLOOKUP Helper Column In Array Formula (Number or Text)
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