Not Sorry For Loving You | EPIC the musical | animatic

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Calypso they could never make me like you but DAMN your songs are bangers
also this took WAY longer than expected because I've been EXTREMELY sick the past two weeks :(

music by jorge rivera-herrans @JayHerrans
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I'm sorry Calypso You meet the one man in all of Greek Myth that loving his wife is his Fatal Flaw.


I really liked how you picture the different aspects of calypso, both the hurting lonely girl and the powerful goddess who doesn't realise/acknowledge she's hurting him


R.I.P Calypso, you would’ve loved character ai


God this is heartbreaking. I love this song for Calypso's manipulation, but I also do believe she's manipulative because she doesn't know how to be anything else. She really is feeling all these things, she's genuinely devastated, and you show that so perfectly. Absolutely perfectly.


The fact that Calypso looks so soft here hurts me because I know she’s being honest but what she did was so wrong so Odysseus not giving a SINGLE shit is amazing to me, his gaze being absolutely devoid of emotion even as he’s sailing away and you can tell he doesn’t regret leaving at all. Amazing animatic!!!


I love that this animatic leans into the emotional manipulation aspect. Not that I don't think Calypso isn't being honest here, but I've always got the impression that even if she's sincere, there's a lot of self-justification going on.
And Ody is having none of it. (My personal take is that Ody does feel somewhat sorry for Calypso and that he didn't hate every single moment with her, but that doesn't negate the fact that he's been A PRISONER. For 7 YEARS. It's just how human psychology works.)

Beautiful animatic, thank you for making it! 😊


Something that I’ve always thought about Calypso is that her story was tragic. She was sent to Ogygia and lived alone where she couldn’t even escape. The one time the gods let somebody into her care, it was somebody that she couldn’t have. She just wanted somebody to love and stay with her, but the only person who ever came to Ogygia was a married man. I know many people view her as manipulative, but she truly is a tragic character, and when I hear this song, I feel her emotions, and this animatic did a great job of showing her pain.


2:12 I LOVE THE WAY YOU DIDNT EVEN HAVE HIM TURN TO HER. This whole animatic is top tier ahhh!


He had suffering a lot with her.
Personally, when Calypso says: "Then I'm sorry my love is to much for you" I'm like: "Well, I'm sorry Ody didn't fall in love with you after the 7 years you got him kiddnaped in your isle, SO sorry" 💀
Poor Ody


3:00 I'm not gonna lie, The last scene with her left alone on the island made me so sad


0:29 Considering the fact Odysseus was the first hero to go to her island, it somehow explains why she doesn't really know how to socialize properly.


Odysseus not even bothering to look at her. Ody pulling away because _he’s finally free._ Calypso’s crazed facial expressions, while also being confused and sad.
Love this interpretation of the song.


2:30 I legit cried at the part when Calypso said I hate that i fell in love with you because i felt that! I FREAKIN FELT THAT!


Knowing calypsos lore and the fact that in most readings she ends her life after he leaves breaks my heart. She was essentially a child who’d grown up completely alone and didn’t know any better..


I love how you made it that he didn't even turn to look at her. The art. The colors, the designs. This animatic is incredible!@


Very telling how this whole thing is centered on Calypso emoting, with barely any focus on Odysseus or anything he feels. She's singing to him about him, but it's really all about her feeling sorry for herself. And Odysseus saying he loves her without even looking at her makes the words less a kindness and more twisting the knife. "Oh, here's what you hurt me to get...but oops, still not what you wanted and never will be, goodbye." Excellent interpretation of the song.


I saw the thumbnail and immediately knew this would SLAY!!!

As others have said, I appreciate you not having Odysseus look at her. If I am interpreting this correctly, while she is portrayed sympathetically, it is also reasonable to see why he would have no guilt over leaving her. Maybe he has some care for her as a fellow human being but cannot bear to empathize with someone that had such a negative impact on his life.


I absolutely love how you expressed these two; especially the more manipulative aspect of Calpyso. Even with showing her as a victim herself she herself became the abuser and harmed Odysseus even if unintentionally. And then Odysseus never even caring to spare a glance.
I know a lot of people say he says he loved her and means it but I don’t think he did. I think he literally said it either to be spiteful or because he that’s the only control he’s been able to have that entire time. That even through all the emotional abuse he’s been able to deny her the one thing she’s wanted. I just love how this is closer represented from Gigi’s official animatic from the livestream where were we he truly doesn’t care. Why say he loves her only to correct her? I think it’s just him getting that one jab in, and as he should.


2:47 Odysseus’ face just says “im done with you bruh” 😭


I love how this also takes in mind Calypsos side of things- like yeah she definitely wasn’t a great host/captor (understatement) but it also shows how she didn’t realize what she was doing was wrong- after all she’s never had another person to tell her otherwise and IS A GODDESS- she’s like a spoiled child who really wants to be nice but can’t handle not getting what she wants
