Watch the latest track for Tropical Storm Isaias

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Sam Champion has the latest tracking information as Tropical Storm Isaias moves into the Caribbean. Tropical Storm Isaias was battering Puerto Rico early Thursday with high winds and heavy rains, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Isaias was located about 100 miles (160 kilometers) west southwest of Ponce, Puerto Rico, and about 160 miles (257 kilometers) southeast of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

It had maximum sustained winds of 60 mph (96 kph) and was moving west northwest at 21 mph (33 kph). A west-northwestward to northwestward motion with some decrease in forward speed is expected over the next couple of days.

The center of Isaias will move over Hispaniola late Thursday and near the southeastern Bahamas by early Friday.


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If your wearing your mask and it gets wet from rain is that water boarding? Is it torture? Is it DANGEROUS? If it gets wet fron sweat is that dangerous?


How is West palm "kinda Ft. Lauderdale"? They are in two different counties and about an hour away from one another.


Come on Sissy bring me some rain!
S.W. Fla.


Praying for all and hope you will help share this very important Truth from Almighty God's Word:
"Time Has An End"
Time has an end, with much of God's word, the Bible, to comprehend, but most won't contend, and climate change won't mend; Global warming is God's final warning, as He is always in control, and He is our Weatherman (Isaiah 45, Nahum 1, Jeremiah 23....)Because of too much rebellion and sin, and wicked hearts within. (Jeremiah 7, Psalm 48, Romans 1-3...) God gave us His written word, originally in Hebrew and Greek, and called this book the Bible, to show us how to live and be; The Bible was written by holy men of old, many years ago, as God moved them through the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:21); And all scripture was written by inspiration of God, for us to be corrected, and reproved, by walking in His truth (2 Timothy 3:16, 17); We have a most loving, and merciful God, to be praised and obeyed, from the moment we arise, til we go to sleep at night, yet much of the world won’t take heed, and go their own way; (Psalm 113:3, Ezekiel 39, Jeremiah 12, Ephesians 5, Titus 3, 2 Timothy ) He is the King of kings, LORD of lords, He is our Savior, Creator of all, but most won't even acknowledge Him, and mock Him with much gall; We’re in the “Great Tribulation” now of Matthew 24, the LORD has opened up the seals (Revelation 5-22), so we can see truth more; In Daniel chapter 12 vs 9, God told Daniel the seals were closed til the end of time; If you study from Isaiah to the book of Malachi, hopefully you will see that this is all about the end times; Too many false gospels, signs and wonders, none have the truth, since God has allowed Satan to take his seat in the temple, and now rules, according to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 (2 Corinthians 11, Revelation 2, 3, 17-22)Judgment has begun on the house of God, in 1 Peter chapter 4, God is starting with the churches, and then to many more; (Ezekiel 9, Jeremiah 25...) God is our Faith, our Baptism, our LORD, and Father of all, and only He can save, not the pope, priest, you, or me, and none can come to Him, unless He draws, and only by His mercy; (John 6:44, 10:30, Ezekiel 36, Romans 1-9, 1 Timothy 2:5, Titus 3, Ephesians 1-5...)So as the days of Noah, because of too much sin, when the floods came, and took most everyone/thing away, except for the animals on ark, and Noah's family of eight, So shall our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ (both the same), come and destroy this earth with fire on the dreadful Judgment Day, with only a remnant saved (Isaiah 1, 10, 11, Jeremiah 23, 31, Ezekiel 6, Joel 2, Malachi 4, Romans 9, 11, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, Revelation  11, 12, 18-22….), and He alone is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2);Please come soon LORD Jesus, please come soon, let Satan and sin no longer rule, for many are suffering, more and more each day, especially the children, LORD we pray; Please come soon dear LORD, please come save (Revelation 18-22)

Thank you for listening, may God bless, and keep you always!


Plz some one tell me am in Jamaica can we expect any rain from the system




Who is naming these storms... is it named after the person who saw it first?? Cause 🤬 her!


WHo choose there warning/watch colors. Theyre so similar and follow no convention


Good, just in time when Dotard is coming to Doral. hope it rains cats and dogs.


gotta be the worst name for a storm ever


Dr. Fauci says to wear your eye goggles!
