DARIUS is NOT a good champion 😤

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very accurate analysis (i'm currently hardstuck GM darius main) -- this champ is so limited when facing enemy comp that can aggro pingpong; for low elo darius players, I think he's still useful up to low masters by abusing hullbreaker and splitpushing, drawing 2-3 to you


Blindpicking Darius is suicide these days


Now I know for sure you actually know what you're talking about. Respect


It’s kind of like playing trundle. You can be super fed coming out of lane then just can’t actually catch/ or stick to anyone. Just get kited and they run away


Mastery 7 Darius low/mid elo(hover around low plat); He is very much an all or nothing champ that can still lose all in’s in mid to late. If he gets the extended trade and passive he can win fights single handedly. If he gets poked low or has no summs it is very hard to do anything.


I know, I mained Darius last split to high Diamond, but right now he feels just so weak. If you don't have ghost or flash up, or have the proper team AND enemy comp, he feels so incredibly weak.
It feels like he can't carry as a fed top lane if there's a fed botlane.


Id argue you need 3 champs that you can jump on. Lol


I have 3.8MILLION mastery on Darius in NA and i can safely say he's being held back because his weaknesses are so honest that he's easy to shutdown.
Ranged top? You're useless.
Too much CC to 5stack frontline before you get to backline? You're useless
Don't have ghost and flash up? You're useless.
Your reset was denied because barrier, shieldbow, locket, or any other shield came in?
You're useless.
He can't even really sidelane because other skirmishers will kill you way faster than you can get 5 stacks or they have the mobility ro take short trades and back out before you get 5 stacks and kill you on a re-engage.


True, though the pentakill Potential and the early of this Dude is crazy. Cant think of any Champion that He doesnt stat Check early...


Yes bro, I start to build, hullbreaker, DMP, Force of Nature and BoRK for being more fasty


as a camille player, darius is a really unreliable carry. The match-ups he wins in lane outscale him like crazy and without ghost he's useless, and these are only two things that make him unreliable.


I think returning his passive movespeed per bleed would do wonders for him in teamfights where he struggles the most.


Yeah but he still bullies lanes way to fucking hard


The thing about daruis is that he just has no tank mechanic so if a midlaner is fed or a nidalee is fed he will oneshot you and you cant do much about it and if botlane is fed then just forget about carrying cuz you have no tools to get in enmay range and no mobilty so you will get killed befor you can enter adc range he is played more like an anti carry get fed then kill everyone that has a chance to carry until you get all drakes and auto win


Op champions should have:
1. Dash
2. CC or hard CC
3. Strong damage
4. Good at team fight or obj fight

Ex) Renek, Poppy, camille and Gragas


yeah that fact that u have to play ghost is really sad for me


Have u guys ever watch XiaoChaoMeng play darius ? The champion not weak. u guys weak


Im currently rank 1 KR Darius, T1 substitute and this couldnt be any more accurate


True. Instead of giving him more damage they could easily give him some ms and tenacity + maybe his w has an option to do a sort of stridebreaker dash forward. You deal 75% of the W damage in an area after charging up for 1 second ( like Panth Q which has melee and range mode). His hook could use some range buffs because 525 hook range in 2024 when everything has dashes, ms buffs, adc items give 7 % ms for no reason, is just absurdly low. 525 hook range might have been ok in 2015 or 2016 but these days Dar needs ms, tenacity, a dash ( W if you charge it) and more range. Then he can keep up with all the other shit. Same goes for Garen, Sett( more ms on Q maybe). Illaoi could have the option of pulling both herself and the enemy closer, instead of just ripping their souls out. There is a way to make all juggernauts slighly more mobile. A bit of ms, tenacity and 1 dash spell will not change that much.


When he's op, it's a nightmare. I prefer Garen.
