The Anthropology of Real Life NPCs

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The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
The Happiness Hypothesis by John Haidt
Debt by David Graeber
Conquest and Cultures by Thomas Sowell
Techniques and Civilization by Lewis Mumford
Seeing Like a State by James Scott
The History of Manners by Norbert Elias
The Bible by God
The Master and His Emissary by McGhilChrist
The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman
The Culture of Narcissism by Lasch
The Unabomber's Manifesto by Ted K.
Strategy by
Lost Connections by Johann Hari
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari
Regime Change by Deenan
The Coming Caesars by Amaury de Riencourt
The Growth Delusion by David Pilling
Empty Planet by Bricker
Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan
A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell
The Century of the Self by Adam Curtis
Pandora's box by Adam Curtis
Can't Get you out of my Head by Adam Curtis
Behave by Sapolsky
Who We Are and How we Got Here by David Reich
The Genetic Lottery by Harden
The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
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As an Irishman I’m proud to say my country was once a PVP zone before the server got shut down by English moderators


"I want to be different, just like everyone else." This is how my father describes modern American folk and culture.


My favorite NPCs are from California
They keep complaining how paroling the Mojave desert makes them wish for a Nuclear Winter.


"January 6th never happened"!? I haven't heard of this.

I have heard and believe that January 6th was not a coup attempt, just a protest and not historically significant. The only person killed was a protester shot by police. If the Right ever decides to make a coup attempt in the United States, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will be armed. These bozos who invaded the capitol building were unarmed. Trans and Palestinian protesters storm capitols all the time and we barely even hear about it on the news. So this has been blown way, way out of proportion.


I think life as a peasant was a lot less boring than you think. Summers spent outdoors working with friends, winters spent indoors making handicrafts with family. Socialization is one of the greatest time-passers because it is extremely complex, being the literal reason that we have such large brains.


I'm 40, one of the biggest disappointments in my life was realising that openness was a trait and not very common. Openness combined with intelligence is a curse. It means not only are you unhappy, but you know why, and that you have almost no agency to truly fix it.
edit: I guess I should qualify that I didn't mean I'm constantly miserable day to day and don't have friends. Just that you're aware of some of the fundamental issues with the world, but feel like it's too far gone to put right. I live quite well and can be happy, but it's in spite of reality rather than being ignorant to it.


there was this YouTuber (I forget the name and I'm still searching for it), who did a video on primitive society and anti-Natalism. He apparently found he wasn't happy with society in general. and marked it up to modern civilization being a problem for him. After talking with therapists he wasn't given much help in feeling any better, the best help he got came from a few who said he should try to live in a primitive society. He traveled across the country to join some kind of primitive commune thing in a national park. He hated it because the same problems were still present there, no connections, no identity, no autonomy. all this pooled with the fact he slept in the dirt and was exposed to the cold nights with minimal shelter. After returning home he'd made a bit of a realization about himself. He hated living primitive but enjoyed traveling from town to town working part-time for a little bit and then moving on.

He had more joy in the autonomy he had living in a car and working a job he could walk away from if he didn't like Than he ever did living primitive. He also talked about other stuff in the video, I've been searching for it for months now and can't find it.

Edit: someone found it. It was: Talkin'bouts - civilized to death.


One thing I noticed when I went to Papua New Guinea, one of the most undeveloped places left, is that the people who lived in isolated villages and straw huts surviving off the land were happy and cheerful to one another. Then you go to the big cities and notice it’s the opposite. That made me think for a while now that the pursuit of capital as a pathway for life satisfaction is an illusion set up by the system we live in. Sure you want to live comfortably, but past that material possessions mean nothing.


The Boomers went through all of this in the 60s.They just couldn't articulate it as well.

The sad thing is, eventually they chose the materialism in the end. The very thing they lamented against.


I remember my pastor in the 90s was telling us about modernity. He knew it would be soul crushing, people would on, y live to chase pleasure, and sin would be celebrated. He thought it would take 50-100 years, but we’ve been speedrunning it.


You showed a slide of a hospital where the administrators make millions, while a doctor starting out would make in the low to mid 100, 000’s with a tremendous student loan burden. My hospital was taken over by a larger hospital and they decided to kick all the physicians in my department out. You were then invited to apply for your own job, but I never got the courtesy of any response to my re-application. So I looked for another job and when I found it I was told I had to stay until the end of the year so as not to “burn any bridges”. I had a family to feed and did not want to risk being unemployed in the new year. I had worked in that place for 15 years and this was how they treated doctors. Like disposable commodities.


"Every layer of modern society treats you like a cog
you go to a bureaucratic school, you work in a giant company
you date through an app, you die in a retirement home."


When my family lived in an apartment, we had the cops called on us for our kids playing outside.
When we moved into a house in the burbs, the same exact thing happened again.
Now we live in the middle of nowhere with only two nearby neighbors and it's perfect


Memeology is not a serious field of study. Yet.


Man, I'm 35, you kids grew up in a totally different world than I grew up in. Shout out grad class of '06.


No matter the race. I could NEVER respect, or be friends with someone who hates or is ashamed of their race. Your race is apart of who you are as a person, and is 1 of the things i appreciate about you. Being ashamed of that in a way, diminishes some of the unique qualities (respect, self respect, and honor) i'd look for in a friend.


Bro you are one of the most unique perspectives on this app like no one else would think to post a video like this. thanks for being one of the best on here.


Must be really cool to watch the downfall of modern civilization being a historian
Also I think it's time to change the channel name to Whatifactualhist


The tragedy of human history is decreasing happiness in the face of increasing comforts


"I am not a gamer"

"I've only sunk thousands of hours into strategy games."

"I haven't played games with NPCs"

"I've played tons of Skyrim"

Dude, you ARE A GAMER.
