4 TIPS: When to reach out for Professional mental health help? | Kati Morton

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I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
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'I gotta call [insert name of therapist] and get back to therapy,
because... shit's not good'

Made me laugh Kati, because it's so true!!! Thanks for being so honest.


I answered yes to them all, but this has been happening for so long I don't remember how I normally function


I hear the "does it impair with your regular activities" question a lot - and I've always thought that it was one of the criteria for diagnosis and treatment according to the DSM. I consider myself a very disciplined person, and so even though often I can get anxious or depressed where I don't want to do anything, but I'm still able to make myself get up and do stuff. Does this mean that my mental health is still in a normal range? Or is it possible for some people to be more resilient against the social, academic, and work-life effects of mental illness?


I'm back in therapy now, thanks to Kati's videos! I had no idea what CBT was until I began watching Kati's videos in November 2015. (Very recently) I saw my GP, and we both thought it would work great for me. I've had 4 sessions and it has already helped Meds are still the same, but with the CBT, I'm feeling better. No, I'm not "cured, " but I finally feel like I'm improving instead of feeling the same. I'm fortunate that I've always had good experiences with therapists in the past, and my current one is going well too. I know it's not the same for all, but finding the right fit is totally worth it. My therapist isn't covered by my insurance, but it's worth the investment.

When I met my therapist, she asked what brought me back to therapy after many years...I told her "Kati Morton on YouTube!" Thank you, Kati! xoxo


I had my first assessment of CBT a couple of weeks ago and I'm now waiting to hear for my 1st appointment. I'm actually excited, and I'm documenting it on my channel as I go, because too many people are afraid to speak, and I want to encourage people to know its not a weakness to talk, it's all about self progression 😁


If you're younger, you'd need to tell your parents. But what would you do if you're parents believe you're " too young " to be dealing with such issues or " never looks like it "?

i don't quite know what i'm saying.. sorry.


Kati I have just started Trauma therapy, it's the hardest thing I have ever done. I am hoping though that will be worth it and finally free myself from the nightmares. Thank you for all your videos and inspiring me to get help. I had a long wait but It worth it! I AM worth it!


Number one, definitely. I still have not gotten help but I plan to tell my school what's going on soon now that I am 17 and I can.


Ah wow, thank you, Kati, this was really helpful. I didn't know the extent of how 'bad' my mental state should be before I seek help. this was really great.


Where was this video before now in my life?! I finally got to the point last month where I decided that yes I definitely need help, but with this video? I know I'd have got there far sooner. So... thank you. Thank you for helping me to justify my decision to get help and for anyone else that you're helping with this information.


I'm so glad you made this video Kati! I know waaay too many people who are afraid to go because they think "my problems aren't bad enough" and I think- don't wait till they ARE bad enough!! I wish with all my heart I would have started therapy sooner!! love you and your videos, you have inspired me more than you'll ever know! Thank you ♡


Got my first therapy session on Thursday, I'm nervous but hopefully it'll help


I am so glad I found this channel! I have dealt with depression for many years, and recently went back into therapy after several years doing ok. My therapist is great! She does DBT - that's how I first met her. Very tough, but very good. I just found your channel yesterday, and have been watching your videos ever since. I would say they're a great distraction, but they make me think too much. 😵😨 Thank you for doing this!


I need help real bad. I can’t even tell my family. I have social anxiety and depression


LOVED this Kati! I really love that you share a bit of your personal self..makes it so much more comforting. I have to tell you I go back to see my therapist in two days. I haven't seen him since I was pregnant with Zander! Anyways...I have never fully opened up. I can't tell you how much I hate hearing him type as I talk..I don't want to change a new doc because he is the only one Ive seen..any ideas? Much love


hey kati, im a psychologist form mexico. I love your work in youtube and i read your workbooks for new activities for my job.
I would love to see a woorkbook for adictions in the furute, or something for the proffesionals in mental health.
Anyways tanks for everything and cogratulations.
Pd. Sorry for my english, im working on it.


absolutely love your videos. I don't know if u saw comment on the 5 myths of depression but u have helped my friends and I so much thank you!!!! hope u never stop helping people!


Also YAS to all of this! This is me now! On March 17th, I saw my psychiatrist and therapist for the first time in months due to transportation barriers. On March 15th at 4:00 pm, I lost my baby girl, my princess, my Maria kitty. She passed in my arms in her sleep laying next to me in my hospital bed. She'd become very suddenly ill in just 3 days. She'd just recently beaten a bladder infection and seemed to back to her spunky happy self. Prior to the infection my 6 1/2 year old British Blue/Persian had never been sick a day in her life. I adopted her from a trailer park when she was 6 weeks on September 9, 2009. She'd been the runt of her litter and was always small but her spirit was bigger than life itself. I've had many a fur babies in my life, but none of them had trained themselves to be my service animal. This cat followed me everywhere, got me up in the morning, laid with me during migraines, licked me or rubbed up against me until she pulled me out of flashbacks, panic attacks, and dissociative episodes, rode on my wheelchair, instinctively kneaded my Cerebral Palsy Lymphedema legs to massage them and relieve pain and shared my food with me. I did not train her to do ANY of this. She just did. She just knew. I prayed for a cat, a pet. But what God gave me was so much more. He gave me a best friend, a divinely trained service animal and an angel with fur. Her collar is hooked onto my chair under the spot where she always sat. I had a new pet name tag engraved and wear it as a bracelet. The bracelet is actually a cat collar.


Thanks for this. I’m pretty sure I’ve been on or past an edge lately. And I see how it affects my husband and kids - and that in itself is so disheartening that it begins to feel tougher to bounce back and break it up when it comes to negativity. Yikes! With so many resources available these days, I really have no excuse. Dho! Today is the day. Cheers and good on you for all your hard work.


The one thing i'm always scared of is crying... It's not crying itself that i'm scared of since it's good to cry and get emotions out, but when I cry I literally can't speak at all. I'm going to my second appointment tomorrow and i'm so anxious/scared that i'll turn into an inconsolable mess and can't get my thoughts and feelings out to my social worker because i'm too busy crying to even be able to speak. Argh, hopefully it'll all be okay though! :)
