Hearing Voices Dream Meaning - Symbolism and Biblical Interpretations

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#Voicesdream #hearingvoice #dreamdictionary #evangelistjoshuatv

Hearing a voice in the dream can have a variety of meanings. They can be positve and negative omen. For example, if you hear a voice of warning in the dream, it came to warn you of certain things. If the voice came to direct you, encourage you, guide you, and reveal things to you, then you need to pay attentively to what people are saying and try to follow suite.

However, if you hear a strange voice that scares you, then know that someone is speaking ill of you.The voice might came to confuse you , deceive you and afflict you. When you notice that you are no longer comfortable with the voice, then you need to silence and neutralize its effect upon your life by the blood of Jesus. I declare peace in your life.
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I heard a small voice telling me I will take you out of Egypt, another one told me I will bless you weather your enemies likes it or not, the voice of God is very calm peaceful and small if you’re not attentive in the spirit you can miss it


God bless you sir. I always make a search of every of my dreams, and you say it all


The voice that speaks to me was very powerful for me to understand it but my heart say to me it's the voice of God


Pastor, I heard a double-knock, twice (so, 4 knocks), like someone knocking a door, in my dream. It was definitely in my dream, as where I was in my house sleeping I wouldn't have heard my front door especially not in the middle of the night.


I dream that I was being told that I am being given power


Praise GOD evangelist Joshua? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I have a problem of don't remember my dreams


Last night I heard multiple voices in my dream. I was asking who is speaking. My ears were opening and it seemed voices were clear.


Shalom Man of God have dreamt that someone is calling me but it was evening like he was calling be beautiful like three times then I wake up second time same same voice called me again after some weeks calling me MOTHER same same time in the evening and if I wake up I feel someone around me but the first time I saw the image of a man wearing black blazer and around hat but he was not looking at me he was looking down 🙏🙏


I heard a voice today in my dream tell me that "They tried to steal something from you" What does this mean please Evang Joshua? I think it was the voice of the Lord telling me God had stopped the enemy from stealing my breakthrough which I am expecting. Praise be to the Lord Hallelujah Amen


I heard a voice of someone that I know lying against me telling someone what I didn't do, so I mentioned the person name and told her that since she is lying against me of what I didn't do that she will never find peace.


Someone was saying god to me in my dreams the other day


I saw that I boarded a motorcycle heading to somewhere and the motorcyclist was on speed and we got to a point where there was a long dirty river like a flood and the bike man wanted to pass on it with a high speed. So I challenged him that he should not pass there and he said if I can just trust him within few seconds we would get to the other side but I was too afraid to follow him so I alighted and I saw two women and I was telling them 'its not easy to die'.

It's seems that's the only way to get to the other side in that dream.

The motorcyclist in that dream is someone I know in real life and he is an okada man.

Waiting for your response and guidance sir.

Thanks and God bless you sir.


a our ago i did hear my son calling me mom he is 26 now i wasnt asleep when i hear, i was full of chills and very confused, he is not staying with me 😢😢


I dreamed last night I was listening to myself (thinking) I was questioning if I was pregnant but I've haven't been intimate with a man in years....


I heard a voice saying I'm born for a purpose


I just had a dream and the person asking me when will I come and I said on the 25th of December I don't know the meaning I am worried and scared of this because I have no journey to make on 25th December


Pls sir I had a dream and a man that represent my uncle brought bag to me with over ripe fruit. Plantain, pawpaw and pear


a year ago i dreamt of hearing someone telling me that I'll die in 2025 🗣️I rebuke it in Jesus name please people of God remember me in your prayers 🙏🇿🇲🇿🇲it was really a very bad voice like that of a ghost 👻 it was a nightmare i was very scared it's stuck in my mind till date


What is the meaning when u hear a voice above asking me what I want


I heard in my dream the loud echoing voice said to me FISHERMEN.
