I'm a Sociopath. Ask Me Anything.

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We believe in the power of empathy for human good. Ultimately, we aim to inspire people to EMBRACE EMPATHY.



0:00 intro
0:34 questions start
8:18 meet

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I’m Greg’s wife. 😊

I think it’s also important to note that ASPD is a spectrum. Not everyone’s journey will look like Greg’s. He put a lot of work in to be where he’s at, and I’m beyond proud of him. I think a lot of people with ASPD could also see improvements like Greg, but they don’t have the awareness that their thoughts & actions are creating their chaotic life.

Just know, you can’t change someone with ASPD. It’s an inside job. We don’t advise you wait around for them to “get better”. They need to do that on their own. Greg and I broke up for 6 years from age 22 to 28. In that time, I found recovery and learned how to be more assertive and have boundaries. He, on the other hand, was in & out of jail and ended up doing a 3 year prison bid. That bid is where he got diagnosed & later entered therapy. We reconnected once he got out, but even then we still had some growing up to do.

All we ask is that you learn to love yourself first. We believe everyone is innately worthy of love. There’s some older videos on my channel about ASPD, but I’m not Jubilee so don’t expect high quality haha.


We need “I’m a pathological liar. Ask me anything”


I love how they portrayed this genuinely as a disorder. He stated he always felt like something was wrong and had a desire to be different. Once he got his diagnosis he makes a conscious effort to do better. People with these disorders deserve support and compassion, not fear and exclusion


Hearing him talk about wanting better for his son was actually super heartwarming


I’m proud of him for turning his life around. Sending love to him and his family


I'm a mental health professional and it's crazy to me how much people get "disappointed" when real life sociopaths aren't like the scary ones they read in books, listen to on Spotify, or watch in their 8000 crime shows. Most "real ones" act pretty ordinary but their view on the social interactions is different given their lower level of emotion, empathy, and general interest in the interaction beyond what they can get out of it (transactional social interactions). Avoiding prison becomes the main reason to lay low and try to control impulses with mixed results. Many get into drugs and alcohol or feckless activities in order to "feel" something because their emotions are muted. Props to his wife for sticking by him as I'm sure it wasn't easy but it seems like he wants what's best for his son and to not have the ASPD develop as severely in his son, by trying to control the environment (which helps lessen severity of personality disorders).


"I have to do everything I can with his environment to overcome his genetics" bro that line hits hard af if i can imagine what he's gone through


I admire his bravery. His answers were very honest, personal and raw. It didn’t look easy at all.


The word “manipulate” has a bad connotation but I think what he says is so true how we are often manipulating someone to some degree to get something out of a situation no matter how innocent. Sometimes we’re not even aware we’re doing it.


"I've learned how to not destroy my life by accident". What a powerful sentence. Honestly I feel like healing from any mental illness is like that. You never truly get rid of the disease. But you learn how to manage it enough to not constantly be in your own way. There is no "fixing" or "curing". Only revising, and learning how to cope with it.


He seems like a sweet person with some disconnect. But the fact that he’s working on it not only for himself but others proves that he is, deep down. A sweet person.


His self awareness is insane. I haven't even seen completely/mostly sane people with this level of awareness of their actions and how they impact others.

Edit: Just to be clear, I did not mean to imply that anyone who is mentally ill is insane. Sane is defined as "(of a person) of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill." Hence, there was nothing incorrect with what I said linguistically. 'Insane' was used for exaggeration not to insinuate the aforementioned. 

Also while most of the remarks were valid, others were not and you should understand that not everyone will censor their speech in order to suit your needs. While I can recognize it was inappropriate to state that someone was a Karen, a few of you were clearly projecting your own issues which was not appropriate either. However, I do apologize if I was offensive, so we can perhaps end this petty argument.


3:02 i agree with that part. We always get something from our relationships and that doesn't have to mean being selfish, it's just the nature of it.


My younger son was diagnosed with AsPD. I see so many similarities between him and Greg. The risk taking, impulsive actions, and what appears to be limited expression of emotion. He's a very kind, warm, affectionate person, but he doesn't connect with others on deeper levels most times. As far back as I can remember, he has rarely exhibited fear or grief, even as a young child. He's now in college pursuing his masters in psychology, so he can be a therapist for veterans. I can honestly say, I did not expect this plot twist from him, and am pleasantly surprised by his choices.


I relate to this guy so much. I don't think I'm a sociopath but due to my neurodivergency I've always struggled with empathy to the point that anyone else who saw inside my head would probably consider me a sociopath. Many of the points that he makes really resonated deep with me, especially the one about how everyone has manipulated someone at some point in their life. To many, the idea of manipulating others seems like an absolutely terrible thing that only a monster would do, but in reality they probably do it themselves without realizing it.


My dad is a diagnosed sociopath. The whole irresponsible and impulsive is spot on. Most sociopaths aren't violent. My dad was occasionally.


I like how Greg knows what he needs. When he said "I don't like being told what to do. I require gentle guidance." It amazes me how truthful he is and he's really trying to be in touch with his emotions and needs.


“There’s huge genetic component to sociopathy, and the other half of that is your environment so I have to do everything I can with his environment to overcome his genetics”. That was very heart warming to hear


This was really well handled! I was worried going into this video that it would be “he’s a sociopath let’s assume he’s scary and ask him scary questions like he’s a monster, ” but it was more conversational and he handled it extremely maturely. Big respect to you, Greg.


You gotta appreciate this guy putting himself out there and admitting to his flaws.
