Should Christians Tithe?

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There have been a lot of false teachings about tithing, however, we can’t abandon giving altogether simply because certain people have misused it. We need to learn the Biblical truth about giving. So, what does the Bible really say about tithing?

UNLEARN the lies with Lex Meyer
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when i was widdowed, i had no help from my church, (i needed some emotional support, or someone to do things with my children occasionally, i was almost catatonic for 3yrs) so i gave to charities and not the church as i felt they were missing the point. ive moved since than


I have been searching out the Truth of Truths for 7 years now and I must say I’ve seen a Lot yet you my dear brother have brought my heart peace with the truth! Thank You!!


Well said. Thank you for sharing this. It's interesting how many times I have heard a teacher or preacher say that, if you do not tithe, you are stealing from God. (Malachi 3:8-12) But in the next breath, they will say that we must give cheerfully and not under compulsion. It's a contradiction. If I believe that not tithing is stealing from God, then I WILL give under compulsion to keep from being cursed.
We are to give as we have received and as we purpose in our hearts. There is no % under the New Covenant; we are free to give. There is blessing in being a free and cheerful giver.


Most of the Church remains largely ignorant. Notice how many times Paul exhorted us to NOT BE IGNORANT....


Thank you for this teaching. I have wrestled with this for sometime as I have given faithfully since my first pay check 20 yrs ago. I remember getting so upset by a Pastor complaining about how many times his been on holiday to a certain country. It angered me as the people in the community are poor they can't afford a weekend away let alone a destination country like this Pastor complained about. It really opened my eyes. There is a right way to give and that's what I plan to do


This is great .... I stopped tithing exactly 10% years ago and my wife and I started giving consistently and as much as we can which more times than not, we found, end up being more than 10%. We want to give because we love and appreciate everything, He has done for us. We now give with an absolutely thankful heart, period ... We did not want our recognition of what He has done for us (thankfulness) to be limited to or to be an exact number of 10% ... We almost felt like sticking to 10% exactly was like giving God a tip and it began to fill heartless or it was like paying a bill, almost mindless. We give as much as we can even when it sometimes feels uncomfortable which we believe is what the bible means to give sacrificially. We now give because He is the Lord of our Lives, and we want to give back to Him what really is His anyway. Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy.


All believers are commanded to spread the gospel, not just pastors.

Pastors are allowed an inheritance/ownership of land, so they aren’t like the levites.
Tithes were for the levites because they had no inheritance.


This has freed me from guilt. I have been poor according to man’s standards. I gave to the Lord all I had been given. I used my body to work hard in the church even while being sick. Thru cancer and other illnesses I made sure to bless the lord and the members of the church. I also gave as much money and foodstamps I could. However, I always was in guilt bc this wasn’t taught properly. Although, I was reading the word of God I still needed a teacher to help me understand but I have learned that some people don’t understand as well so we stay in ignorance.


I attended and was very involved in a church that taught the 10% + tithing rule. They didn’t enforce it outright, but they had a Christian school that you couldn’t send your children to unless you tithed along with the tuition. They said if you neglected to tithe from the gross of your pay you were robbing God. We were in poverty and after paying the tithe each pay we were often left with nothing to pay for our food, so we went to family to get food and started a tab at the corner store where they gave a a $50 limit. They were tough times. We had to scrape and go without while the church leaders had plenty and took summer vacations to the beach each year, etc. I struggled with giving with a cheerful heart, but I also gave my time and skills teaching Sunday school, along with many other helping ministries. Poverty caused trauma in my life since I had children and other challenging situations in my marriage to deal with too. I left that church long ago, but the scars remain. I’m here at your channel to continue on my journey of unlearning the false teachings. I trust no one. I rely on scripture to prove what is true, but the church I was at said the same. I learned this same thing that you’re teaching about tithes many years ago and people looked at me like I was somehow greedy, selfish or ignorant. I am a giver more than ever, but it’s not cash as much as my time, prayers, and love that I give. Giving takes many forms. I am cheerful about it now.


Giving should always come from the heart rather than doctrine.


It seems odd to me that preachers will say you MUST tithe because it is the LAW. They will point to the Old Testament and say, "This is God's law, so you had better pony up." Then, in their next sermon, they will preach that Paul tells us that if you adopt the Law, you have no part of grace. So if you circumcise your son because of the Law, you have no part of Grace. If you keep a kosher kitchen because of the Law, you have no part of Grace. But you'd BETTER keep the Law where tithing is concerned.


In ancient Israel, the concept of tithing was primarily related to agricultural produce and certain types of livestock, as outlined in the Torah (the Hebrew Bible). Tithes were typically given on crops, fruits, and specific animals, rather than on financial income as we understand it today. The main types of tithes, as previously mentioned, were the First Tithe, Second Tithe, and Poor Tithe, which were related to agricultural produce and were used to support the Levites, religious festivals, and the poor.

These tithes were a compulsory part of the Israelite religious law outlined in the Torah. The main types of tithes included:

First Tithe (Ma'aser Rishon):

Purpose: This tithe involved giving one-tenth (10%) of the annual agricultural produce, including grains, fruits, and livestock, to support the Levites.
Recipients: The Levites, who were a tribe in Israel dedicated to serving in the Temple and assisting the priests, received this tithe.
Second Tithe (Ma'aser Sheni):

Purpose: The second tithe was a separate tenth (10%) of the remaining agricultural produce after the first tithe had been given. It was set aside for use in a pilgrimage feast in Jerusalem.
Recipients: The second tithe was meant for the Israelite farmer and his family, and it was to be consumed by them in Jerusalem during certain religious festivals, such as Passover, Shavuot (Pentecost), and Sukkot (Tabernacles).
Poor Tithe (Ma'aser Ani or Ma'aser LePoor):

Purpose: Every third year, an additional tithe of one-tenth (10%) of the agricultural produce was set aside to support the poor, widows, orphans, and strangers (non-Israelites living among the Israelites).
Recipients: This tithe was distributed among those in need within the community.

The Tithe combines to 23.3% of your yearly harvest/life stock growth.

We have to keep in mind that ancient Israel had been a Theocracy. So whenever you read Tithe, replace the word with Tax (necessary to run the state) and you are closer to understand the origins.

Since the poor often did not have significant agricultural produce or surplus income, they were not expected to pay tithes in the same way as landowners or those with more resources. Instead, the tithing system in ancient Israel included provisions to ensure that the less fortunate members of the community received support through the Poor Tithe.

Whoever pushes you to pay Tithe nowadays and omits the purposes of of its usage, simply misuses it and is a false preacher.

Since the poor often did not have significant agricultural produce or surplus income, they were not expected to pay tithes in the same way as landowners or those with more resources. Instead, the tithing system in ancient Israel included provisions to ensure that the less fortunate members of the community received support through the Poor Tithe.

Kind regards from Nigeria, were peer pressure is widely used to collect Tithe from poor people and prosperity preaching is rampant.


Everyone’s a good speaker. And everybody is a liar when it comes to money.


You give what your heart feels. Today you might only have $5 but tomorrow you might have $10 to give.


The book of Malachi was addressed to the nation of Israel. It was a strong rebuke for failing to fully keep the law which included tithing. It is not applicable to NT church believers. As you said tithes were largely agricultural produce, hence the storehouse. Offerings were animal sacrifices. The PRINCIPLE of giving (with a cheerful heart) as stated in 2 Cor 9 is the standard for NT believers. Giving to God is not limited to giving to a church organization. Thank you for clarifying a very hotly disputed, divisive topic.


I have neglected my tithe, somewhat because of another teaching I had heard, (but the fault was my own) and I was asking the Lord to clear it up. I heard this and It did clear most of it up. One thing is to give also of your time to God. I’m still pondering that, but I do believe that this is correct. He will lead me. Thank you!


FIRST Pastor I've ever known to talk no nonsense TRUTH about tithing. Your ministry is a breath of fresh air Sir.


We should support those who preach the gospel. Most ministries and churches are preaching anything but the gospel.


thank you for the balanced message. Manipulation from pulpits makes people withhold and lose out on the blessings of giving cheerfully. This has been saved a s a favorite
