Character Modeling for Beginners (Blender Tutorial)

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In this beginner Blender tutorial I will show you the basics of character modeling. We will be modeling this basic human character.

● Download the Free Modeling Reference Images:

● Purchase the Finished Rigged Character:
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#ryankingart #blendertutorial #blender
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This tutorial by far is the best true beginner tutorial for blender. I like that you show things step by step (along with the keyboard shortcuts) and how you can follow along to really familiarize yourself with the program.


This guy is massively underrated. I wish you had more recognition for the amount of skill you have and the help you give to people.


I recently finished my first full donut, started learning about camera movement, and animation. There is so much to learn and it continuously makes me excited. I wish I had started messing with Blender like 5-10 years ago. But, I'm 37 and I can't change that. Time to get to work before I die lol. Thank you for all the awesome tutorials. It's crazy how much you know about Blender. I forget most of each tutorial far too quickly.


Thanks! Much appreciated showing us this stuff!


I like watching these beginner tutorials after becoming proficient in the program, makes me appreciate creators like you that much more💯


Thank you so much! I've been wanting to get into blender character designing and had no idea where to start, other tutorials seemed too difficult and were too overwhelming, but you kept it simple and to the point. (I only messed up on a few places but I think mine still turned out great!) And thank you for sparking my interest to dive deeper into what blender has to offer!


This guy's actually the goat. This was so helpful thank you


Like others said below this is my first attempt at another tutorial after the donut one. My body is less organic looking but at least it looks like a person! Thanks for the tutorial! One step closer and a few more things learned.


Thanks for the video, really appreciate it :)
Also for those trying to follow this video in blender 4.2 version or higher, you have to turn on the the "Loop Tools" in "Get Extensions" tab instead of Add-ons and click install.


27:47 if you, like me, can‘t see the vertices due to the head: you can also go out of top view, and move the vertices in just x and y directions using G then shift and Z. This means, that you’re moving in all directions except Z


Ok, I tipped you and I'm only 10 seconds in. I already learned stuff, and I'm sure all your videos are going to help. Omw over to patreon next to support you. Holy geez I'm in over my head on Blender. I'm creating a 7 piece demoness (head, arms, etc) and I figured out how to import everything, but that's about it lol. You were the first how to video I can actually follow.


I really, really liked the pace of your narration through this tutorial. I have no complaints about any other folks that submit tutorials like this but sometimes a person kind of speeds up and it's hard to follow. BUT that's what the pause and rewind button are for. Thanks Again!!!


Just learning blender and your tutorials are awesome. Easy to follow, clear and i feel as if i have learned a lot from each one. Even when things dont quite work right for me it is usually because i have misseda step. Great job dude keep it up


Thank you for the tutorial! I actually created my own reference image when I started to watch this - I had a unique character in mind who I wanted to model! I have a small amount of prior experience, but I didn't know where to begin or how to properly and effectively model the character. So this video took me step by step to create the foundation - and with each step connecting the dots between your tutorial character and my own - which I would then refine upon and take to a more detailed stage. Very easy to understand and just the stepping stone I needed!


This is honestly the best tutorial I've ran into. Really simplified a lot of trouble I was having trying to figure out stuff on my own. You go through it fast and explain everything and it helps keep me engaged. Also I highly appreciate you telling us the macros :)


Absolutely fabulous! Like pretty much all the commenters have said - that was brilliant communicating the how-to's, detailed steps and fun to follow. Now I'm gunna make me a chicken :)


bro doesn't know how much this helps me


Thanks for making it so didactic and understandable for those new to Blender, it helped me a lot to see this video <33


i just cant say thank you enough times, everytime i come here i leave with more confidence. Thank you brother.


19:50 - I have never seen those options before! Other than in this video.. Absolutely life saving.
