Hearing Your Name Called and Nobody Is There? Find Out What It Means!

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Has this happened to you? You hear someone call your name... But when you look to see who is calling you, no one's there!?

I've been getting requests to talk about what it means when Hearing Your Name Called and Nobody Is There...

And then when this happened to me laying in bed this morning I knew it was time to make this video!

Find out what this really means now when you're hearing your name!

We dive into a psychological as well as a metaphysical explanation of this so be sure to watch the whole video! :)

Ready for more?


Transcript here:

Hey Melanie Beckler here and today I want to talk about what it means when you hear your name and no one's there. So before we dive into this, take a quick moment to comment below and let me know if you've experienced this. You can just comment with a quick yes or no. Have you heard your name? And then no one is actually there. So my understanding is that this is a relatively common phenomenon. Scientifically, this has been measured and looked at and from a scientific perspective, there is not a correlation between hearing your name and experiencing mental health issues. So even scientifically, this is considered to be relatively normal from a psychological perspective. Hearing your name is said to be a sort of auditory memory that your brain is replaying. And this happens most often as you're falling asleep right after you wake up in the morning when you're in that hypnogogic state between waking reality and the dream world and realm of the subconscious mind.

So although there is a scientific explanation for this in many cases when you hear your name and no one's there, there is a metaphysical connection as well. So naturally. That's what I want to really dive into in this video. So what does that mean when you hear your name? This actually just happened to me this morning and I had been thinking about making this video for a while. Multiple people have asked me for this video and then it happened this morning. So I was like, okay, it's time to make the video. So first and foremost, your name is a symbol of your identity. It's a symbol of who you are within the physical realm. When someone calls your name, you can't help but turn and look and see who's there. So this in and of itself shows why spiritual beings would call out your name. It's because it gets your attention.

So if you hear your name being called, the most common metaphysical reason for this happening is because a loved one in spirit of guide or angel or even your higher self. The higher embodied spirit of you is reaching out with a message, with guidance just to offer validation and a reminder that there with you when you hear your name and recognize it's coming from outside of the norm, that someone's not actually, they're calling out your name. I want to remind you that you have the ability to shift your awareness within to find the space between your thoughts and just be and breathe and don't try to make anything happen, but become open and receptive to what else may be there for you in spirit. Because hearing your name, you are effectively tapping into the realm of spirit, through clear audience, through your throat Chakra Center, the ability to hear in spirit and to receive messages of guidance.

So hearing your name is the entrance point, but then when you get calm, still focus within again, this most often happens as you're drifting off to sleep or right when you wake up in the morning. So before you get up, before you sit up in bed and look around, just take a moment to really relax back in to that hypnagogic state, that state of almost sleeping but still retaining consciousness and scan around your room and noticed you perceive any different quality of energy in your space. Perhaps you notice an incredible light. Tune into that. That's often how angels are higher. Spiritual beings will alert you to their presence. Their energy signature is light. If you tune into something that's really weird or honestly, if you get freaked out or scared, call in Archangel Michael to surround you with light, to protect you, to release any negative beings or attachments or earthbound energies into the light and to fill your space with love, light and peace...

Melanie is wearing Moss Agate Earrings and an Indigo Gabbro Pendant in this video.

Рекомендации по теме

I’ve heard my name while I was wide awake.


I would assume that all the people watching this has had this happen to them cause we wouldn't be here if it didn't


If I get scared I am not going to call on archangle Michael. I am going to call on JESUS! Amen.


I doubt anyone will see this commwnt on this video as its pretty old but, as a child I used to hear my name all the time when no one was around. Now that I'm grown I find myself being woken up to my name when I need to be awake at that very moment. I can't explain how grateful I've been to have these experiences. Usually it's my mother's voice and it's comforting to feel she's still helping me from the other side


One time I was sleeping and I randomly woke up to someone calling my name....


Yes, several times. It is loud and clear. Thought I was going off my rocker. I hear it during the day.


I was on a cruise ship with my family on a holiday as we both went into our station room, went to bed and heard a loved one calling my name twice. I got up and sat up for awhile and looked at my husband woke him up saying I heard my sister voice calling out to me, we both prayed over it ...


Yes. At my husband's grandmother's funeral. Clear as a bell. Turned to find no one there.


I hear my name called from family members that are still alive.


Yes and I say “yes” but no one answers, I ask everyone if they called me but they say “no”.


My son is 12 years old but has been hearing his name for years now and I never know what advice to give him. Thank you for this message 🙏🏻


I was walking, I heard somebody called my name. It happen to be more than once.


I was laying on bed and I closed my eyes, a few seconds later loudly somebody calls my name, but I could tell it was in my head. I instantly opened my eyes and my heart was beating fast. It’s almost as if it was whispered into my ear too.


I hear someone lightly whisper “Heather” in my ear when I’m alone... It happened as a child, it was loud. Now it’s a whisper. I always say “I hear you.” I wish I knew who it was!


Yes (a woman's voice) Thank you! I believe I know what they are telling me 🙏🏼🌠💓


Yes my son was calling mom, mom, mom and more urgently mom! I had to call both my adult sons to make sure they are ok. I woke them but they are ok. I know I heard it.


I’ve just experienced this and that’s why I’m here 🔮


Once I was sleeping I woke up to someone shouting my name in my head I realized I was already 20 min late for school the angels were nagging me 😇


Happened to me before waking up. I was in a middle of a dream when suddenly someone just called out my name softly (not whisper, not in my ear). Then I woke up. It was a female voice, not sure if i know her but really felt reassuring. The dream just suddenly stopped/paused when I heard the voice, like she was trying to get my attention. ❤️


Hi Melanie call melt thank you for making this video. I’ve been hearing my name called for several months now, and it’s both from a male voice and a female voice. The female voice is consistent, the same voice every time, and the male varies. Hearing this has become more and more frequent, and it’s not only when I wake up but rather seems more active when it gets later in the day, at night it’s most active but it does happen throughout the day. I half to admit that the female voice does appear to be benevolent and as if it means to help me, as a guide. The masculine voices can be somewhat aggressive and I feel a negative energy in their intent.
They do speak more than my name as well. The female voice I said several times that she loves me, and sometimes she seems to be warning me, I caught her saying watch out or don’t look at them, but it’s hard to hear everything that they’re saying because it often happens when there’s a source of white noise, but not every time.
I’ve captured this happening on both the video from the surveillance camera at the back of my house and by shooting video on my phone. Very easy to hear my name, but it’s more difficult to hear what else they’re saying but they are saying something.
Any words of wisdom would be very much appreciated, thank you.
